
Kip & Co’s new bed linen range is inspired by the dappled light of summer. Win some!

Melbourne’s boutique bedding company Kip & Co, has launched its latest collection, Dappled Dreams, adding towels and rugs to complement its linen for adults and kids.

The Matchstick and Spots designs
The Matchstick and Spots designs

It’s a celebration of summers gone and the possibilities of summers to come – dappled light and warm nights, radio crackling, beach swims, salty skin, friendships made, gold and braid.

We wanted to create a relaxed range that conveyed that sense of freedom you get over a long coastal summer,” said co-founder Hayley Pannekoecke.

The colourful Obus design, a collaboration
The colourful Obus design, a collaboration

The range features Kip’s first collaboration with Obus founder, Kylie Zerbst. Kylie’s energy and independence found a kindred spirit one summer with Kip’s Kate Heppell, and together they began a long and fierce friendship.

Rugs are new to Kip's offering
Rugs are new to Kip’s offering

Drawing inspiration from 1970s summer nostalgia, Dappled Dreams features soft chambray, pastels, breezy blues, turquoise, shades of gold and earthy hues. “These are prints you can spend your summer dreaming under,” Hayley adds. “After all, the best dreams happen under dappled light.”

I'm loving the kids' pretzel design. So much fun!
I’m loving the kids’ pretzel design. So much fun!

Kip & Co has a cult following but it only launched last year as the little dream of Melbourne girls Kate, Hayley and Alex to create bright, beautiful, delicious bedding. Their bedding is designed in Melbourne and made in India, inspired by unique, wild and brave art and nature, soaked up on backpacking adventures around the globe and flea markets down the road.

KIP+CO 403
Kate, Hayley and Alex of Kip & Co

I’m loving the leopard-like tan Spots, the simple but different Matchstick design and the fun Pretzel design for kids.

I love the leopard look of Spots in tan
I love the leopard look of Spots in tan

Thanks Kip, for sharing your new collection with interiors addicts first! Shop online.


I have a Matchstick doona cover in peach (in your choice of queen or king) and 2 matching pillowcases to give away to one lucky winner. Simply comment below why you’d love to win by midnight on Friday 23 August. Open to Australian residents only. 

sticks pillowcases


sticks doona


Styling by Julia Green and Amber Lenette. Photography by Armelle Habib.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

115 replies on “Kip & Co’s new bed linen range is inspired by the dappled light of summer. Win some!”

So lovely, I love them all. Our bed is also often the domain of kids & dogs, so would love a spruce-up!

Hi Jen,

I would love to win Kip & Co bedding please! I’ve been a fan since i discovered the fruit salad doona. Why do I want to win? Because the bedding is totes amaze as the kids say. Plus as a renter, I can’t change my house but I can decorate the hell out of it and the matchstick doona will definitely complete the boudior.



Having just painted my bedroom walls antique white and polishing my floor boards this Kip and Co set would be the perfect bedspread to help me revamp my room for the summer ahead!

Loving every single one Kip and Co’s prints. The colours are incredible too! I’ve bought a few pieces from the first range, and I can’t wait to buy more. Addicted!

I LOVE the new range! Particularly the peach! Thank you for the opportunity to try to win some!!

Besides the fact it was my birthday YESTERDAY, I have been trying to purchase some kip & Co bed linen for over 12months and its always sold out! I am totally addicted to all bed linen & I would love, love , love to add some extra colour to the bedroom.

I would love to win because we are about to move house and I am trying to convince my husband that we need some beautiful new bed linen to match our beautiful new house!!

My daughter is moving out of home these summer holidays to be closer to Uni *cry*- what an awesome housewarming present this would make for her- fun, funky and fabulous! Those clever gals at Kip & Co have really tapped into the interiors zeitgeist, well done!

Oooooo I’d love to win some beautiful Kip&Co bed linen. Bed linen is my ultimate love… Clothes, bags, shoes… No way! It’s all about linen!

I have recently bought a new bed and I only have one doona cover for it! Would love to add a bit of color to my bedroom. Good luck everyone!

I’m in desperate need of a new quilt cover. I’m rotating between 2 old things that have seen better days. Kip &Co bedding is on my list of ‘wants’ so it would be a beautiful prize to win.

