Interiors Addict

Win THAT pink watercolour Bonnie & Neil tablecloth and The Big Wedding on DVD

To celebrate this week’s blu-ray, DVD and digital release of The Big Wedding, Roadshow Entertainment are giving you the chance to win a gorgeous pink watercolour table cloth from Bonnie & Neil along with your very own copy of the film on DVD.


Judging by the amount of comments I get every time I post something on Instagram with this cloth (which I already own) in the background, it’s very popular!

With an all-star cast lead by Diane Keaton, Robert DeNiro, Susan Sarandon and Robin Williams, The Big Wedding is a romantic comedy about a charmingly modern family trying to survive a weekend wedding celebration that has the potential to become a full blown family fiasco.

To enter, comment below with your funniest wedding story and your email address. A winner will be picked on Saturday 7 September 2013. Entries close midnight on Friday 6 September 2013. Open to Australian residents only.

Good luck!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

44 replies on “Win THAT pink watercolour Bonnie & Neil tablecloth and The Big Wedding on DVD”

Funny but disasterous – our wedding was 44 degrees the air conditioning at the reception broke and we has soup for entree. The power went for awhile and people were going to the toilet by mobile phone light. My hair fell out and to top it off when we were introduced to the reception by new husband stepped on my dress and ripped all of the back and I look like I have a robot move on our video. Horrible wedding laughable now great marriage

We were really happy with our carefully selected menu of shared seafood plates; swordfish, prime fillet, salads, and wine list. A bit of something for everyone..or atleast we thought. My grandfather “in Law” disappeared soon after the meal was served…and was found next door in the local pub eating fried eggs on toast with a pot of beer on the side! Happy as Larry.

Typical Australian wedding – 42 degree day which saw the best man faint during the ceremony. Twice. Maybe no need for the suit jacket plus waistcoat combo. This was topped only by the priest swallowing a fly right before the ‘I pronounce you man and wife’ bit, which took him a while to literally spit out. Then at the reception, the groomsman got all emotional during his speech, leaned a bit too close to the candle and his speech notes went up in flames.

Well, although I didn’t think it was funny at the time, I do have a giggle about it now. My husband is Hindu and so we had two ceremonies, a western one and a Hindu one. During the Hindu ceremony two of my husband’s cousins were bitching about me (his family wanted him to marry a good Hindu girl of course). The chanting and responses were all so loud that people had to almost shout to be heard. During an unexpected lull when the fire wouldn’t catch alight, these two were saying at the top of their voices, “He’s only marrying her because she’s got big tits and she’s white!” Talk about death stares! Well he has been admiring my whiteness and my tits for fifteen years now so perhaps there was a little more substance to the relationship than that!

My wedding was a disaster! My groom picked up the wrong waistcoats and cravats (as was the style at the time); the cake maker fell over carrying our cake the night before and had to re-ice it and remake all of the flowers etc; the bag pipe player sprained his ankle that morning in the bath and couldn’t walk; then…it started to rain. Torrential rain. The ceremony was moved from the beautiful Camellia Gardens to the reception centre dancefloor…where two of my aunties decided to start a major fight (I haven’t spoken to one of them since then). The sun came out very briefly for us to have our photos taken, and while we were gone, my dad decided to open the bar…which meant nearly everyone was drunk by the time we got back! lol. To top it off…the limousine company forgot to pick us up at the end of the night. The driver turned up in his pyjamas and town car to take us to the hotel. It was totally a comedy of errors…but it didn’t mean a thing, because I married the man I love and we’ve just celebrated our 12th anniversary.

Littls miss three, daughter of the bride and groom, a picture perfect flower girl standing at the alter by her parents sides. The church is silent, the priests expecting to hear an ‘I do’, when little miss announces at the top of her lungs ‘MUMMY I HAVE TO GO TO THE TOILET’. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen at a wedding, the entire congregation was in hysterics.

At my Aunt’s wedding the Groom, Best Man & Priest had indulged in a few too many celebratory drinks…the priest had to track them down on their Honeymoon the next day because he’s gotten them to sign in the wrong places…she had been married to the Best Man instead!

