Interiors Addict

You’re invited to the Enmore graduates’ exhibition, STRATUM

The Design Centre Enmore churns out some serious talent each year with Greg Natale and Steve Cordony among its alumni. If you want to be inspired, make sure you check out the students’ work at this month’s annual Interior Design & Decoration Graduates’ Exhibition.

TK cafe perspective
Design by Tabitha Kygsman

The event represents the culmination of hard work across the design board and provides a platform for graduating students to meet and greet design and media representatives, members of the public and the design industry, whilst also showcasing their work to family, friends and colleagues.

Design by Jesamina Barbaro
Design by Jesamina Barbaro

This year’s exhibition is custom designed and decorated by the graduating students using the democratically voted concept STRATUM, its definition being: “a layer of material naturally or artificially formed, often one of a number of parallel layers, one upon another”.

The concept is geared towards highlighting the literal and metaphorical ‘layers’ of the graduating students’ character, work, and experiences.

The exhibition opens on Wednesday, 27 November 2013 from 6‐9pm and is also also open from 10am-3pm on 28 & 29 November.

Special congratulations to friend of Interiors Addict and fellow blogger Vivian Panagos of ish & chi, who is one of the graduating students.

TAFE NSW DESIGN CENTRE ENMORE , 110 Edgeware Road, Enmore NSW 2025

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By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.