We are in the process of renovating our unit and cant afford the luxury of a new quilt cover which we are in desperate need of! I love all of the kip & co range and it would be awesome to win 🙂

To the girls at Kip & Co,
Your designs are the way to go!
They give our homes a lovely glow,
Anyway, I just wanted you to know…
Thank you, though!

I’ve recently become obsessed with kip and co linens! Just when you thought it couldn’t get better they release this new collab with obus. Love the new patterns and pallete absolutely perfect for a summer afternoon snuggle with salt on your skin and sand on your feet. Would love this! x

I’ve been put on a strict budget, we’re building our house and renting so my bedroom is so dull at the moment. My kids rooms are so colourful and fun, i often find myself in their rooms wishing mine was a bit more fun and vibrant. Have been drooling over Kip & Cos linen range for a few months, would make my day if I won this linen set. My bedroom certainly needs a cheerful vibe.

Moving in with the parents isn’t a couples dream… but while our house gets built we just have to live lean..
A new peachy doona cover would most definitiely suit… our room out the back in the house my dad built!!
(and our new abode also!)

Thank you Jen & Kip and Co – Love your work!

My bedroom is just crying out for some kippy goodness, I’ve spoilt my little boy with a croc doona cover, but one for me too would be an absolute treat 🙂

Hi Jen! I love the colours of the Kip & Co bed linen. They remind me of summer and great weather. I would love my bedroom and house to feel like that all year round!

I’d love to have my very own Kip & Co bedding. With things being a bit tight (as with most people) my only source of indulgence is to by design and living magazines each month..I’m always swooning at Kip & Co range and have even cut out pictures to put in my ‘Dream Home’ folder..ha! It’s silly I know! Anyway, I’d love to have my own and I’m sure my hubby would be appreciative too as I think he’s getting sick of me gushing over ‘linen’..thanks for the opportunity!

I’d love this to create a sleep-sanctuary for my hubby and I. He isn’t into many doona covers but this design is so neutral and not too girly, yet it is loud, fun and gorgeous.
please, oh please.

We’re looking for a new fresh look for our bedroom to inspire fun and happy thoughts this summer. We’re expecting a new baby in February and these linens would be a beautiful vibe to bring our new baby home to. Not to mention the great photos we could take!

I want it so I can brag to all my friends “yes I have the latest kip & co”. Those kip & co ladies are running a muck!

I NEED to win this Doona cover set – LOVE! Need some fun in my life & this would do the trick. Gorgeous!

I’d absolutely love to win! My birthday is coming up in two weeks and all I really want is some Kip & Co bedding to spruse up our room! I’m obsessed with Kip & Co.. always ‘liking’ their pics on facebook and instagram!! We are saving every penny we can at the moment though so I’ve told hubby I’d feel too guilty if he bought it for me.. Fingers crossed!!

As a student I have never been able to afford gorgeous Kip & Co bedding but I have always drooled over it. The prize will match the colours of my bedroom perfectly and give me something pretty to look at and lift my spirits!

I have been following kip & co since they first started and I am so happy to see three hard working woman killing it in the design world. Their designs just keep getting better and better while always staying unique and quirky. I would love to have some of their amazing linen light up my home.


It is only Kip & Co’s delightful Matchsticks,
that can give the Interiors Addict in me a fix.
With such scrumptious peach & blue bedding,
there’ll be only place this girl is heading!
To her comfy and cozy bed made up for two,
where she’ll dream of Kip & co, and colour, to name but a few.

I love Kip & Co.
That’s it really,
What’s more to say.
Oh and I need new bedding.
Oh and I love the new Kip & Co range.
Oh and I love sleep more than anything (except my family and coffee).
My 18 month old doesn’t take after me in that area (she has a hate/hate relationship with sleep).

I would very much like to win this bed linen just in case I am kidnapped by aliens who tell me that they will kidnap me away to their planet forever UNLESS i can supply them with a really, really awesome australian bed inen set. I feel it would be prudent to be well prepared for this potential crisis.

Love Love Love all things Kip and Co! I feel it is necessary to have some of their bedroom goodness in my new home. My kids have some of their quilt covers and they are the most fantastic quality. Need More!!

