Interiors Addict

The winner of August 7 Vignettes with Officeworks

The winner of August 7 Vignettes as judged by our sponsor Officeworks is @emotivelightphoto. Congratulations! What a lovely series of images they were! While Sarah is a professional photographer it’s not a given that she’d be a styling whizz as well, so she is obviously multi-talented!

Theme: On the go
Theme: On the go

Sarah wins a $500 Officeworks voucher, many stationery lovers’ idea of heaven!

Theme: Inspired

Officeworks’ Carla Carafa said: “We loved working with Interiors Addict on #7Vignettes. The daily themes tied in perfectly with our brand and we were overwhelmed with what the followers came up with.”

It was such a great week and so nice to be back after a break in July. If you haven’t seen our new guidelines and how-to for the competition, please have a read here.

We had some great daily theme winners too, who all get Moleskine notebooks. Here are just a few of them:

Inspired by @rarepearstudio
Inspired by @rarepearstudio
Workspace by @redagape_styleanddesign
Workspace by @redagape_styleanddesign
Light by @brownpaperlemon
Light by @brownpaperlemon

Any winners who are yet to get in touch with their shipping address for prizes, please contact me ASAP.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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