Bedrooms Designers Homewares

Take 5 with Kip & Co’s Alex van der Sluys

Each week we shine the spotlight on some of Australia’s best designers, artists and stylists and have them share with us what’s making them tick; anything from the best advice they’ve ever received to their favourite holiday destination. Today we chat to Alex van der Sluys, co-founder of bedding brand Kip & Co.

Kate Heppell and Hayley Pannekoecke
Alex van der Sluys (left) with co-founders Kate Heppell and Hayley Pannekoecke

1. What is your favourite holiday destination?

New Orleans is quite something else. I am a sucker for any city where it is socially acceptable to walk around with a giant plastic cup of gin and tonic and where the worst musician on the street is still better than most I’d hear at my local. The heat, the architecture, the voodoo history, the people. All good.

2. What is the best gift you’ve ever been given?

I just got an apple watch and I LOVE it. Self professed apple geek.

3. What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Go back to bed. And I give that advice to myself every morning.

4. What is your favourite homeware you own?

I’ve got a big old case with the name HH Hunter on it. It was the dentist case of my amazing relative who died at Gallipoli aged 33, having already played AFL for Essendon and played American Football AND worked as a successful dentist. He set the bar high!

5. Who is your favourite musician?

I love the new album by The Weeknd, beauty behind the madness. He has a bit of a potty mouth but is totally addictive.

Bedrooms Homewares Kids Rooms

Exclusive first look at Kip & Co’s new kids bedding

As Kip & Co co-owner Kate Heppell puts it: “We’re not trying to be the sophisticated kids bedding company, or even the cute or the pretty, we just want to make a spunky fun kids bedding range.” And boy, do they nail that brief.

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Kate, along with her sister Hayley Pannekoecke and her best friend Alex van der Sluys, make up the Kip & Co team. Founded in 2012 they also design bold and beautiful adults bedding, but it’s their new kids range, that we got an exclusive first look at, that has really got our attention.

A particular favourite is the scribble print, “the kids version of the polka dot,” which was drawn by Hayley’s then four-year-old daughter, Chloe.

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“We had kind of tried a scribble print before but we had never thought to say to a child can you have a little play for us,” explains Kate. “So Chloe did all these scribbles for us and we just ended up doing this big repeat of them. We didn’t want it to be age specific, just fun and colourful.”

It is this type of collaboration that sees Kate favour designing for kids over adults, and having a child herself and Hayley having three, means there’s always a little person to bounce ideas off.

“We definitely do a lot of testing with our kids,” says Kate. “Showing them drawings and prints throughout the design process. Chloe in particular is definitely our inspiration, she is a great sounding board.”

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Other kids prints featured in the range include a reversible bedspread with a pizza print on one side and a psychedelic candystripe on the other, as well some deep coloured velvets with cotton backings.

And if you’re wishing you could turn back the clock so you too could enjoy the lovely bedding, no need, the kids prints are also available for adults!

The new designs launch today. To shop online and get a list of local stockists visit Kip & Co here.


Kip & Co’s new bed linen range is inspired by the dappled light of summer. Win some!

Melbourne’s boutique bedding company Kip & Co, has launched its latest collection, Dappled Dreams, adding towels and rugs to complement its linen for adults and kids.

The Matchstick and Spots designs
The Matchstick and Spots designs

It’s a celebration of summers gone and the possibilities of summers to come – dappled light and warm nights, radio crackling, beach swims, salty skin, friendships made, gold and braid.

We wanted to create a relaxed range that conveyed that sense of freedom you get over a long coastal summer,” said co-founder Hayley Pannekoecke.

The colourful Obus design, a collaboration
The colourful Obus design, a collaboration

The range features Kip’s first collaboration with Obus founder, Kylie Zerbst. Kylie’s energy and independence found a kindred spirit one summer with Kip’s Kate Heppell, and together they began a long and fierce friendship.