I’ve been a big fan of Kip and Co for ages – I was waiting for the new range to come out and it’s exceeded all of my expectations (again!)… LOVE their work and would be ecstatic to own some of their beautiful bedding!

Wow Jen, these are lovely! What a great job these girls have, designing bed linen. I’d love that! I’ve had their linen on my wish list for a long time. Fingers crossed for your fab giveaway! Sarah x

I have been in love with Kip and Co ever since I saw their bed linen i a magazine. I love the colour’s, design’s and the vibrancy and would love to have some of that in my bedroom. It is also quite unisex which is great for the man.

I would love this set!!! I’ve been eying them off but they’re a bit beyond my budget, so winning or waiting for a sale are my only options!

I want, no… NEED, the Kip and Co bed linen because my bed linen is still stuck in the old days when Sheridan was fabulous..I desperately need an infusion of fresh vibrant linen to de-frump my bedroom….please please please!!! Pretty please with matchsticks pretzels bats and dots on top!!!!

Thinking some fire in the bedroom would be a nice idea……hmmm….if only I had some matchsticks…

I have been hanging out for the new Kip & Co range to come out and stalking their website daily. How exciting that it’s finally here! The Matchstick design is my favourite and would look beautiful with my Kip & Co stash from their winter sale. Love, love, love their stuff. Fingers crossed xxxxxxxx

oh yes please!! i have been a huge fan of kip & co since the start and constantly visit their facebook page and website and plan how i would love my bedroom to look… huge interior design fan with a very limited budget! i am yet to own a piece from my favourite linen designer but I will get there one day… winning this would put the hugest smile on my face and sunshine in my skip!! xoxo

I am slightly obsessed with Kip & Co (not in a stalker way) just in a gawky year 12 crush kind of way (insert nervous giggle…) AND the website was so under the pump with the sale that I missed out, complete and utter devastation! Why cruel world, WHY???? See! I clearly need to more sleep to stop the deluded rambling! I need to win to lay my head on sweet summery pure happiness, te he he… 🙂
Thanks for the chance guys, love your work x

OBSESSED with Kip & Co bedding – so unique, fun and colourful! Would be the happiest girl in Melbourne if I won the set – am hanging out for some new bedding and in serious need of a treat! Thanks kip & co – keep doing what you’re doing x

Love it. I would definitely appreciate some of this beautiful peachy-keen linen goodness in my life – not only would it add a much needed pop of colour to my garage-esque room, I feel like being surrounded by such pretty bedding would give me another reason to spend chilly weekends in bed reading and drinking tea. This can only be a good thing!

I would love to win as I am moving into a new house in 5 weeks and all I can think about is how I am going to decorate and make my place so much fun! The only doona set that I own is one that my ex boyfriend and I had together…..that is not my idea of fun; sleeping under that!!! Therefore, it’s time to move on with some bright colours and happiness 🙂

lush new Kip & Co bed linen? LOVE!
why would I love to win a set? well, I’m no more deserving than any of these lovely girls who pop their entry in, but i’m chucking myself in the barrel and gosh i would adore it if my name was pulled out! such a treaty-treat. xxx

I am currently renovating and my bedroom is nearly complete. I would love this to put on the new bed in the new bedroom and feel it has a fun and cheery feel that would be make me happy.

This lovely set continues my obsession with peach! It would be the best addition to my bedroom!!

This doona cover is what dreams are made of.
Just the pictures alone on my wall fill me with warmth and happiness.
It inspires me and takes me to worlds unknown who only knows
where it could take me if it was on my bed.
My IKEA spots have out grown me and im ready for kip and co.
to be the new creaters of my dreams.
xx amy

By midnight on Friday the 23rd of August I will have just spent the day turning 27 (and will hopefully have a wine or two already under the belt). A day of celebration, 27 years of highs and a few lows too – but one constant – an adventurous spirit. I feel as though Kip and Co have captured and embodied the intrepid soul in all of us. Bringing us beautiful bright bedding for adults that lets us grow up in our own way.
A peachy matchstick cover would be the absolute perfect way for me to bring in a journey of another year. x

I absolutely LOVE how Kip & Co keep everything fun and stylish and sophisticated at the same time! Every time I look at any of the Kip & Co styles I am instantly inspired to create. It’s about time bed linen was modernised and I would love to start my Kip & Co collection with the peach matchstick set!

