Interiors Addict

The winner of the Heatherly Design bedhead is…

Sally Byrne!

I had so many great entries I couldn’t choose the winner! I get too emotionally involved! So I sent a shortlist to Georgie from Heatherly Design and she picked Sally Byrne. I have to admit, her entry was beyond innovative! Top marks for effort! See below her before and after, where she employed some positive visualisation techniques (as well as some blu-tack and string) and it worked!




Sally will be delighted she gets to own the Mayfair design, which she created the outline of here. In her entry, she said: “Our tenth wedding anniversary is coming up in six months, and that will also mark the tenth anniversary of our fruitless search for the perfect bedhead. We’ve looked at frames, we’ve looked at heads, and found nothing we feel is truly ‘us’. But that’s meant ten years of reading books in bed leaning against a cold concrete wall. Not good! We hadn’t seen the Heatherly Design range before and they look lovely. And seem like a perfect place to lean back and enjoy a good book (or blog)! Please make our decision for us and end our decade long search for that ‘just right’ bedhead!”

Georgie was so impressed with the entries she decided to give two additional runner-up prizes of $250 Heatherly Design vouchers to Allison Sharp and Pamela Pudan.

Congratulations ladies! Make sure you’re signed up to my newsletter to be first to know about competitions.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

4 replies on “The winner of the Heatherly Design bedhead is…”

WOW!!! how clever, a bed head made from wool, very deserving winner !! The best thing about this competition for me was that I gave our bedroom a good spring clean (who knew you could sleep underneath a blanket of cobwebs !!!) Freshness all round…..feels like a new room.

Well I’m glad you still got something out of it! Love a good spring clean! I just went crazy at the weekend clearing out!

Although disappointed I didn’t win I have to admit that Sally’s entry was very clever and creative. Congrats!
x KL

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