Interiors Addict

How to: give an old Ikea favourite a new look with spray paint

Let me just say first up, I love IKEA. I really do. They seem to always have a solution at an affordable price. Although sometimes the finishes aren’t always ideal, the great thing about Ikea is that everything comes apart so simply it’s so easy to hack it into something a bit more custom. So thanks to some spray paint from Rust Oleum, that’s exactly what I did.


I picked up an old ENETRI shelving unit off Gumtree for $30 (bargain, right?!). It’s honestly such a versatile piece and everyone always comments on it, wanting to know where they can get their hands on one. Unfortunately IKEA no longer sell them but there always seems to be one out there on Gumtree.

Step One: Pick up supplies

  • 1x can of Rust Oleum spray paint (in Pure Gold)
  • Drop sheets
  • Cardboard
  • Gloves


Step Two: Set up a spray zone

Always put a drop sheet down first to protect your flooring, I always then put a layer of cardboard on top to spray on as I learnt the hard way that EVERYTHING sticks to drop sheets including whatever you’re spraying. Ha!

Step Three: Spray away

The beauty of the RustOleum spray paint is that is that it is a primer and paint in one go so it saves a lot of time and mucking around! I always recommend doing two coats to make sure you haven’t missed any spots and ideally leave it overnight to dry.


–Kathryn Bamford is a certified interiors addict and regular contributor. You can follow her DIY and design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.

By Kathryn Bamford

Long time contributor Kathryn Bamford is a Sydney-based interior designer and co-owner of The Wholefoods Refillery. Follow her adventures on Instagram at @kathryn_bamford

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