Interiors Addict

New property book reveals expert’s secrets to selling for more

Next week sees the launch of a fantastic book for anyone looking to sell their home for more, from renovation guru Naomi Findlay, one of our Reno Addict resident experts. What’s more, all profits from the book will go towards building a school in Cambodia. We have 20 books to give away too, but more on that later.

People pay thousands for Naomi’s renovating and home staging courses but you can grab all the best bits for yourself for just $29.99! Sell Your Property for More Money reveals top secrets to staging your home for sale. With Australian property prices generally rising this year, successful home staging opens up opportunity for owner occupiers or investors to increase their sale price substantially with small amounts of effort.

Just quietly, Naomi shared all her tips with me when we sold our apartment last year, for a block record no less! And I was proud to write the foreword for this book.

With the Australian property market in such good health and the RBA expected to keep interest rates on hold for the foreseeable future, more Australian families are considering selling their home for a variety of reasons. But getting the most for your property isn’t just down to the agent you pick. Popular TV shows such as Selling Houses Australia and The Block give a graphic illustration of just how much proper home staging can add to the value of a home.

It’s essential that vendors put time and effort into presenting their property in the best light, but many don’t know where to start or think it’s too hard and expensive. Contrary to popular belief, it is easier than they might think and some of the smallest changes can go a very long way. And Naomi is well qualified to tell them. Not only does she own successful staging company Silk Home, she also runs the International Institute of Home Staging. She’s renovated over 100 properties and staged more than 1,000 through her businesses.

“There is one thing in common that all vendors have—they want to get top dollar for their property. Achieving that is what is perceived to be the hard part,” explains Naomi. “Sell Your Property for More Money reveals the tips and tricks that will turn your property from average to amazing. The advice is relatively simple to follow. A successfully styled home will have buyers emotionally connecting before they start to consider the home from a functional or structural perspective. It could add tens of thousands of dollars to the value of your home.”

Naomi, who is the creator of the Rapid Renovation Formula, says real estate agents and property stylists will also find the book useful.

It includes tips on decluttering, the rooms that need to be accentuated during sale, understanding which areas need to be upgraded or renovated, styling tips including what to do with furniture and artwork, and opening up space. There is also has a handy section on commonly asked questions, gathered from Naomi’s numerous stage appearances and client staging projects.

All profits from the sale of Sell Your Property for More Money will go towards a Rapid Renovation Formula-sponsored school in Cambodia that is set to break ground in 2018 in conjunction with United World Schools.

Order your pre-launch signed copy online.


For your chance to win one of 20 copies, enter your details below and tell us in 100 words or less why you need this book! Entries close at midnight on Friday 18 August 2017.

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Come and join us at the Home Staging Symposium 2016!

We’re excited to tell you about an event we are part of this year, for aspiring and existing home stagers. There’s no doubt about it, home staging is growing in size and credibility as a profession in Australia and it’s no longer seen as just faffing about with cushions! These days vendors, and real estate agents, are realising they can add thousands to their sale price by employing the professionals at making homes more stylish, appealing and saleable.

iihs 2016 symp TWITTER blue

Naomi Findlay of the Institute of Home Staging, one of our resident experts on sister site Reno Addict, is the brains and enthusiasm behind this major event in Sydney in June. The owner of successful business Silk Home in the Newcastle and Hunter Region of NSW, she is passionate about educating people who want to learn how to sell their home, or other people’s homes, for more, and professionalising staging in this country.

naomi findlay

There’s a whole host of great speakers planned and I’m excited to be one of them! I hope to see you there!

Find out all about it and get your early bird ticket pricing here.


Take 5 with stylist and property expert Naomi Findlay

Each week we shine the spotlight on some of Australia’s best designers, artists and stylists and have them share with us what’s making them tick; anything from the best gift they’ve ever received to their favourite holiday destination. Today we chat to Naomi Findlay, owner of design business Silk Home and the International Institute of Home Staging, and resident expert on our sister site Reno Addict

naomi findlay

1. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? 

My first travel journal before I took off around the world for four years. It helped me find the joy in story and travel, creating memories that now, as a mum of four, I cherish reading.

2. What’s your favourite book?

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch are my faves. They are full of simple and grounding reminders on the key things that are important: trust, respect and love.