Love, love, love!
Amazing bedding and inspirational girls to match. What’s not to love about this combination?
Winning this would be a great reminder to follow your ‘dreams’!

I’d love it in my room & I’m sure my husband will like the colour tones too.

Love love love! I have recently moved into my new house and have been awaiting the launch of the new kip & co collection. Winning this doona cover would create the sanctury of colour I’d be more than happy to retire too.

Wow, the peach is so summery and fresh, absolutely gorgeous. What a breath of fresh air.

I love kip & co’s amazing bed linen. The layering of miss matched colours and patterns inspires me to play with colour. I have just finished styling my apartment into the ultimate ‘chick pad’ and the matchstick linen set would really complete my bedroom.

Absolutely loving the new Kip & Co range! What a way to bring some sunshine into the home. Would love to have the matchstick linen on my bed!

dearest kip and co-ians
your range of bedspreads are rad. please make my bed look rad too.
big love hearts coming your way even if i’m not the lucky winner.

We’re moving into our new place in November – it’s being built as we speak! Very exciting, but this year has been all about saving, saving, saving in anticipation, with no little splurges in the form of anything as gorgeous as Kip & Co linen! We’d love to welcome the Matchstick set into our new home – the perfect housewarming addition! xx

I’ve suffered from years stuck in the rut of all white bedding as the easy option, now desperate for some colour!!
This is to be our first year in our beachside home – peach would be the perfect “match”!

I’m in LOVe with Kip & Co!! Bright beautiful bedding so I feel spoilt and most importantly so I can Instagram the heck out of my new linen and incorporate it into the next #7vignettes 🙂

I would love, love, LOVE to win this beautiful Kip & Co bed linen because I have spend the last year renovating my house, and all of our pennies have gone into the renovation – leaving nothing left for the decoration!!!! I absolutely adore the Kip & Co range, I love every single one of their posts on Instragram and I would be trilled if I could snuggle up into the matchstick doona every night.
Thank you!! <3

I’m three months in to life with my new baby girl. Love her to bits but she’s a hungry little monkey. If I could wake up in beautiful kip&co bedding I think those 12am/2am/4am feeds would be just that little bit easier!

I would love to win because I am an interior design student and am always looking for inspiration! What better way to get it then to fall asleep, dream, and wake up surrounded by it every time I go to bed!

I adore Kip&Co and their gorgeous designs! I would love to update our bedroom with their fun relaxed style bedding and have a big smile every time I get into bed!! (And still smile in the morning when woken by the kids)

I would love to win as I love the colours in this Lifestyle collection creating a more relaxed and holiday feel to my home a gorgeous summer doona covers would give us! Bright, Bold and Beautifully natural just like Australia!

Awesome doona cover, as striking as it is unique. Love to win it to bring my bedroom to life, it’ll surely be the focal point.

As a constant reminder to my significant and argumentative other, aka hubby, that these two colours together are indeed striking and pure perfection in our bedchamber 🙂

I would love to change my bed design and colour every season, of course I can’t but now I have a chance to make my dream come true 🙂

I’m a colour addict and peach is my new colour love….imagine the stunning Kip & Co peach cover with a new Jardan peach tinted mirror for my teenage daughter’s bedroom – she would be in sorbet heaven! Superb!

I would LOVE to win a new a part of Kip and Co’s new gorgeous line. The design and colours are just beautiful.

I am redesigning my bedroom at the moment and making it a peaceful haven and I can’t think of anything more beautiful than the kip and co bedding as it’s sure to be the star of the room!!

I would love to win this amazing Kip & Co matchstick doona cover and pillowcases. I have recently ended a relationship, a very challenging time, and I have been looking to spruce up and change my bedspread to give my bed a new lease of life whilst removing the memories of old. This Kip & Co set will give my bed a new positive energy and a style that looks forward not behind.

Finally, an amazing retro design that my husband would love, it would be the perfect Father’s Day gift from my little princess to her loving daddy!

