Bedrooms Before & Afters Decorating 101 Kids Rooms Reno Trends Shopping Styling

This cosy bedroom transformation is the perfect inspiration for winter

Warm, grounded colours that speak of security and comfort are set to dominate winter decorating trends, according to Dulux forecasters.

“There’s a collective yearning for reassurance and a return to simpler times,” says Andrea Lucena-Orr, Dulux colour and communications manager. “We want our homes to provide comfort, a sense of safety and to remind us of better days ahead. And this will be reflected in more than just colour in 2021 – expect to see a rise in plush, comfy seating, handcrafted furniture with an artisanal feel and a greater focus on ‘purposeful decorating’ rather than just decorating to make an aesthetic statement.”

The Retreat palette – one of three trend colour palettes identified in the 2021 Dulux Colour Forecast – captures the mood of this coming winter.

“These earthy tones and muted colours are all drawn from nature – think oceanic blues, nourishing greens, soft greys and touches of mustard,” Andrea explains. “They bring the outside in – ideal for a time when most of us are stuck indoors for long stretches – and plug into the growing movement for wellness in design.”

To give you ideas on how you can use these comforting hues in your own home, Dulux worked with stylist Bree Leech to re-energise a child’s bedroom using colours from the Retreat palette.

“You want your child to love spending time in their room – it should be somewhere they can escape, relax, read and play. The quickest and easiest way to switch up the mood is with colour,” Bree says.

Bree kept the big-ticket items in the room – the bed, bedhead and solid timber bedside table, and focused on updating the room with bold colour. She chose shades that worked with the neutral tones in the foundation pieces, adding plenty of textures to dial up the cosiness. She started by adding deep blue to the walls and a gentle neutral to the ceiling and window detailing.

“We opted for pale greige rather than a classic white for the ceiling and windows to soften the contrast with the blue. A sharp colour contrast can be very effective in a space, but in a room that’s all about relaxation, you want it to be a little less pronounced,” she explains.

“Inky blue works well here – it’s cosy and timeless and sits beautifully alongside the natural materials in the room, such as the timber and woven-rattan,” adds Bree. “A woven wall hanging adds accents of rust and quirky bedside lighting creates a playful mood, adding contrast against the deep blue.”

Artwork: “Fast Forward” by Liam Snootle

“To make the space feel more inviting, I layered the bed with cosy cushions and snuggly, fringed woollen blankets. Curvy furniture is a great addition to break the architectural angles in the room to make it feel more relaxed,” she says.

Bree created a place to read in a sunny spot by the window, complete with a velvet-upholstered armchair and a pair of side tables, perfect for keeping a book or two nearby. “Don’t be afraid to bring in pieces from another room, like this armchair, so long as they serve a purpose and fit with your colour palette,” she says.

Artwork (top): “Long Doggie Print” by Rachel Castle

“If you’ve been all about white for as long as you can remember, get a taste of using stronger colours by starting with a single wall – say the wall behind the bed,” says Andrea. “This can also stretch your new confidence into using colour elsewhere in your home.”

If you’re inspired by this amazing bedroom transformation, Bree has provided some tips for redecorating your child’s bedroom.

Bree’s kids’ bedroom styling tips

Invest in quality: Kids are tough on furniture, so it’s worth paying more for well-made pieces that will last. You can save money on smaller items, such as bedlinen, art prints and rugs.

Add an upholstered bedhead: It makes for a comfortable spot to sit up and read.

Size it right: As a guide, when choosing a rug for a child’s bedroom it should fit two thirds under the bed and extend at least 30cm beyond the sides of the bed – any smaller and it will look lost in the space.

Think multi-purpose: Children’s rooms are often small, so seek out flexible pieces that can be used in different ways, such as an ottoman that doubles as storage and seating.

Make storage easy: Add in baskets for toys and cupboards or shelves to hide mess away.

Wall paint: Dulux Winter Sea, Vintage Linen, and Five Fingers Peninusla.

Stylist: Bree Leech. Photographer: Lisa Cohen

For more information.

By Caoimhe Hanrahan-Lawrence

Caoimhe is interning at Interiors Addict as part of their degree studies at the University of New South Wales

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