Designers Kids Rooms

Olli Ella’s whimsical collection featuring a macrame bassinet!

Being pregnant definitely inspired Olli Ella founder Chloe Brookman’s latest whimsical collection. She recently gave birth to little Nell, a baby girl as beautiful as her new wares!

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“The concept is about embracing a simple, easy living feel, with lots of natural elements,” Chloe says. “We were really inspired by designs of the late 1960s and early 1970s coming out of the south of France. We liked the idea of slowing down, being mindful, calm and present. We designed this collection with a nod to the slower pace of the 60s and 70s; an era where things were crafted rather than made. We love our homes and as crazy and chaotic as they can be, they are still our sanctuaries.”

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The stunning macramé bassinet, which been a long work in progress, is her favourite piece. “I have just loved using it with Nell. We’ve hung it in the living room, and she has spent nearly every afternoon nap there, doors open, sun streaming in, the sound of her brothers running around her. It’s beautiful and it’s made nap time an experience if that makes sense? I’m loving being a mama of three. It’s tiring and overwhelming at times for sure, but we are all so happy to have her. I had several late miscarriages before Nell, so there’s an overwhelming gratitude and perspective that I have had. I can’t take her for granted.”

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Chloe and baby Nell

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Expecting a girl led Chloe, who started the business with sister Olivia when she was pregnant with her first child, towards a softer, more serene aesthetic. During the nesting period, she also had a real urge to make things, turning to macrame when she probably should have been napping! “I didn’t fuss with a nursery as Nell sleeps in with us so this was perhaps in lieu of that!”

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Their popular belly baskets in new colours

Four new rugs are made from either 100% wool or jute. “The jute ones were inspired by 70s south of France. You might have found a rug similar to our Antibes rug in the courtyard of the home belonging to Bridgette Bardot! The jute rugs are intricate yet simple, and so soft! That’s not something one expects from jute generally but these are incredible. The Berber rug is a soft, delicate take on a traditional Beni Ourain rug and the Colombe and Paloma rugs are soft, luxurious and playful. We love them on walls and on floors.”

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I personally love the mix of brights with neutral, textural staples like the lovely changing basket.

Shop online.

Interiors Addict

Introducing baby Interiors Addict, Sebastian

Of course it was only a matter of time before I shared some photos and a little more about the birth of our little bundle Sebastian! So rather than completely #babyspam Instagram, here are a few snaps for those of you who have sent your well wishes and asked after him, for which we are really grateful. We have been so touched by everyone’s interest and thankful for the many beautiful gifts he has been sent. Thank you all!

In hospital

Our little man, who is two weeks old today, was born at the San in Wahroonga, which was an altogether amazing healthcare experience. We were so well looked after and guided and had the pleasure of meeting countless wonderful midwives (these women — and one man — are amazing!). Kudos too to our brilliant obstetrician Peter Wood. Sebastian was 10 days late and I ended up being induced. He arrived a little over three hours later at 3.55am weighing 3.07 kilos or 6lb 12 in old money. To say things moved quickly after he kept us waiting, would be an understatement! Phew! But the main thing is, he arrived safe and well. When he was placed on my chest, my first thought was “I think I may explode with love,” followed by how much he didn’t look like a mini version of his dad, as we had both expected. We are still trying to work out which of us he looks most like and he changes a bit every couple of days.

The next day: tired, happy and lippie back on!
The next day: tired, happy and lippie back on!

4122015225216Everyone tells you what a life changing, overwhelming and amazing experience having your first child is, and you imagine it must be, but the enormity of it doesn’t hit you until you’re actually in the position of being a mum. I feel like the luckiest woman alive and if it’s at all possible, I love my husband even more now that he is the father of my child, and he is proving to be a fantastic daddy who was amazing during labour. We got home last Saturday, just in time for my first Mother’s Day. Having lost my mum as a young child, this is usually quite a sad occasion for me. But this year, being a mother myself for the first time, it was really special.


At the weekend, my dad arrived from the UK to meet his first grandchild for the first time. We are looking forward to spending lots of quality family time together while acting editor Olivia runs the show for a while! We have been out and about for a few outings and survived and Sebastian is feeding and sleeping well (which is of course all relative when you’re talking about a newborn!). As L-plate parents, Damian and I are definitely learning as we go!

