Expert Tips Kitchens RENO ADDICT

How to: Update your kitchen for sale without replacing it

When taking a home to market, there’s no denying that the kitchen plays an integral role in a property’s appeal. The heart of the home (it is usually the most high-traffic area), its importance is (unfortunately) often reflected in its cost and a full replacement can be very expensive indeed. And while many kitchens can’t be brought back from the brink, it is amazing the difference small tweaks can make in modernising a kitchen for sale.

Image courtesy of Cantilever Interiors

Firstly, you must consider each kitchen element and ask yourself the following: Can you paint it? Cover it? Clean it? Re-finish it? Or is replacement your only option?


As with most kitchen design aspects, trends come and go and the same can be said for door handles and pulls, meaning fresh hardware is a great, simple way to update your kitchen. Obviously you need to consider where your existing holes are before purchasing new fittings, but a new set of classic stainless steel handles (or on-trend black or rose gold), can work wonders.

Splash back

The kitchen splash back is one of the easiest ways to tell the age of a kitchen – from tiles to toughened glass, textures and colours come and go on a trend basis. But it’s also an area that is fairly easy to change and, depending on your choice of material, it can inexpensive too. Tiles are usually the cheapest option but, regardless of what finish you choose, stick to neutral tones to appeal to the widest range of buyers.

Image courtesy of Design Tiles
Image courtesy of Design Tiles

Cupboard doors

Installing new cupboard fronts is a great way to update your kitchen, but you need to consider what your existing ones are made from. If they are made from timber they can be updated with paint however, if they are covered in vinyl wrap, they can’t be re-coated and will require complete replacement. Replacement is fairly easy if your doors are standard sizes – if they’re not, it becomes a much more expensive exercise.

Bench tops

Your kitchen bench top material plays a huge role in its overall aesthetic which is why replacing it can really refresh the space. A standard laminate is your most inexpensive option while stone is usually the costliest, but it is a timeless choice. Again, stick to neutral hues for the broadest appeal.


Like any interior space, lighting is key and updating your kitchen’s lighting can make a huge difference to its feel. Think on-trend pendant lights over an island bench, or new task lighting – both can make a significant impact.

Image courtesy of Justine Hugh-Jones
Image courtesy of Justine Hugh-Jones


Old appliances can really date a kitchen which is why replacement is often a great idea. Stainless steel is a fairly fail-safe choice but integrated appliances are even better – they’re great for a streamlined look.


If your kitchen is short on natural light, it could be a good idea to have a window or two fitted but equally, if a window isn’t possible, a skylight is great idea too. Natural light can really lift a space.

–Naomi Findlay is one of our resident experts, principal of Silk Home and founder of the International Institute of Home Staging

Read all her articles for Reno Addict.

3 replies on “How to: Update your kitchen for sale without replacing it”

About half of my white 2pac kitchen cupboard doors have gone a creamy yellow colour. Can I repaint the cupboard doors?

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