Bedrooms House Tours Jen's reno

Jen’s new house room reveal: the master bedroom

Even though our “nanna house” is nowhere near finished and very much a work in progress, I thought it was time to share some of what we’ve done with you. And sometimes, when you have a seemingly endless list of jobs and expenses ahead, it’s really important to stop and look at how far you’ve come. It’s only been six months, after all!

So, today, I’m sharing the master bedroom. Only it’s not actually the master bedroom as per the floorplan. This brings me to a point about living in a new home as is for a while, if you can bear it, before getting stuck in. We immediately moved into the master bedroom (there are four all up) of this house because, well, the floorplan said so, it’s the biggest, and we are the grown-ups, right?! It also has an en suite, which is a very functional but dated eighties addition.

But the room just didn’t work. It’s all wrong with the feng shui and the only way to fix that will cost money. The same goes for the en suite. It’s hardly the stuff of sanctuary! So we made the call to move into a smaller bedroom at the front of the house. It just feels better for now! And I’m not that fussed about having a big bedroom, just a nice one! One day, when we have the money, we will rip out the robes in the ‘real’ master bedroom and reconfigure it, re-do the en suite and move the en suite door. But for now, we are in our ‘new’ room. And the master is a spare room.

I’m still in two minds about whether artwork will work above the bedhead or fight with it. This framed photo is of my treasured navy wedding shoes. The bedsides are last season’s west elm and came from the old place. I love the warmth of the timber.

Because it’s not that big, I didn’t want to clutter it up, so it was always going to be all about the bed. We started with a neutral base of grey carpet, grey paint (Haymes Greyology 4), white plantation shutters (from DIY Online Blinds) and the rattan pendant shades we have in all the bedrooms, from Beacon Lighting. We didn’t have carpet in the bedrooms at our old place, and I’m really glad we decided to have it in the bedrooms here. It’s also much cheaper than hard floor! And I knew this room would feature my favourite colour: navy. And what goes perfectly with navy for a little luxe factor? My favourite gold accents!

The ink art on the left is by Melbourne’s Casey Freeman, who I met through Instagram, and was in our previous bedroom.

I had been drooling over Heatherly Design Bedheads’ work for years, since we first featured them on the blog. When I saw the Sibella design it was love at first sight but I had to think about it for a while before I committed. I tend to play it safe and when I go a bit “out there” it doesn’t always work! But months later, I still loved Sibella so it was time to order her! Even better, Damian also loved Sibella (which I was not expecting, to be honest!). I was careful not to overdo it, but theย Galleria lamps from Lighting Lighting Lighting were just the perfect complement.

This Freedom ottoman is completely surplus to requirements but it just goes so perfectly, it had to come in here from elsewhere in the house.

The mirror was a wedding present that lived in the dining room in our previous home. The white linen quilt cover is from Sydney brand Major Minor and it feels beautiful, I’m telling you! But it was too stark in contrast to the bedhead so I layered on this fab navy coverlet from my friend Naomi at Silk Home (she has her own made for staging). Rather than Euros, which would hide some of my statement bedhead, I chose kingsize pillows from The Pillowslip Store with their classic white cotton covers (they have some amazing patterned ones too, including gingham). Most of the cushions and the throw are from Adairsย (their range is amazing, check it out).

Damian’s side of the bed, which always has flowers, honestly… The small bowl was from kikki.K.

There are built-ins opposite the bed (not pictured) and we have plans to replace them one day, as well as the skirting throughout the house. I’m still working out whether and what kind of rug this room can take. This room is right next to a large walk-in cupboard which we may turn into a walk-in one day, but for now, we just love having somewhere to store all our, well, crap!

This large mirror is on the wall to the right of the bed

So while this room does not have the sheer size of our old one, as stop-gap master bedrooms go, I’m really happy with it, and find it a restful space which is easy to keep tidy because of its simplicity and lack of stuff. I have resisted adding my usual pop of pink and I think the all-blue scheme works nicely. I am considering a wallpaper feature wall (perhaps the window wall). It would of course have to be quite subtle. But we’re almost done in here!

Love to know what you think (please be kind!).

Coming soon: home office and living room!

Photography: Jacqui Turk.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

28 replies on “Jen’s new house room reveal: the master bedroom”

This looks really lovely. I have often wondered why estate agents get to decide which is the ‘master’ bedroom. You’re totally right that the largest room isn’t always the one you want to be in. Thank you for validating that for me!