My cousin and his wife-to-be decided to release two white doves during their garden ceremony. It was a beautiful moment, timed perfectly and everyone watched their symbols of love and devotion fly in unison towards the afternoon sun. As the formalities continued, a blood-curdling scream suddenly came from the sky. One of the doves frantically swooped through the side of the bride’s wedding dress showering her in a puff of white feathers. Following behind was a large, swooping magpie. Within moments the second dove reappeared, closely tailed by another magpie. A horrifying game of aerial cat-and-mouse continued, with squawks, flying feathers and sharp beaks. The crowd watched on in silent disbelief. This continued for five uncomfortable minutes until both doves could be rescued from their destinations of defeat – one splayed in the grass, the other stuck (near impaled) to the branches of a sticky tree. Both doves were safely retrieved and returned to their cages leaving the celebrant to awkwardly proceed, fumbling through a brief clarification that the metaphor of the doves no longer needed to be extended to the future of bride and groom.

Getting married in April country NSW anything melting would not even cross your mind. Morning of wedding go to transfer 3tier wedding cake from safe spot in my mothers house to find that all the icing flowers had melted and made them all look wilted and dead lucky we had a wonderful florist who recreated it all using fresh flowers

To please their parents, friends planned a ‘church wedding’ and ‘respectable reception’… but the service was in the church gardens, the reception followed in the same place and the bride and groom wore smart casual!

I’m horrible with weddings. The most memorable was my best mates wedding. Even before the wedding I had nothing to wear so the night before I went shopping and overspent. That night we all got together for a few drinks and I ended up getting home at 5am (the day of the wedding). I was then late to the ceremony as the car broke down (my mate understood and postponed everything till I got there). Then I was left in charge of the music, but unfortunately someone forgot to load the songs so I started singing loudly (with permission from the bride and groom. Thank The Lord there was a guitar available). Everything after that went off with a hitch until the reception. After a few more drinks, I managed to smash 3 wine glasses ( after getting excited over a Michael Jackson song!), was asked to sing a few songs again, them commentated as the maid of honor proceeded to stumble over chairs and vomit on the groom! Suffice to say it the bride and groom were actually happy their wedding didn’t go to plan otherwise it would have made for a boring night!

I once went to a wedding for a couple who loved to sing and they sang all night at the reception. I felt like I was in a bad karaoke bar.

The groom had had a couple more drinks than perhaps he should have before his speeches. He thanked his new in-laws, Dan & Judy but each time he mentioned them called them ‘Jan & Doody’. Was a funny night!

at our wedding we ran out of food our mothers had to go home for food and help the catering staff.

Well I’m not married so I’ve had to borrow my girlfriend’s wedding story.
She was all nervous and about to cry and not wanting to get out of the car at the church, we eventually calmed her and got her out of the car and even smiling. Then as we’re waiting at the door of the church to go in, she claims to hear a buzzing noise, we brushed it off as nerves until we saw what was buzzing. She had 2 very angry bees buzzing around under her veil, watching her run around the driveway flapping her arms, screaming and trying to rip her veil off with all of us bridesmaids chasing her was without a doubt the funniest thing I’ve ever seen at a wedding. PS she didn’t get stung, she made it to the front of the church and has been very happily married for the last 10 years. 🙂

One hundred guests rocked up to our evening reception for pre dinner drinks. The bridal party had a separate gathering upstairs. An hour and a half later we went down stairs to a bunch of very noisy, very loud guests. The reception centre had forgotten to hand out nibbles with the drinks. Everyone was very, or getting, very inebriated. Needless to say the night was fabulous.

I can’t remember anything funny about my wedding (may be I should ask my guests :), but one funny story happened during my friend’s wedding. It was the time for the first dance, which was already announced by the band, but we couldn’t find the groom anywhere. As we found out later he was drinking beer with his buddies in the bar next door. But this is not the end – as a proof that he is not drunk (“completely sober!”), groom did a handstand in all his fancy outfit, and, of course, flipped over. Nothing happened, just bruises, but we had to call for a doctor for his mom. My friend’s bride (now wife) is very tolerant, and they are happily married with 3 kids, but as far as I know, “handstand proof” happened couple times more…

We were saying our vows and our photographer was clicking away and backing back as he was photographing. Suddenly he tripped over the garden edge and fell flat on his back, he was trying to hold his camera in the air as he fell! All eyes were on him!

My husband and our MC had a sneaky plan for the garter toss at our wedding. I was totally unaware of their plans and was completely shocked when he went under my dress and came out with a banana, a gun, and then on the final return he pulled out a BABY (a toy one obviously) haha!!! I was in hysterics and bright red with shame! When he finally found the garter he tossed it into the crowd of single men and the one who caught it knocked over the cake table – which THANKFULLY no longer had the cake on it!

