Expert Tips Styling

Upcycle your porch with an easy weekend paint DIY!

Our friends at Dulux got in touch with us recently to share a couple of simple yet stunning DIY projects that will seriously boost your home’s kerbside appeal. From a statement front door to upcycling a pot, stand and bench seat, Dulux colour expert Andrea Lucena-Orr has plenty of experience and expert tips to impart when it comes to freshening up your home’s exterior. “Paint is a powerful tool and one that’s surprisingly addictive,” says Andrea who believes creating a grand entrance is only one paint pot and a weekend away!

Dulux DIY house front
An interesting choice, I love the paint colour on this home’s front door: Dulux Aquanamel in Very Terracotta

“Working tonally with blacks and greys on doors against contrasting whites can animate the home in a classic and elegant way. To add a sophisticated highlight to this monochromatic scheme, include a green, such an emerald coloured bench or potted plants on the porch,” says Andrea who always encourages people to think outside of the box when it comes to colour.

Dulux DIY
A closer look

“Once you start experimenting with colour, you’ll find you can never go back. And best of all, you can easily change the exterior accent colours down the track when you feel like something new,” says Andrea.

The upcycled green bench seat makes a front porch statement
An upcycled emerald green bench seat makes a front porch statement. Paint colour: Dulux Aquanamel in Green Paw Paw

“For a trend-driven look, try apricot or terracotta coloured accents on the door and verandah accessories against a predominantly white exterior with black or charcoal trims. At dusk, the soft sunlight can create a metallic-like effect with some tan and apricot tones, which can add another layer of depth and dimension to the scheme,” says Andrea.

DIY pot and stand
An upcycled pot and stand can be all the front door needs

A ridiculously easy pot and pot stand DIY
1. Prep the pot for painting by sanding to remove old flaky paint and mould. Follow the can instructions for further information.
2. Select your preferred Duramax Dulux colour and apply in multiple light mist coats.
3. Enjoy your transformation!

DIY bench seat

Statement bench seat DIY
1. Ensure the surface has been properly prepared prior to starting to paint. Follow the label on the can for more information.
2. Commence painting by cutting in around the edges of the furniture piece.
3. Apply Dulux Aquanamel to the surface using short, horizontal brush strokes.
4. Once you’ve completed an area, while the paint is still wet, lightly smooth over the painted section with long brush strokes – but don’t overdo or reload the brush – a few brush strokes will smooth the surface.
5. Allow two hours to dry, then give the surface a light sand with 400 grit sandpaper.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the second coat.

Photography: Dulux Australia | Styling: Bree Leech 

For more | How to paint a door

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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