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Thanks again for all your well wishes and gifts. We are all feeling the love!

Jen x

Bedrooms Expert Tips Furniture Kids Rooms Styling

Safe nursery design tips: it’s not all about the pretty

By Adrienne Biscontin

Baby rooms have come a long way from just the cot, change table and nightlight. These days, nurseries are often the most stylish room in the home, with Scandinavian furniture, designer toys, organic bamboo linen, personalised lighting, and interior designers who specialise in putting it all together! Yep, styling nurseries has become a booming industry.

Nursery with a bed

However, having a beautifully styled nursery is one thing, but providing a safe nursery for your baby to sleep, and eventually play in, is entirely another.

Most of the images you’ll come across on my page, Interiors Addict, Pinterest and elsewhere on the web have been styled for the photo; carefully placed items to showcase the products, the style and the furniture you can have in your baby room. It’s not actually how the room should be. Though the trend is now for more pared back nurseries with beautiful art, furnishings and simple details, safety is still as important as it ever was.

We can’t expect stylists to make all their photographs health and safety compliant, but as parents we do have a responsibility to make sure our own real-life nurseries are safe places for our children.

Practically speaking, there are a few dos and don’ts when setting up your nursery:

Location of the cot

There are several factors to consider when placing the cot in your baby’s room. It should not be under or against a window where a baby could easily climb out or push against the window (away from light peeping in will also help them sleep better). It should not be near blinds where cords are hanging, or curtains that could be pulled. There must be good air flow around the cot, so ideally it shouldn’t be in the corner of the room — ensure at least three sides are exposed. Likewise, keep the change table away from windows, and do not rest any frames or heavy items on the change table that the baby could easily pull down. And never leave your baby unattended on the change table.

Around the cot

The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose
Those tassles and cushions look fab but they’re a big safety no-no. Image credit: The Animal Print Shop

Babies sleep a lot (or so you hope!) so it’s crucial that their bassinet or cot is in the safest place for them to sleep. Do not have anything hanging over or on the cot. Lighting, mobiles, garlands, bunting — these all look gorgeous in a baby’s room, but just not over (within reaching distance) or on the cot. Babies will grab things before you know it and anything near the cot just isn’t safe. A securely fasteend mobile a safe distance above a cot, is fine.

On the cot

Do not have any blankets, doonas, wraps or throws hanging over the end or the side of the cot. These are a popular feature in stylists’ images of nurseries, but are there to show the style and products, they are not to be left there for sleeps. Anything hanging over the end of the cot that could fall off, or be pulled off, isn’t safe for your baby. Picture frames should not be leaning against the cot, or resting on the cot against the wall. One small bump and they could easily fall. Soft toys and dolls should be well away from the cot, not resting on the end or the side.

In the cot

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Perfect for a photoshoot but not for a newborn. Image credit: Vivid Wall Decals

Safe sleeping is the main focus of organisations like SIDS. They state very clearly that pillows, doonas/duvets, soft toys, cot bumpers or lambswools should not be anywhere in, or near the cot. Pillows, cushions and soft toys look lovely in photos, but can be a dangerous suffocation risk if they fall over a baby’s head, or they wriggle up against them. They also affect the air flow within the cot. Cot bumpers (those padded cushions that tie right around the inside of the cot to the cot bars)… forget it! They just restrict air flow and if your baby pulls them down over their head, or wriggles their head up against, or under them, it can be dangerous. The ties are dangerous too, and some are so padded that an older baby could use them as leverage to climb up, then fall out of, the cot.

If you want to use anything around your cot bars to prevent little arms and legs poking out, only use Australian Safety Standard approved AirWraps by The Little Linen Company. They also provide a visual shield if you want to pop your head in to see if your baby’s asleep! This is what I use and they’re great. 

Sheepskins have also become common in nursery images with the popularity of Scandi-style interior design, but any lambswool or sheepskin should never be in the cot. Babies will overheat very quickly if they’re left to sleep on a sheepskin. Only use them as rugs on the floor, as throws or on chairs.

Only use bedding that is lightweight, breathable 100% cotton or bamboo. It is better to add more layers of blankets than have one thick, heavy blanket. SIDS recommends against using a PVC-backed mattress protector as they can cause your baby to overheat. I use Bambi 100% cotton mattress protectors and they’re fantastic for protecting my mattresses against spills, vomits and wet nappies.