Redecorating the bedroom with new bed linen is SOOO much cheaper than divorce when trying to achieve a change in the bedroom. 😀

I love Kip and Co and it would make my room in my share house look amazing. I am an arts student studying Textile Design and I would absolutely love something from a brand I admire xo

The decade old Target linen could do with becoming a drop sheet
While the Kip and Co Matchstick set would cool my sandy, summer feet.
Enough of the crappy rhymes! I would love to win this one. Even with the recent Kip & Co sale, I couldn’t stretch the budget.

What fantastic, funky, delightful designs Kip & Co do! I’d love to win a set for my spare room to welcome my daughter who is coming home to live for a while. (but I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t take it when she leaves!).

I would love something funky and colourful for the guest room to make it look less boring and beige.

Hubby and I are in the process of looking for out FIRST HOME! I would quite happily base the whole decor of the house around this fabulous Kip & Co Linen set!

I haven’t bought any new bedding in years (it ends up getting labelled as a luxury as I can only afford to pay bills for now). I would love a gorgeous, original design doona (queen size).

Recently moved in with my partner and we have been searching for the right look to combine both our styles (apparently pink florals just does not suit his tatste!) and after showing him this, i think we may have found the perfect fit! Love the new range, almost a bit miffed the pretzel doesnt come in King!

New mattress (springs jingling like loose change begone!) CHECK!
New bedhead (blue velvet…don’t judge me) CHECK!
New awesome Kip & Co linen….. YES PLEASE!

A queen-size Matchstick set in peach would complete my recent guest room update. The perfect ‘match’ (stick) for my DIYed pallet bedsides, industrial lamps and denim sheet set. I can see it now!

Wow, i love all of the designs and the Colours which are bright and Beautiful .It would give my Bedroom a refreshing new look, thanks for the chance to win the Kip & Co bed Linen.

Yippee!!! Do I really have a chance of replacing my thread bare, boring, old cover with an exciting, vibrant, peach Kip & Co!! Dark coloured walls to match, here I come!!

Kip & Co bed linen always injects cool beachside edginess to a bedroom. Love the freshness and creative use of colour and design. This print is perfect for me for summer!

My lovely boyfriend volunteers at his local Red Cross charity shop every weekend, so all his bedlinen is from there. He would keel over if I gave him a fancy new doona cover!

Ohhhh sleeping is my favourite thing to do, but I’ve been finding sleep rather elusive with young kids. I love sleep so much I even called my little bloggy space Sleep Yummy. I’d so love to win the Kip and Co Match Stick Donner cover, snuggled under that gorgeous Matchstick linen I couldn’t help but get that yummy sleep I so crave at night, while enjoying the eye candy of the Matchstick design by day.

A beautifully made bed is always the foundation of a bedroom. The Little Black Dress if you will.
Add a burst of colour, creative design and a touch of nostalgia and voila a Room to be envious off.

Such a lovely colur and simplistic design. Perfect for many a bedroom decor and hopefully one to be seen in mine

I am pretty sure my current cover belonged to my grandmother when she was young, its all pink roses and stuff,it is pretty but would love a modern, funky, and fresh look

Loving all the new designs and the setting is just gorgeous. My university days duvet cover is looking sad 10 years on. My husband replaced it a few years back but the old fav has ended back on the bed….To win something fresh and funky would be fantastic

We’ve replaced the single bed in the spare room with a queen size and I’m so short of linen!

Like the second child, my spare bed gets all the hand-me-down linen… It would be lovely for guests to have new Kip and Co. bedding! 🙂

I would love to win this beautiful Kip & Co linen… Love the peach! My husband will never agree to purchasing linen that isn’t some shade of blue…. This way he has no choice 🙂 Exactly what I need to convert him!

I’d love to win this gorgeous set for mum. Her room’s in desperate need of some warm decorative touches. It’s modern, stylish, slightly boho, and gives off the perfect vibe of a homely cosy place without going too kitsch. Just what my mum’s room needs! Thanks for the chance to win <3 x

My freshly painted white on white bedroom is crisp and lovely… but screaming out for a dash of hot sauce. This linen is just the ticket!

I’m embarrassed to say that I still sleep with my fairy pillowcases. I’d love to win so I don’t have to hide my pillows anymore

Kip and Co inspires me to get a good nights sleep in style. I adore the new collection, full of vibrant colours and designs that I will not want to get out of bed! I love the mismatched styles that compliment each other and am looking forward to tucking myself into these x

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