I was 28, had just broken up with my on and off boyfriend again and had to face 5 weddings in 8 weeks on my own…as a bridesmaid in 3!!
The wedding was down at the beach. My dress had been made by a dressmaker, based on measurements by the bride. I tired it on a week before the wedding and it was waaaaay too big. Day off the wedding it fired better but hadn’t been lined and was see thru with the sun behind it. One of the other bridesmaids dresses was the same but the ‘fitted’ dress swam on her. When we said we looked awful we got looks of pity- no one could even fake enthusiasm or compliments.
The wedding was beautiful, the bride was stunning.
The bride decided the 4 bridesmaids and groomsmen should just dance with their own partners for the first dance…just as I was escaping to the toilets a lovely male friend rescued me for a dance. All night the bride tried to set me up…the second last set was with a bloke so drunk even he told her he was too drunk! The last guy was married!!!
I will admit that I was kind if glad when the bride and groom left for the night!! A lovely couple, now with two beautiful boys….I can now laugh at the wedding memories!

The wedding car carrying the Bride’s parents arrived at the Church only for the Father to find the keys to the Bride’s car in his pocket – making for a very late entrance. Wish we had mobile phones in those days

We had a really beautiful wedding, very relaxed and full of Love, except the staff were like something out of “fawlty towers.”
After asking the bridal party how our complimentary breakfast was, after not receiving it, I was then told there was none left for us..starting to stress!!
Then the wedding planner was also running out of time, so informed us I would have to set the room and cake and cupcakes up myself..slightly more stressed at this point!!
The final straw was when the staff finally moved the cake table as we were having speeches (and it was not a small room that needed the cake table to be moved in the first place..trying to hide the stress in front of all the guests!!!! They dropped the cake off the table and looked at me as if it was my fault… All my new husband, myself and all our guests could do was laugh.
It has certainly made for a great wedding story and every body remembers is cutting our cake!

I had an amazing DJ at my wedding earlier this year.
Highlight of the night was “twerking” to Salt n’Peppa “Push It”
in my Collette Dinnigan lace dress. Oooh baby baby..

Hotel where we had our wedding were ‘moving’ our car at 3am when the porters foot accidentally slipped off the brake onto the accelerator, backing my car into a wall. They didn’t tell us until the next day when we were leaving to catch a plane to our honeymoon! As we got caught up organising insurance claim etc. we missed our plane – there was only one flight a day to Hayman island so my husband and I had to go home for the night – talk about a downer!

One of the funniest and most memorable moments of my wedding night was watching my father strip his clothes off and jump into the pool! We got married on magnetic Island in FNQ at a luxe house with a pool. Thankfully he had the good sense to leave his underpants on! As I watched everyone run over to the pool to watch my dad (who can’t swim!) jump in I remained dancing on the dance floor (what’s a girl to do? Keep your cool!). I think the humidity, excitement and emotion of the day got the better of him!

At my wedding (many years ago) my dear mother who had a habit of saying the wrong thing – told my boss that she had hoped I’d marry him. Probably because he was famous and rich! Unfortunately he was also as old as my mum. My new husband standing right next to us wasn’t impressed.

I was my sisters maid of honour, too excited, too much champagne meant that I was too emotion during my speech, I cried so hard during my speech that no one could understand me, I threw my papers on the closest table declaring ‘I don’t need this!’ When the MC tried to take the microphone off me, I declared I wasn’t finished! Agh! I’m not sure the bride and groom are laughing about this one yet but I’ve been the running joke at the last few weddings, being asked if I would like to speak!

When my husband and I first start dating, I went as his date to his mates wedding. Having too much fun socializing I missed the announcement for the throwing of the bouquet. One of his mates yelled out to me so I wouldn’t miss it. I proceeded to run across the reception room as all the girlfriends were already assembled on the dancefloor. Once my heels hit the dancefloor, my shoes, feet and legs slid out from under me – sending me sliding on my butt across dancefloor at high speed into the legs of all the girls literally bowling them all over and landing in a heap of heels and dresses all on top of me. No one caught the bouquet! Bride still laughs about it now how the new girl bowled everyone over!

A few things…
At the start of the vows when the celebrant said to my husband now repeat after me.. my husband said “I do “… everyone broke into laughter!
We went into the exhibition gardens to take photots only to be photo bombed by the red bull girls and then we got 3 cases of red bull for the privalege…
At the reception.. my hubby got slightly drunk… and he complained to me about always having a full glass… so dramatic!

