Interiors Addict

Armadillo’s Moorish rugs go multicolour

Armadillo & Co’s Moorish inspired design, Casablanca, is now available to mix and match with a palette of 28 shades.

casablanca navy

Choose 4 or 5 different colours for your rug and create a showstopper for your room! I love the navy (quelle surprise!) and grey combo above.

casablance brights

Custom made as a rug or runner, this traditional pattern is instantly modernised with graphic colour.

casablanca pinks

Surely the hardest part would be choosing your unique colour combo? See all the options online or visit them at Decoration + Design Melbourne this weekend.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

2 replies on “Armadillo’s Moorish rugs go multicolour”

Way to rock an old-fashioned trend! Seeing the pattern brings back so many fond memories – especially about playing on my granny’s rug as a kid. Naturally, its colours were faded back then…. Anyway, these colour schemes look amazing, I love the

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