Interiors Addict

A happier home makes for a happy you!

According to a recent report released by the Happiness Research Institute, 73% of the people who feel happy about their home also feel happy in general. They also found that a happy home accounts for 15% of our overall happiness. This is no surprise to us around here!

TAFE interior design graduate Melanie Green

TAFE NSW Creative & Design Ideation Head Teacher, Lorrae O’Brien said you can make minor adjustments to your interior styling at home during this time of isolation to transform it a sanctuary for calm and comfort.

“As everyone is spending so much time at home right now and realising the importance of not only a beautiful, but also very practical home, the industry is going to see a change in the importance that people place on their home environment.”

She outlines three simple steps which you can take to transform your house into a stress-free retreat:

Create an illusion of space. Make a small room look bigger by placing mirrors on closet doors to refresh the interior and visually expand the room. Hang curtains closer to the ceiling to create the illusion of large windows.

Reduce visual clutter. Think carefully about what you do and don’t need in terms of furniture and other possessions so as not to clutter a room. Make your bed in the mornings and tidy the kitchen in the evenings. A tidy space will leave you with a clear mind.

Add some Greenery. While we’re spending time indoors, get your nature fix by bringing indoor plants into your home. Studies have shown that plants spruce up air quality and reduce stress and anxiety.

Port Macquarie local Melanie Green gets to witness first-hand in her career how changing someone’s home can improve their overall wellbeing.

After graduating from a Certificate IV in Design at TAFE NSW Port Macquarie in 2017, she got a job at local interior design agency, Sess and Sass.

“I am so happy to be working at Sess and Sass and I’m lucky to be able to get paid for something I thoroughly enjoy doing. It’s a dream job.

“I loved studying at TAFE NSW; it is an environment where you continuously learn from teachers who have an array of industry experience. I really enjoyed soaking up the knowledge.”

The Certificate IV in Design delivers hands-on skills in creating solutions which meet the customer needs.

Current students will continue to study the Certificate IV in Design at TAFE NSW this term using blended learning where students learn via electronic and online media as well as modified face-to-face classes. This type of connected learning supports social distancing, while enabling students to progress their studies.  

For more information about the Certificate IV in Design

Interiors Addict

Is studying design on your list for 2014?

Coco Republic Design School have just released their new courses for the first half of 2014. If studying decorating or styling is one of your New Year Resolutions, why not check them out?

coco republic design school

There’s everything from one-day masterclasses to 12-month TAFE-accredited courses. Study is in Sydney’s Alexandria, but they also have a number of online courses.

Interiors Addict

Chance for 3 up and coming designers to win $2,000 study grant from IKEA Rhodes

Up-and-coming local designers have the chance to win a $2,000 grant to help them gain professional qualifications next year, thanks to IKEA Rhodes and TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute (SWSi).

TAFE students on work placement at IKEA Rhodes
TAFE students on work placement at IKEA Rhodes

To be in with a chance, they must demonstrate their creativity by redesigning a corner of their own home using images of IKEA’s products from its iconic catalogue. Entries will be published on the Lidcombe Xposed Facebook Page where members of the public will be encouraged to show their support by ‘liking’ their favourite design.

The top 5 entries with the most Facebook likes will then be printed and displayed at the Rhodes store between Monday 30 December 2013 and Friday 10 January 2014, where customers will get the final say.

Interiors Addict

You’re invited to the Enmore graduates’ exhibition, STRATUM

The Design Centre Enmore churns out some serious talent each year with Greg Natale and Steve Cordony among its alumni. If you want to be inspired, make sure you check out the students’ work at this month’s annual Interior Design & Decoration Graduates’ Exhibition.

TK cafe perspective
Design by Tabitha Kygsman

The event represents the culmination of hard work across the design board and provides a platform for graduating students to meet and greet design and media representatives, members of the public and the design industry, whilst also showcasing their work to family, friends and colleagues.

Interiors Addict

Robyn Holt tells design students to listen, be motivated and have respect

Lidcombe Design graduates from TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute (SWSi) have made their debut into the industry at Designing Your Future, a graduate exhibition at Sydney Olympic Park’s Armory Gallery.

Barry du Bois, teacher Catherine Whitting, Robyn Holt and student Therese Tarlinton

Now in its second year, Designing Your Future is an educational design collaboration between Sydney Olympic Park and SWSi’s Lidcombe Design students. It celebrates cutting edge design work across the creative disciplines of furniture design, product design, interior design, interior decoration and design fundamentals.

It was opened last week by Robyn Holt, former Vogue Living editor and presenter on The Renovators. Her advice to students was to listen, be motivated and have respect.

Interiors Addict

Feel good Sunday

I received the loveliest email this evening from interior design graduate Louise Reeves and it has made my weekend. Earlier this year, she asked for my help in breaking into the industry and, after seeing some photos of her impressive work, I was happy to give it a shot. I wrote this post, which was read by Lisa Wright, interior designer and owner of Peponi Home, who promptly gave her a job. Don’t you just love that?

Louise says: “Jen, thank you so much for profiling me on your site, otherwise I wouldn’t be in this fabulous job.” Aw! Sounds like Louise is off to a great start assisting Lisa. “I’m one of very few people who graduated from Enmore last year to be working in the industry. It’s obviously a tricky time and there aren’t too many job offers so a lot of my friends from TAFE have gone back to do more study. I feel so lucky to have gotten a job, especially one as fantastic as this and I have learnt so much about the industry and about design in such a short space of time. Lisa is a great mentor, she’s in a position I would definitely love to be in later in my career.”

Congratulations Louise and well done Lisa for giving this bright spark her first step on the interiors industry career ladder! I love how small the interiors world can be, especially online, and it’s great to be able to bring  like minded people together through my blog. I am going to bed happy to round off this week! Jen x