I was at University and had to fly home the weekend of my sisters wedding. I had dress fitting 8 weeks earlier. So from the moment I arrived it was more about running around for me – fittings, shoes, hair pieces. On the day of the wedding my sister and other bridesmaids had their hair done, then I was the last in the chair. My hair was quite long, thick and wavy – everyone else had shorter lighter hair with an up-do that suited them. This is the era of everyone looking the same. The hairdresser was struggling to get all my hair in large loopy curls on the head, there was just too much hair and weight. Running out of time my sister just screams ‘cut it off and make it happen’. Seeing that she was totally stressed out I let it happen too scared to cross Bidezilla. The rest of the day went well. On a return flight the morning after the wedding the hairdresser had to come to our house at 4.30 in the morning to fix my (literally) hacked hair and I returned to Uni with incredibly short hair!

I nearly tripped up the aisle! It was a pretty great moment; I stressed to my bro and stepdad, who were both walking me down, not to step on my long train in the narrow aisle. Of course one of them did (neither will own up to it to this day!) and there was just nowhere for my feet to move in my vintage dress! There was an audible gasp through the whole church as I teetered and tottered for a few lollypop steps and managed to regain my footing and burst out laughing. What else was there to do? Thankfully the whole church joined me in laughing and it made for some awesome photos 🙂

Hubby and I married spur-of-the-moment in Vegas. We didn’t have any friends or family as witnesses so our limo driver did the honours.

We were married on the beach (40 degrees!) and my hubby thought it was a good idea to buy us ice-creams to cool down. It was a great idea … until the ice-cream cone with bright pink strawberry icecream fell all over the front of my dress. Yep, all of my photos at the reception party are with a pink stained dress. Your beautiful pink spattered tablecloth reminds me of our perfect day & the many laughs we had. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Georgia 🙂

My aunty getting absolutely plastered at the bar before our reception had even started! During the speeches she would pipe up with her own witty comments and wisecracks, then fell asleep at 11pm on the couch in a corner of the room, hilarious!

In my circle of friends, there is a couple well-known to be terrible dancers. They don’t seem to realize it though- at every possible opportunity, they’re up on the dance floor, tripping over each other’s feet.

So, we were at a wedding and as soon as the time came for dancing, they were ready to go. They stayed seated for the couple’s first dance, as is tradition. However, their five year old son clearly hadn’t been to enough weddings to realize it was inappropriate to join in on the first song. He jumps up and begins breakdancing! What’s more- he’s really good at it!

So picture it: there’s the couple in the background, enjoying their first dance. In front of them is a little kid doing the worm on the floor, absolutely oblivious!

My cousin, the bride, is from a blue collar family who live in the western suburbs of Sydney. She was marrying a man from the North Shore who’s family, the mother mostly, disapproved of the marriage as they believed she was not good enough for their boy. I had met the family and they literally looked down their noses at us. My cousin was completely stressed about the wedding. She had told all of us, aunts, uncle’s and cousins to be on our best behaviour. We all agreed to keep up appearances. The ceremony was lovely without incident. The reception was right next door so drinks and hors d’oeuvre’s were served. We all tried to stick to our promise for the brides sake and only drank a little. The grooms family seemed to drink heaps. The grooms father quickly became very ‘friendly’ with us bridesmaids. Our short dresses didn’t help as he admired us from all angles without shame. The grooms mother tried to distract him without luck. The older brother of the groom was a bit light on top. He must have sprayed some type of ‘hair replacement’ which was not a good idea for a man who sweated so much. He had brown streaks running down his face and also onto his shirt collar. He had to carry a napkin around to wipe his face constantly. The grooms nephew was about 14 and a real brat. He wanted to go and play video games and went from one adult to another saying loudly “I can’t stand it here. I want my X-Box”. The young children on the grooms side were all running around knocking into people. Our children on the brides side were standing politely with their parents. We honestly looked like the civilised ones and the grooms side looked like a bunch of gronks.
The grooms family drank so much that by the end of the night, the aunts needed to be carried out and one was actually sick right behind her chair. It became impossible for the grooms mother to look down her nose at us. Though she pretended she wasn’t, she must have been mortified by her family.

when we got married, my mother in law made the invites for us we sent them all out without noticing until one of hubby’s friends said “i thought you were marrying Brenda ” hubby said” yes i am what do you mean” the friend said “then who;s this Benda woman it says your marrying” yes the R had been left off in all the invites so to we went out find a wooden R painted it gold mounted it on a stand and presented it to the friend at the wedding as the prize for the first person to pick the mistake 🙂

At a friends wedding years ago in a Church in a small seaside town, the Minister kept using the wrong name for the bride – a name quite similar but male! The Minister had no idea of his mistake – even mentioning that men and women should only marry the opposite sex – not each other! Everyone was in shock, some trying to hold their giggles while he then started to make jokes about the 3 rings, – engagement ring. Wedding ring and suffering… and a few more unexpected jokes. At the reception, an Aunty known for liking more than a few drinks kept cornering my father, slurring “Has anyone ever told you you look like Paul McCartney?” He spent the whole night trying to hide from her but always was found, and she used the same line on him every time! An eventful, unforgettable day!

