Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes May with Interiors Addict Shop

The winner of this month’s 7 Vignettes is Angela Steyn for this beautiful collection of images. She wins a selection of goodies from Interiors Addict Shop.

Guest judge Naomi Findlay, who runs Silk Home and the International Institute of Home Staging and is my partner in the online store, loved Angela’s images and how they included the gorgeous little hands of her sons! They also worked so well together as a seven.

Angela previously won 7 Vignettes in July last year and is one of four people who have won twice over the 29 challenges so far.

Angela, please contact us with your address so we can send you your prizes!

If you’re new to 7 Vignettes, find out how to take part next month here. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you.

Naomi’s International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) and the American Home Staging and Redesign Association (HSRA) are teaming up to host a home staging summit in Sydney in July. If this is a career which interests you, find out more and book your ticket here.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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