Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes July 2014

I am never (I repeat never) judging 7 Vignettes again. It is too hard and I get too emotionally involved! I want everyone to win. Well, not everyone, but several very worthy participants! Trying to pick a winner this week has been making me so anxious and it’s time to rip off the bandaid. The winner is…

Angela Steyn (@angelasteynandco). Some might find it easy to look past the subtlety of Angela’s pics, but it’s their softness and simplicity which appeals to me, month after month, but especially this month.

Angela's entry for Canada

Canada was not an easy theme but I loved Angela’s entry (above).

This is a woman who knows how to make things — any things — look good. Great, in fact. There’s often some lovely personal stories behind her images too. Like her Grandma’s lipstick (top) and this entry for the ‘home’ theme.

For me, these pictures are the perfect compromise between styled and real. Effortlessly. Or so it appears!

Angela's entry for coffee
Angela’s entry for coffee

There’s no runner-up prize this month, but I have to give notable mentions to…





… because you ladies made it so hard to pick! There were more I loved, but I have to stop somewhere right?!

Go follow these creative types if you know what’s good for you!

I really loved judging, hard as it was when it came to the choosing part. It was even more special because it was my birthday week and I self indulgently made the themes all about the things I love, like lipstick, coffee and bathtime. Why not, eh?! It was so fun looking through the feed and I felt like you were all celebrating with me. Talk about feel good factor!

On the subject of the warm and fuzzies, I must say again just how heartwarming it is, when looking through the pictures, to see all your supportive, encouraging, kind (and sometimes downright funny) comments on each other’s efforts. This lovely, positive community, doesn’t get old and it doesn’t lose its sparkle; if anything, it gets better with age! I am so grateful that this little monthly Instagram challenge still brings so much joy. Thank you to Shani (aka @rarepearstudio) for blogging about it this month. If you blog about your 7 Vignettes experience, please send me the link so I don’t miss it!

I would say that it is really helpful when everyone puts their week’s efforts together in collage format when it comes to judging. I looked at everyone’s entries, whether they did or not, but I’d suggest you all do to give yourself the best chance of standing out to the guest judges.

Until next month (when we are likely to hit 40k images on the hashtag!),


By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

6 replies on “The winner of 7 Vignettes July 2014”

Congratulations Angela on your breathtakingly beautiful vignettes and congratulations Jen on surviving the huge pressure of judging!! This wonderful community and creative challenge just goes from strength to strength Xxx

Angela puts up amazing and truly beautiful images month after month. Wonderful choice!

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