Interiors Addict

Introducing baby Interiors Addict, Sebastian

Of course it was only a matter of time before I shared some photos and a little more about the birth of our little bundle Sebastian! So rather than completely #babyspam Instagram, here are a few snaps for those of you who have sent your well wishes and asked after him, for which we are really grateful. We have been so touched by everyone’s interest and thankful for the many beautiful gifts he has been sent. Thank you all!

In hospital

Our little man, who is two weeks old today, was born at the San in Wahroonga, which was an altogether amazing healthcare experience. We were so well looked after and guided and had the pleasure of meeting countless wonderful midwives (these women — and one man — are amazing!). Kudos too to our brilliant obstetrician Peter Wood. Sebastian was 10 days late and I ended up being induced. He arrived a little over three hours later at 3.55am weighing 3.07 kilos or 6lb 12 in old money. To say things moved quickly after he kept us waiting, would be an understatement! Phew! But the main thing is, he arrived safe and well. When he was placed on my chest, my first thought was “I think I may explode with love,” followed by how much he didn’t look like a mini version of his dad, as we had both expected. We are still trying to work out which of us he looks most like and he changes a bit every couple of days.

The next day: tired, happy and lippie back on!
The next day: tired, happy and lippie back on!

4122015225216Everyone tells you what a life changing, overwhelming and amazing experience having your first child is, and you imagine it must be, but the enormity of it doesn’t hit you until you’re actually in the position of being a mum. I feel like the luckiest woman alive and if it’s at all possible, I love my husband even more now that he is the father of my child, and he is proving to be a fantastic daddy who was amazing during labour. We got home last Saturday, just in time for my first Mother’s Day. Having lost my mum as a young child, this is usually quite a sad occasion for me. But this year, being a mother myself for the first time, it was really special.


At the weekend, my dad arrived from the UK to meet his first grandchild for the first time. We are looking forward to spending lots of quality family time together while acting editor Olivia runs the show for a while! We have been out and about for a few outings and survived and Sebastian is feeding and sleeping well (which is of course all relative when you’re talking about a newborn!). As L-plate parents, Damian and I are definitely learning as we go!

sebastian 3

Thanks again for all your well wishes and gifts. We are all feeling the love!

Jen x

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

40 replies on “Introducing baby Interiors Addict, Sebastian”

Hi Jen thank you both for sharing Sebastian’s story and photos. I’m so happy for you both and wish you all the best he is so cute cheers Melinda x glad your experience at the San was great I agree it is a wonderful hospital

He is one healthy little boy Jen! Always adored the name Sebastian but never got to use it with 3 girls. Ain’t motherhood grand. I still marvel at it and have been a mama for a long while now! Enjoy every moment as am sure you will.

Congratulations Jen. He is beautiful. I think the least talked about part of child birth but one of the best parts is how at the end when you are holding that baby, you are just so in love with your husband. Creating that little miracle together. Enjoy xx

Congratulations Jen and Damien. Sebastian looks so so sweet! It’s little wonder you are bursting with love and happiness. All the best to you all and I can’t wait til we can catch up for a coffee and maybe lunch (perhaps after your dad returns to the UK). Soak up all that precious family time.
Lots of love,
Linda x

Jen – SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Holy moly Batman he is the cutest and looks very content and chilled. I hope he’s starting as he means to go on 🙂

It was only 9 months ago that Charlie was that small, I can hardly remember it. The first six weeks were mental for me, and probably the hardest if I’m honest because you’re getting to know one another, and how to do things. But once it clicks, it just gets better and better. (BTW this is Rach from Reality Chick, I just moved my Mama Files column over to a new site because I felt like it needed its own home. If you have time – LOL – you can take a look).

Enjoy and congrats to all of you. Can’t wait to see more pix on Instagram. xo

Hi Rach and thanks so much! Yes, he is very contented much of the time but he has his moments of non stop crying like all newborns 😉 It is full on and hard like you say, but also so wonderful! Will take a look at the new site! Jen x

Congratulations! He is just divine. My first is now 7 months. It’s a wild ride isn’t it? They just get cuter too, if that’s possible! Enjoy those gorgeous snsnuggles mama.

I’m so excited! I had been keeping my eye out for a baby post but this was the first I’ve seen. He is so cute Jen! Well done to you both and a huge congratulations. Xx

Jen, I am so happy for your. What a gorgeous little man you have. He is so adorable. I relate so much to all those feelings. Enjoy these early days and I do hope you get to rest in between feeds. Congratulations!! xx

Congrats Jen (and hubby) on the arrival of your little fellow. I follow your site and I have just shared your happy story with my daughter who is about to embark on getting pregnant. Your lovely happy words and pictures will be an encouragement to her in light of all the negative stories people are happy to share with her and freak her out with. Sad really because we are a positive family and she is finding that difficult to deal with. Can’t wait to be a granny when the time arrives until then enjoy every last second of your little ones every minute because they grow up far too quickly. Best wishes x

Thanks Yvonne. Sorry to hear your daughter has had that experience. I’m not sure what’s wrong with people, often women too, but they do love telling horror stories or how your life will be over or you’ve never known such tiredness, etc, etc, without mentioning all the amazing happy stuff too. Ubfortunately, there will be many more of these stories so best she starts taking them with a pinch of salt now! Jen x

ohhhh my! Congrats on your sweet Sebastian. I landed here serendipitously through Pinterest somehow and noticed his name which is my littles name 🙂 my Sebastian was born on the 7th of May. I already have a 5 y/o named Violet but am still in wonderment of parenthood. Enjoy every single second!!! X amber

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