Were running a bit late dropped my son off at a friends, got to the car park of the wedidng still getting dressed in the car park stockings on fixing ties puling up pantyhose all good and off we, go we enter the building and to our horror and shock the plate glass windows are facing the car park the whole wedding had been watching us get ready and burst out laughing when we entered.!!!!!

We got married on the 2nd of Feb this year and the day went great. My husband had a groomsman that was a bit excited as he had never even been to a wedding before or even in a limo for that matter. He was getting a bit jolly with the champagne and everyone thought he was a scream! As the night went on, this groomsman got worse… He spilt drinks, stepped on my dress and ripped it, picked fights and nearly had a punch up with my husband. I still haven’t spoken to him and don’t plan to anytime soon.

When I was in Scotland I was lucky enough to attend our neighbour’s wedding. She was in her late 60s but wanted a modern wedding. Something fun, something exciting! I remember how we all suggested some songs to her, making sure upon her request that they were ballads, more lyrical and acoustic than anything with a fast tempo. Unfortunately she’d trusted her friends’ grandson with the task of burning the songs onto a disc. Supposedly it had been an innocent mistake, but instead of hearing the soothing tones of Eva Cassidy, on the FIRST DANCE, we had the pleasure of hearing “when the pimp’s in the crib ma, drop it like it’s hawwwwt, drop it like it’s hawwwwt…” Not quite the modern touch she was hoping for, but she was such a good sport about it and let it play till the end! Thankfully it was a censored version.

Well, although I didn’t anticipate it was funny at the time, I do accept a cackle about it now. My bedmate is Hindu and so we had two ceremonies, a western one and a Hindu one. During the Hindu commemoration two of my husbands cousins were bitching about me (his ancestors capital him to ally a acceptable Hindu babe of course). The chanting and responses were all so loud that humans had to about bark to be heard. During an abrupt abeyance if the blaze wouldnt bolt alight, these two were adage at the top of their voices, Hes alone marrying her because shes got big tits and shes white! Talk about afterlife stares! Well he has been admiring my whiteness and my tits for fifteen years now so conceivably there was a little added actuality to the accord than that!

My older brothers can be a little “rough round the edges” so my Dad gave them a talking to about how they had to behave for our wedding. It went something like this, today’s not the day to get drunk you can do that the day before or the day after, you need to be on your best behavior for your sisters wedding. They did behave and it all went beautifully. So when i asked my Dad later how he enjoyed the wedding, he said “well I was so nervous about my speech, i got so drunk I don’t remember a thing!” Oh my poor Dad.

My wedding was one long list of ‘disasters’. As I walked down the ‘aisle’ towards the wisteria-covered pergola, my husband had tears in his eyes. Once I reached him he was sobbing. When it was time to place the ring on my finger he dropped it and on retrieval, got it covered with …shall we say ‘mucus’ as a result of him not having a tissue handy. My sister and sister in-law were bridesmaids and before the photographer had run through his first roll of film (this was pre-digital), they had each downed a bottle of champers and were trying to outdo each other with more and more off-colour jokes. The photographer was getting progressively more and more embarrassed until he resembled a very awkward looking beetroot. Once we got to the reception, my sister was drunk enough to want to show all of the single (and some partnered) males her tattoo- half way down her back- which necessitated her getting them to unzip her dress whilst she held it, as modestly as possible, over her chest. She then proceeded to organise some skinny-dipping in the hotel pool post-reception. The DJ managed to confuse our songs list and ended up playing all those we had specifically NOT asked for, the speeches were heckled (by the bridesmaids who were, by this stage very, very drunk indeed), one bridesmaid became -ahem- involved with a person who was not her date, my sister-in law had a fight with her partner that ended up with her ripping his shirt and to top is off, my sister opened the wedding present she had given us to show other people how clever it was, and lost it, Despite all this, we had a really lovely night – certainly a memorable one- and still laugh about it 13 years later. Oh, and an hour before the wedding, we found the dog on the table licking the icing off the cake. A quick re-arrangement of the ribbon and no one was any the wiser.

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