The cot itself

When purchasing a cot, ensure that it’s compliant with Australian Safety Standards with the correct gap (between 50 and 95 mm) between the cot bars for maximum air flow. This is particularly important if you are using a secondhand cot. If you can, purchase a cot that has all sides exposed, not enclosed ends. Cot mattresses are sold separately, so ensure you have a firm and well-fitting mattress with no gaps between the cot and the mattress. Press your hand firmly down on the mattress then remove it — if you can still see your handprint then the mattress is too soft for a baby to sleep on.

Image credit: La De Dah Kids
Image credit: La De Dah Kids

Elsewhere in the nursery

Nightlights or lamps should be kept well away from blinds and curtains, and out of reach of little hands. Keep baby monitors well out of, and off the cot. These days, baby monitors are very sensitive and will pick up any noise from the room if you sit them beside the cot on a table, shelf, bookcase, or any surface safely out of your baby’s reach. Ensure cords are hidden, even taped, well out of sight behind or under furniture. Exposed powerpoints should be blocked with a safety plug (Ikea sell them in bags of 12) and ensure you have a working smoke detector in, or close to, the room.

If you would like more information on safely purchasing furniture and setting up your nursery, read the ACCC’s Keeping Baby Safe Guide — it has excellent information on everything you need to protect your baby in the home.

Enjoy your ‘nesting’ time at home when preparing for your baby. Setting up your nursery is such a fun and exciting process, just make sure it’s safe.

 — Adrienne Biscontin is a mum of three and blogger at Stylish Bump

Designers Homewares

The year that was for Design Twins & their concrete homewares

We love supporting small businesses in the interiors and homewares industry and last year, one couple (in love and business) stood out. They were Crystal Bailey and Mitchel Lindsay from Design Twins and we are a bit smug with ourselves for having been the first blog to feature their gorgeous concrete wares!

Crystal and Mitch of Design Twins
Crystal and Mitch of Design Twins

The business was in fact, only launched six months ago in June. “The adventure has become a dream come true,” Crystal says. “We spent the start of the year working on original designs that no one had ever seen before and decided to make them all out of an industrial obsession with concrete! It turned out to be so much fun that we would start selling them at the markets. We started to gain a fair amount of interest on social media when we started participating in Interiors Addict’s 7 Vignettes challenge (thank you for being the reason I woke up so early, half asleep in my PJs to take a styled shot!), so setting up a website seemed like a natural thing to do. Once our website was live, our orders were so huge, that we had to move out of our tiny little apartment and into a home with a workshop. It was bittersweet, because we still miss that cute little place on the beach!”

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A few weeks later, the couple started receiving a large amount of interest from stockists around the country and decided to move Design Twins into a warehouse, where they juggled business with other jobs and family and then Crystal found out she was six weeks pregnant on her 30th birthday!

(I told you they had a big year!)

“The following month, we moved home and our warehouse again, but it all finally works perfectly and we are working on a brand new collection,” says Crystal. “It’s definitely the hardest we have ever worked, but everything has been so worth it. We have had our products featured in our favourite magazines such as Real Living, Marie Claire and Inside Out and currently have our products stocked in the most beautiful homewares stores such as Fenton & Fenton, Ahoy Trader and The Minimalist. We were also invited to teach sold out concrete classes at The School by Megan Morton.”

design twins concrete cups interiors addict

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In October, Design Twins exhibited at Grand Designs Live and they had a sale event on Temple & Webster.

“All of this, with huge amounts of online orders, and it’s been one crazy, fun, exhausting but rewarding year for us! Everything happened so naturally that we actually can’t explain how it all happened, but we have always remained inspired by others, constantly designing and true to ourselves.”

Crystal credits stylist Megan Morton for the initial inspiration to launch the business, after attending one of her workshops, which she described as life-changing.

Shop online at Design Twins.

The duo have just announced they are taking on new stockists. Contact them via their website if you’re interested.

If you’re a homewares startup, get in touch and share your products with us!

Interiors Addict

2014, you were awesome! 2015, you’re a little intimidating!