The headboard here is a showstopper, but the other details are just great too. I love the clever blend of symmetry and asymmetry. Like the different sized artworks, and the contrasting colour and texture of the cushions. Tips I will remember when it’s time for my bedroom makeover!

Beautiful room. Everything a bedroom should be. And a wonderful post, love the way you walked your readers through each of the items.

Beautiful! A room doesn’t have to be huge, just needs to feel good and suit it’s purpose. I also LOVE navy so this room is my cup of tea – headboard <3. Thanks for the heads up about king size pillows – didn't cross my mind to use them for myself but I'm going to investigate them now. So glad your house is becoming a home to you all.

Jen, Grey is not a bad Feng Shui colour. Your room is divine, with the softness of your grey, it certainly doesn’t dominate your room. Your amazing accent colour and that bed head are what your room is all about for you. Do you “feel’ good in your room? If so you have the Feng Shui spot on.
Feng Shui is not something to really believe in or not believe in. When styling, if you think about how the room makes you ‘feel’ in your home, if the room makes you feel as sense of calm, relaxation and restorative (goals for a bedroom) then without knowing it you are practicing good Feng Shui. If you believe that our surroundings/environment whether inside or out can have an impact on your wellbeing, that’s pretty much Feng Shui.
Can’t wait for more photos of your next project.

Thanks Sarah! Totally agree with that understanding that if you feel good in the room, you’ve got it! And I certainly feel rested, calm, comfortable and a little luxurious in here so that’s a win! I absolutely believe our surroundings have an impact on our wellbeing too!

Hi it all looks lovely and I adore those lamps. I can’t
help imagining what wall sconces would look
like instead of the lamps. I think they would
showcase the bedhead even more.

I love your room! I think art work would go well above the bedhead. I love seeing the progress of your house, you’re doing a great job!

It looks great Jen. I’m so envious. I’ve planned FOR EVER to redo our bedroom. There are cracks in the ceiling and we have an old, small IKEA wardrobe that we SHARE (unbelievably).

My dream for the room basically involves a built-in created over the door (so kind of creating a little hallway type entrance into the room. We’ll also hang all my husband’s guitars on one wall as a real statement (at the moment they are in our toddler’s room!). And of course there will be all new paintwork and linens for the bed and curtains, two layers – sheer and thick (if I can get the hubby to agree). I have my eye on a green armchair for the corner and a beautiful new fluffy rug… i just can’t wait. The only thing stopping me is I know it’ll be about $4k all up and I have to save for it! You must be so happy to have it sorted though.

I was really lucky this makeover didn’t cost much! Carpet, paint, bedhead, lamps, shutters. Bedrooms are some of the cheapest! Unlike kitchens and that’s next! Get saving, it will be worth it! Such an important room for hardworking grownups to relax in! Thanks for your lovely comments!

Hi Jen,

I think it looks amazing, you have done a wonderful job! I too am in love with those bedheads, planning on which one will work best in our room which is also a mix of navy and blues. I love where you have the art and agree, no art above the bedhead, let that shine. Just quietly, what shoe size are you, he he, don’t answer that, just coveting those navy shoes, wow!

Looks beautiful Jen! I especially love the artworks above each bedside table – a refreshing change from a larger piece above the head of the bed. The navy blue colour palette feels gorgeous and luxe in here. I’m interested to see what wallpaper you choose (if any!). Hope the rest of the renos are going well x

Love the headboard ๐Ÿ™‚ I think art above it could take away from it unless you go with something that blends and creates an extension of the headboard like using navy blues etc. Alternatively a mirror could work?

I really liked the white dresser you had in your previous bedroom, If you could put a dresser in this bedroom, which one would you choose?

I just love hearing someone else think about the stuff that I a always think about. Does this mean that I am not mad ause I seriously want to change the skirting board situation in my house and dream of new doors?

Hi Jen , just wondering where you got the mirror?
Also I love that you are renovating your nanna house, they are great solid houses with so much potential but so many on the north shore get bulldozed , it makes me sad !

Thank you! We love that the Nanna house was so loved by its previous owner for 30 years, would have seemed sad to pull her down. She has a good vibe! The mirror was a wedding present so I’m afraid I don’t know! We have another lovely round brass one in the lounge room which was from West Elm and they still stock it. Jen

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