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Interior design trends 2020: Josh & Jenna’s picks

Whether you are renovating a home because it’s new, or you want to increase your comfort and enjoyment, it’s important to keep up-to-date with the most relevant interior trends and styles. According to a recent study, 1 in 6 Australians have home renovations on their wish list but are unable to currently afford home improvements.

Ex Blockheads, HPM ambassadors and home renovation experts, Josh and Jenna Densten, share their top four interior design tips for 2020, designed to make renovating your home simple and cost efficient.

Josh and Jenna
Josh and Jenna Densten in their new North Melbourne home

“We love the finished result of our home. The intricate details, small finishings and simple gadgets we have carefully selected help make our home practical yet adaptable. To make our house feel like a home, we source each item carefully to ensure it marries with our overall aesthetic for a calming yet homely feeling, that is perfect for our growing family,” says Jenna Densten.

Consider colour
Studies show that colours can affect our mood. Therefore, when renovating it’s important to select colour schemes that evoke complementary emotions to the space you are trying to create. In 2020, we can expect to see more houses utilising warm and earthy tones, like clay, to create a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere.

If you’re worried about making permanent changes with colour, start small by adding pops of colour using kitchen appliances, light switches and cover plates, and art work.

Colour is the hero in Josh and Jenna's children's room
Colour is the hero in Josh and Jenna’s gorgeous children’s room

Mix metals and materials
For novice renovators or home builders, mixing metals can seem like a big ‘no go’. However, by following some simple rules it can transform a boring all white space into an interior gold mine. Balance warm and cool metals by using one as the dominant feature and the other as an accent. This typically works well in bathrooms, kitchens and for ceiling spaces.

Seen on the right, the HPM Excel VIVO Coverplates range is available in a range of colours to suit your personal taste. The cover plates easily clip on/off making them simple to alternate colours as your preferences change.
Brass & copper: Seen on the right, the HPM Excel VIVO Coverplates range is available in a range of easy to change colours to suit your personal taste.

Shape and size
This year curved and cylindrical shapes will evolve as these free form shapes become increasingly popular. Simultaneously, modern finishes and clean lines add luxury appeal. Pendant lights, often referred to as the ‘jewellery of lights,’ are a simple home feature that can tap into these design aspects to either highlight the size of a room, or create an intimate, ambient mood.

Pendant light
This gorgeous pendant light works a treat in Josh and Jenna’s lounge room
Less is more
As open floor plans continue to be the trend for new homes, it’s important to make your space functional and practical. To save space in your home office or kitchen pantry and to keep them tidy, simple gadgets like the HPM wireless charging pad can charge your phone, laptop and wireless earbuds without the hassle of cords.
Josh and Jenna

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

One reply on “Interior design trends 2020: Josh & Jenna’s picks”

Less is indeed more. Lately, I have been titling more towards minimalist decor. I love to see my space all at once, with no clutter or unnecessary draggy designs.

Thanks for your design inspiration.

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