
Get the look from last night’s Block room reveals

Did you enjoy last night’s first room reveal? Alisa & Lysandra won and I think rightly so. Having finally met the girls at my event in Melbourne on Thursday, I may be a little biased, but I like their attitude, think they know their stuff and have great taste. So I’m putting it out there now: I’m on Team Twins (editorial assistant Olivia is a big fan too)!

The Block in Melbourne
The twins’ winning room

If you’d like to get the look from any of the four rooms, I’ve rounded up some of the products available to buy online from The Block Shop. From Alisa and Lysandra’s (above), check out the Forty Winks Gap bed and the Urban Road deer canvas.

I absolutely LOVED the Zuster copper mirror (I NEED it!) in Kyal and Kara’s room (below) and the Christopher Pennings artwork from Otomys Arthouse. This was my second favourite room. Loved the soft colour palette.

The Block in Melbourne
Kyal and Kara’s room

Next up, Chantelle and Steve (below). You may have liked the vintage Melbourne poster they had printed onto their blind by Printed Blinds Australia.

Chantelle and Steve in their room

I also really loved the unusual round Megan Weston artwork in Brad and Dale’s bedroom (below). You can buy similar here. The Block is becoming a really great showcase for local artists, which I think is really cool.

The Block in Melbourne
Brad and Dale’s room

So come on, who did you think should have won? Do you think the judges made the right decision? Do you love the twins too? Will you be buying anything you saw used in the four rooms? How are you liking this series so far?

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

9 replies on “Get the look from last night’s Block room reveals”

Hi Jen
Well I am hooked on the Block again and thought the girls did deserve to win this room it was a great use of the space and they certainly have a good sense of style. My personal fave was actually Brad and Dale’s this week. I loved the sense of space and the use of colour in the art. The fans did a great job too and loving the poster blind idea. Overall great first room reveal. It’s going to be a tough competition this year. x

Hi Jen. Great post! Such a wonderful resource for anyone watching the show. Just wanted to add a little note regarding the vintage poster blind in Chantelle and Steve’s room: it was made by Printed Blinds Australia by Chair Candy – a fantastic visual choice by the couple. If anyone is interested in finding out more about custom blinds, visit
Thank you. Love your work! ~Caro

This is my fave block season. I still can’t decide which was my pick out of the top 3, I like them all for different reasons, it would make a difference being in the room, I think I’d pick kyal Kara all the finishes stand out

I thought the standard this week is the best first week ever. Loved the twins room, those curtains flanking the bed were gorgeous but the boys did a great job too, the floating bed was very cool

Totally addicted to The Block once more. The standard is so high and I struggle to try to guess who will win. The only negative comment is that the Blockinator annoys me a bit but I’m guessing that’s all staged for the ratings. Thanks for the post Jen 🙂

I hope they never stop doing the block, I swear it will never get old! And hopefully one day Ill find somebody to go on with haha! Or maybe Ill have to start taking my boyfriend to bunnings DIYs every weekend and turn him into the perfect block partner! I have to admit I didn’t like the twins for their attitude last year, but this year they are much better, so I’m excited to see their ideas come to life. I personally think the desk isn’t a great use of space because they could of had a desk in place of the stairs and a bigger more generous wardrobe, but where’s the fun in that design! If Kyal and Kara had the amazing height of the faves ceilings they would have been clear winners for me. I feel that was the real difference between the fans and the faves. High ceilings have such a feeling of grandeur. On a side note though, have Chantelle and Steve ever actually watched the block?! Some of the things they say make me question if they really are fans.

My fave was Dale and Brad’s, I would have just made the bed a little differently, and maybe stolen Kyle and Kara’s pendants instead of the curly copper. I absolutely loved Kyl;e and kara’s pendant lights and think w a little less stuff and more ceiling height they would have definitely won.

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