Interiors Addict

You’re invited to the Enmore graduates’ exhibition, STRATUM

The Design Centre Enmore churns out some serious talent each year with Greg Natale and Steve Cordony among its alumni. If you want to be inspired, make sure you check out the students’ work at this month’s annual Interior Design & Decoration Graduates’ Exhibition.

TK cafe perspective
Design by Tabitha Kygsman

The event represents the culmination of hard work across the design board and provides a platform for graduating students to meet and greet design and media representatives, members of the public and the design industry, whilst also showcasing their work to family, friends and colleagues.

Interiors Addict

Off Topic Tuesday a day late: ugly self doubt

Whoops, it’s Wednesday. I forgot to post Off-Topic Tuesday yesterday and the alliteration has such a nice ring to it! Ah well, I’m here anyway!

Today’s off-topic post is about doubt and about worrying too much about what other people think about what you’re doing. At the weekend, I was asked to speak about blogging at the Kidspot Voices of 2013 masterclass. A real honour. One of the questions to the panel (with the fab Viv from Ish & Chi and Rebecca from Wee Birdy, moderated by the fabulous Pip from Meet Me At Mikes) was do you ever doubt yourself? Now, it may seem from my blog and even from meeting me in real life, that I’m a super confident person who knows their stuff. Let me let you into a little secret: I am as self-doubting as the next person. I worry about what people think about me and might be saying about me behind my back. ALL THE TIME. I live in constant fear of being found out. What for, I’m not sure!