2014 really was a big year, perhaps my biggest ever. I know for a fact I’ll look back when I’m old and grey and think that it was one to remember! Not only did my husband and I spend half of it travelling Europe and America (while juggling work and blogging in my case) but we also got pregnant with our first child. Considering it was to be our “get travel out of our system before we start a family” trip, that all worked out pretty well, eh? We feel ridiculously blessed and fortunate. Other highlights included helping interior designer Greg Natale, for whom I have huge respect, write his first book, and going to Dubai with 21 other bloggers last month as part of Australia’s largest ever social tourism campaign. 2014 also marked my second full year of blogging as a full-time job.

Baby’s first hotel bathroom bump selfie in Dubai!

The prospect of parenthood is probably equal parts exciting and terrifying from where I’m sitting. I mean, I’ve never done it before, so you can only be so prepared. All I know is that I will take this new job really seriously (while trying not to be one of those highly strung, control freak mums, as could so easily be my nature!) and in return, despite all the sleepless nights, I’m expecting it to be the most rewarding role I’ll ever have.

I’m really motivated to be the best parent I can be. I lost my mum when I was three years old, but I’m lucky to have many mum friends who I count as excellent role models and fonts of knowledge. As for my husband, I know he’ll be a fantastic dad.

Many people are obsessed with warning new parents how life will never be the same again and we have no IDEA how hard it’s going to be (it’s the smug, patronising tone that gets me!) and we will never have any time, or stuff, for ourselves ever again. I don’t think I need warning. I’m fully aware it will be hard, there will be lack of sleep, I will have to sacrifice and go without. But I wish more people would bang on about the benefits and the rewards, of which parenthood also brings many. I have enough friends with kids to know that much.

As for how juggling running a business and being a mum will go, it’s a little scary, yes, but something I will just have to experiment with and tweak as I go. There’s no year off work when you have your own business and while I intend to take some maternity leave, I’m conscious that the business I’ve worked so hard to build doesn’t suffer. So that means working smarter and more outsourcing among other things, to allow me to spend precious time with our bub. And then I’m sure there’ll be the inevitable mother guilt but I think I’ll worry about that later. One thing at a time, right?!

And did I mention I’m launching a second blog next month? No, it won’t be a mummy blog, but can you guess what it will be about? Go on, have a punt below in the comments!

Happy New Year to you all. May your 2015 be challenging, rewarding, happy and healthy!

I’ll get back to my nesting…

Jen x

Dining Expert Tips

3 delicious cocktail recipes for New Year’s celebrations

Photos: Dara Tippapart | Styling: Nicole Valentine Don

Planning a NYE soiree at home? That calls for a special drink (or three) to welcome in 2015 so don’t just bring out the same old same old. How about something impressively different but super easy to make? And as well as tasting great they look amazing! Makes me wish I wasn’t pregnant. Somebody make me a mocktail, this is torture!

First up, the Coconut, Lime, Pineapple and White Rum Slushie. Does it get anymore summery?!


Then we have an Elderflower and Granny Smith Apple Vodka Granita. Right up my street!


Or perhaps the Pomegranate and Raspberry Spritz is more your thing?


You can find all these recipes and more in The Home’s free digital magazine.

I’ll be whipping up a few pregnancy-friendly mocktails with the help of my Sodastream. They seem to have been on a lot of my friends’ Christmas lists this year!


An unforgettable safari in the Dubai desert

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

This Bloggerati Getaway is proudly sponsored by Dubai Tourism

You can’t go to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower, New York without seeing The Empire State, London without seeing Buckingham Palace or Dubai without going on a desert safari, as I was lucky enough to this week. A luxury desert safari, no less. Without a doubt, this was one special experience and the highlight of our trip so far.

Photo thanks to Be A Fun Mum. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Be A Fun Mum. Click for details.

I must admit I was a little anxious, understandably, at the idea of dune bashing while pregnant, but the lovely people at Platinum Heritage agreed to take me in a slow car which would take it very easy over any bumpy bits, and they did. I was so grateful for this as I would have hated to have missed out on such a great afternoon and evening. It started with donning headscarves, then into our vintage Land Rovers (they really look the part!) for a drive around the dunes. It truly was spectacular to be out in the middle of nowhere and what seemed like nothing but sand, sky and setting sun as far as the eye could see. It was so surreal and peaceful. We even saw a gazelle! I had to keep pinching myself.