3. What’s your go-to recipe?

San Choy Bow. It is so simple to make, so fresh and bursting with flavours. But the best part is, it is super quick and the whole family gets to get messy eating it with our hands.

4. What’s your favourite shop?

Surprisingly I am not a shopper at all. I am generally forced to buy clothes, shoes and jewellery by those close to me (Jen included!). But I do have a small weakness driven by necessity for good boots from Wittner.

5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Nothing is unachievable if your really want it, so just believe and you will thrive! This has and still does apply to anything I do in life. It is generally ourselves that get in our own way, so once you believe you can then you can!

Bathrooms Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

Do you really want a freestanding bath?

I have clients ask me on every bathroom renovation I do, if they should really have a freestanding bath? Although they look great and shows like The Block make it look like they’re the only bath worth having, the answer is not a simple one! It’s something that you need to consider carefully, paying specific attention to what you want from the bathroom space and your lifestyle.

Image: Aura Home
Image: Aura Home

To help make this decision, check out my pros and cons:

Why freestanding bath tubs are amazing…

  • This one might be arguable, depending on your personal aesthetic, but freestanding tubs win hands down on most occasions for the striking visual impact they offer!
  • They don’t require additional framework to be built in which saves on time and costs. They also don’t require tiling of a hob around them like inset baths. This also minimises grout lines which can become dirty and stained and require more cleaning.
  • Because of their all-sided finish, freestanding tubs can be placed anywhere, even in the centre of the bathroom if desired, which can have an amazing impact.
Image: Duravit
Image: Duravit
  • If they become damaged or you want to replace yours, you rarely have to make structural changes or re-tile.

The drawbacks of the freestanding tub…

  • In many cases there is nowhere to store things like soap, shampoo and conditioner, unless you use a bath caddy or a freestanding stool beside the bath.
  • Freestanding baths (especially the amazing stone ones) can be very heavy and might require floor reinforcement or at least a check of the sub floor’s strength before installation.
  • When placed close to a wall, they can be very difficult to clean around, so ideally there would be enough of a gap between the wall and bath to allow you to get in and clean the floor and wall tiles well.
  • Many freestanding baths are expensive.
  • Freestanding baths can have quite high sides, hence making bathing children or getting in and out more difficult.

All things considered, the decision to go for a freestanding or inset hob bath is very dependent on the space you have, your lifestyle, who will use it your the needs.

What is your preference?

Naomi Findlay is one of our resident experts, the director of Silk Home, principal of the International Institute of Home Staging and a serial renovator for profit (oh, and mum of four!).

Read all Naomi’s articles.

Competitions Styling

The winner of 7 Vignettes May with Interiors Addict Shop

The winner of this month’s 7 Vignettes is Angela Steyn for this beautiful collection of images. She wins a selection of goodies from Interiors Addict Shop.

Guest judge Naomi Findlay, who runs Silk Home and the International Institute of Home Staging and is my partner in the online store, loved Angela’s images and how they included the gorgeous little hands of her sons! They also worked so well together as a seven.

Angela previously won 7 Vignettes in July last year and is one of four people who have won twice over the 29 challenges so far.

Angela, please contact us with your address so we can send you your prizes!

If you’re new to 7 Vignettes, find out how to take part next month here. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you.

Naomi’s International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS) and the American Home Staging and Redesign Association (HSRA) are teaming up to host a home staging summit in Sydney in July. If this is a career which interests you, find out more and book your ticket here.

Furniture Homewares

The Interiors Addict Shop has launched! Win your favourite!

I’m delighted to announce that the Interiors Addict Shop has launched and is open for business online. Happy shopping!


I teamed up with my friend and interior stylist Naomi Findlay of Silk Home to curate our own range of limited edition decorative homewares. We hope you love them as much as we do. Once they’re gone, they’re gone, and if all goes well, we’ll look at releasing new collections twice a year.


The first range, Monochrome & Metallics is, as the name suggests, largely black and white, gold and copper. That said, we couldn’t resist one little pop of Interior Addict fuchsia! Products range from decorative bowls for your coffee table through to a versatile black and copper side table/stool.



All our prices include shipping Australia wide.


For your chance to win your favourite item from our new shop, have a browse and let us know what it is and why you love it. Entries, via the below form, close at 5pm Sydney time on Wednesday 25 March 2015. Open to Australian residents only. Good luck!

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Can’t wait to see if you won? Shop online before your favourite sells out!