Expert Tips The Block

Win tickets to meet Trixie & Johnno at Brisbane Home Show next weekend

Known for contemporary, European-inspired style, Freedom Kitchens is showcasing the latest in Australian kitchen design at the Brisbane Home Show, and you could win tickets!

Trixie + Johnno

Dropping in next Sunday 2 March from 12 noon – 2pm are reality TV stars Trixie & Johnno, whose winning kitchen scored perfect points on the last season of The Block.

Here are their top five ‘tips and trix’ to a winning kitchen desigm

Interiors Addict

The twins get the perfect score in the last Block room reveals

So, twins Alisa and Lysandra managed to get perfect 10s from all 3 judges last night. Did you think they deserved it? I must admit I agree theirs was the best room revealed this week.

Couples Finished Courtyard in Melbourne

The excitement is definitely building now for Sunday’s auction which seems to have been a really long time coming! The show has had great viewing figures throughout and it has been my favourite series so far. Have you been hooked too?

Homewares The Block

Where to buy your favourites from last night’s The Block room reveal, including the tiles!

There were some great things to lust after in last night’s ground floor apartment reveal. Here’s some of my favourites.

matt kim bedroom

I really loved the textures and colours going on in Matt and Kim’s bedroom. Not exactly my taste but I still appreciated the look and some of the great finishes.

The Block

The Block second chance re-do rooms

Alisa and Lysandra’s bedroom looked so much better second time around, impressing the judges. It was my favourite of the re-do rooms. Darren Palmer called it “a gazillion times better than before'” and Shaynna said their apartment was one of the most saleable homes she’d seen in a long time.

Couples Finished Room 8 in Melbourne

Love their look? Pick up the Emma Cleine Lumiere Art + Co print, bedside lamp, pendant light and more online from The Block Shop. I’m a big fan of that pendant ($335)!

Kitchens The Block

The Block kitchen reveals last night

Last night was the most impressive room reveal so far if you ask me. What did you think of the couples’ kitchens? If you liked what you saw, read on to find out which products and finishes the contestants chose from Freedom Kitchens, so you can shop the look yourselves. I don’t think the photos do them justice as much as seeing them on the TV. You can watch videos on The Block website.

Trixie and Johnno’s winning kitchen

Seems the viewing public weren’t happy with the choice of winner, with some serious bitching and calls of a fix on The Block’s Facebook page (it can get pretty vicious over there!) last night. Trixie upset many viewers by saying she’d like to dress the twins up as pigs (on account of them police officers) which many said was disrespectful.

Trixie & Johnno

Trixie and Johnno featured Newbury Satin Heartwood Laminex, Alaskan Gloss Crème Brulee and Caesarstone Frosty Carrina with 40mm edge. 

Judges’ verdict? Designed exactly for the way people live their lives, perfect for the penthouse!

Jen’s verdict: I thought it was safe and neutral in a classy way, but not very exciting. I’m a bit over vertical gardens too. LOVED the lights though.

Alisa and Lysandra’s kitchen

Alisa & Lysandra

Bathrooms The Block

The Block’s steam room tension, coloured toilet paper and cool pillowcases

So, what did we all think of last night’s room reveal? I thought it was seriously impressive! Not one but two bathrooms completed by all the couples in one week. It would have been a tough call for the judges but I called it on Twitter when I guessed it’d be either Bec and George or twins Alisa and Lysandra, and blow me down, they tied!

There wasn’t much I didn’t like about any of the bathrooms and the judges were also very generous with their praise. But the steam room drama was the talk of the week and I’m glad Trixie and Johnno went ahead and revealed theirs despite promising the twins they wouldn’t. They didn’t knowingly copy and after being accused of lying again in the “fluffy roller” scandal, I think I would have done the same! Thanks goodness the girls were winners this week though, or there surely would have been steam coming out of their ears (pun intended)!

Did you watch the bedhead challenge earlier in the week?

The Block presenter Shelley Craft
The Block presenter Shelley Craft
The Block

Last night’s room reveal and where to buy what you saw on The Block

Sunday night room reveals are the best bit about the The Block. No challenges, just renovating, room reveals, judging and results. Hoorah! The long and drawn out scoring process aside, what’s not to like?

Last night’s was a great episode, with Matt and Kim’s Pollock-inspired bedroom described as both “a crime scene” and the most controversial room in the show’s history. Kudos to them for getting such a reaction! I thought their design was wholly inappropriate but admired their bravery and they definitely executed their ideas really well and with enthusiasm. Easy for me to say as an armchair critic…

Darren Palmer and Neale Whitaker loving the timber tiles in Johnno and Trixie's bedroom
Darren Palmer and Neale Whitaker loving the timber tiles in Johnno and Trixie’s bedroom

I think Bec and George were probably the right couple to win, although I loved parts of Trixie and Johnno’s room too, in particular their Bonnie and Neil wall tiles. I can’t believe none of the judges had seen them before; I’ve been loving them for months and wishing I wasn’t renting so I could use them somewhere! I like the twins but I wasn’t a fan of last night’s bedroom. Next week will be interesting with two bathrooms each to complete. I do love a good bathroom reno so looking forward to those!