Me sitting up front. Photo thanks to Melbourne Girl. Click for details
Me sitting up front. Photo thanks to Melbourne Girl. Click for details

We stopped for a falconry display where we sat on floor cushions, drank sparking apple juice and watched the sun go down and the moon rise. Again, you have to keep asking yourself is this for real?!

Photo thanks to Learn with Play at Home. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Learn with Play at Home. Click for details.

But it wasn’t over there. We continued, after dark, to a traditional Bedouin style camp lit with torches, for dinner and camel rides. We were welcomed with a sprinkling of rose water on our hands to wash them, and aromatic Arabic coffee. I avoided the camels. They have always freaked me out. Shudder. But the others sure had fun and the photo opportunities were great!

Photo thanks to Be a Fun Mum. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Be a Fun Mum. Click for details.

We dined on all kinds of traditional food on cushions inside tents, starting with lentil soup and bread, which we had watched being made, followed by an array of entrees which would have been sufficient on their own, then all sorts of meat, curries, rice and vegetables, including a traditional camel meat dish (no, I don’t want to eat camels either, so declined!). Later, I managed to squeeze in one deep fried doughnut dipped in date syrup. Delicious!

Trying to look the part, lippie and all...
Trying to look the part, lippie and all…

There was plenty of entertainment too: henna tattoos, shisha pipes to smoke (off limits for pregnant ladies too!) and traditional dancing. It was just lovely and all we could keep saying was “how amazing is this?” And then it was back in our Land Rovers in the pitch black, then onto our coach. It’s only about 45 minutes drive from Dubai city to the desert.

This was definitely a very Dubai experience and one I will remember for many years to come. Feeling very grateful indeed!

–Being pregnant overseas makes me more aware than ever of the need to take out proper travel insurance. I also brought with me a letter from my obstetrician saying I was safe to fly as this can often be an issue with airlines. Thanks to Bupa for providing my travel insurance for this trip (make sure you are covered for obstetrics care if you’re pregnant and traveling and ask as many questions as you feel you need to) and check your airline’s rules on how many weeks pregnant you can be to fly. It is usually different if you are carrying more than one baby. Get a free worldwide adaptor kit when you get your travel insurance through Bupa before December 31 2014 using this link or by calling 1300 555 240. Conditions apply.

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events
Interiors Addict

Prepare for more nursery posts: I’m pregnant!

I’m not going to be able to keep it a secret for much longer and, safely on the other side of our 19-week scan yesterday, I have some exciting news to share: I’m pregnant! Interiors Addict is no longer my only baby!

I tried to keep it quiet but my rapidly expanding belly is starting to give it away. And then I got busted a few times on Instagram when well-meaning friends made comments on totally non-baby photos! I took the first one down but then I gave up!

Nursery with a bed

Although I admit to being a chronic over-sharer (that’s why me and social media get along so well) I have felt very private and protective of this little person growing inside me (still totally surreal, by the way!). I didn’t want the world and his wife to know, or to tempt fate. This is pretty much the biggest thing that has ever happened to me so I’m nervous, like all first-time-mums-to-be, I’m sure. I’m also really, really happy and excited!

Yesterday, we had our 19-week morphology scan and bub was looking healthy and perfect (we also found out the gender but as some relatives don’t want to know, I’m not revealing it here!).

As you know, Damian and I have not long returned home from a six-month overseas trip. That was the “before we settle down and have babies” trip. Ha!

I have never taken falling pregnant for granted. Sadly, so many of my friends have struggled to conceive. Why should I be any different? Having a child is a blessing, not a given. That being said, we of course fell pregnant right away, not realising we were flying home to Sydney with an extra passenger on board! And there was I thinking I had THE worst case of jetlag of all time and a weird craving for pretzels…

Less than a week after landing, we found out the good news and then started the longest couple of months of our lives while we kept a big secret from everyone but our nearest and dearest and counted down to the all-important 12 weeks. At this point, we told all our friends but I still wasn’t ready to share it with you guys. There’s tens of thousands of you, that’s huge!

But now I’m finally content to share our happy news and thankfully, I’m also safe to fly to Dubai tonight for what will probably be my last overseas trip for a long time! You’ve lucked out really, because you missed all my whingeing about nausea and extreme tiredness!

What a year I am having! Feeling very blessed indeed.

And yes, of course I’ll share my nursery progress with you! Nothing like a Christmas holiday project…