Interiors Addict

New ‘vintage’ wall hangings from Quercus & Co

Launched last week by Quercus & Co, these colour charts are based on original illustrations by colour theory pioneers like Philipp Otto Runge and Johannes Itten. A must for design nerds if you ask me!


They feature large scale diagrams handpainted in their own “washy-watercolour” style with handwritten traditional colour descriptions including beauties like Heliotrope, Cochineal, Duck Egg, Celeste, Amaranth, Madder Lake, Paris Green to name a few.

Also available in the new range are wall hangings with designs from their collection of wallpaper patterns. These decorative artworks have an eclectic, vintage vibe.


The charts and wall hangings are all printed onto sturdy artist’s canvas and fixed with Cedar dowel, cotton tape and brass rings for hanging. The prints can be easily wiped clean and rolled up for storage or shipping.

quercus detail

Charts and wall hangings start from $245 (100 x 70cm).

The designs featured on the charts and wall hangings are also available as unframed art prints on acid-free textured paper. Art Prints start from $60 (50 x 40cm).

quercus art prints

Available direct from Quercus & Co. Trade and wholesale prices are available on request.

For your chance to win a wall hanging of your choice worth $245 please make sure you’re signed up to our weekly newsletter then comment below (by midnight Friday) where you’d hang it and why. ENTRIES ARE NOW CLOSED.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

43 replies on “New ‘vintage’ wall hangings from Quercus & Co”

Awesome competition. I’d try and recreate the above look above my work desk! I’ve been looking for something colourful and classy (not to mention inspiring).

I’m studying Interior Design & would love to hang this in my new office when I’m done. Very cool!

Beautiful prints and would love this up hanging from my bookcase but it would have to go to my mum’s house and go in her office to inspire her while she’s getting her craft business started.

I am obsessed with wall hangings at the moment, I just adore these! I have the perfect spot in my kitchen/dining area of our newly renovated house just screaming out for something like this to make a home on it’s walls. Although I do love the way how they’ve styled the Tapestry wall hanging in Indian Yellow on the Quercus & Co website by hanging it on an easel, genius and amazing!

Love these!! I am a mum of four and just learnt I had an artistic side last year at 38. Painting and creativity has brought me so much new found joy and I’m starting understand more and more the power of colour (correct spelling in Australia.) I would love to hang this in a space I am creating at home for my little art world. 🙂

Love these wall hangings. Two weeks out from finishing university, it’s time to give my desk/study space a new lease of life and one of these hangings would be perfect.

My family have been slowly renovating a tiny run-down house. Our one small living area has a blank wall above our couch. I’ve been trying to decide what to put there for a whole year. It’s the one place where we could hang art, mirrors, photos etc. I finally decided on a colourful wall hanging. One of these hangings would be a wonderful way to add some personality and vitality to our little home.

I would love for the colour spheres to take pride of place in my home office, where I spend my days editing children’s picture books. No more googling colour wheels! x

The wallpaper hangings are just beautiful…..I know the perfect spot for one and I’ll be hoping Santa will bring me one…..yes I’ve been a good girl!

Wow, what a beautiful collection of wall hangings.
Thanks for the competition!

I would hang mine in our entry. We have been looking for something to brighten up this area and these definitely deserve to be admired by any visitors in our home.

I have just purchased my first home and am so excited to have discovered this website to help me design and decorate the interior. At this stage I would hang it in the dining room to add a pop of colour, but this may change as I am learning more and more each day about design!

After over thirty years in the one old house I have now moved into a new home with a totally empty space for my art room/office. How wonderful to hang one of these as the inspiration for designing both the room itself and the work that will hopefully happen there!

Colour it inspires, it motivates, it is art, it is what I love to surround myself with.
My living space needs an injection of inspiration, perfect for these beautiful charts.

Perfect. I use my old colour wheel all the time. It hangs above my desk in my office and my kids have ripped the side of it. These colour charts would replace my old one and I’m sure I would love to look at it more than my old torn colour chart. These are beautiful. Love the wood rods.

What a great way to be inspired by colour daily with this inspiration in your work space to see and enjoy..

LOve LOve LOve it

I am finally starting my own business after a lifetime of working for others. Colour is my passion and these charts would look fantastic in my new office. They are super cool!

I love the vintage look and feel of these posters, I would hang it in my little nook at home above my antique trestle table. I love the ‘old school’ scrolls on these posters!

Gorgeous chart, gorgeous inspiration, I would place one in the entry hall to inspire as we exit the home and to inspire others as they visit, a little bit of colour magic goes a long way….

Beautiful. I am studying colour and design, so I will be hanging this next to the mood boards in my make-shift study for inspiration!

As a point of interest, and definite talking point, I’d have this interesting piece by Quuercus & Co in my coffee nook in the living room, so I can share with friends! The beautiful colour variations also lend to the idea of the living room walls being able to colour match with some of the flavours in the print….

Opposite my home desk is a blank wall just crying out for some beautiful colour like the spheres wall hanging.

I would place the colour sphere chart above my 15 year old son’s study desk in our hallway. He’s studying graphic arts (all computerised of course) so it would be awesome to try and infiltrate his technology laden mind in such a cool passive way.

Would love to hand one of these posters in our studio, we have great inspiration boards, photo’s etc but one of these posters would totally compliment the environment of the studio we house built in the 1950’s, complete with big swing door that looks out to the green. Not only would it be eye candy but a totally useful tool to point at. “Practical Style” in other words.

I’d love to give this stunning piece to a close friend who is an artist and this would fit perfectly within her new studio.

I’d love to give this stunning piece to a close friend who is an artist and this would fit perfectly within her new studio. As she has an eye for colour and detail.

Just discovered Quercus & Co recently.. Their work is beautiful. I’d love to hang one of their wall hangings in our study nook.. It would work perfecly!

Every day when I return home from work I am greeted by a blank wall, opposite the entrance to my home. A white, blank wall. Since discovering Quercus an Co’s wallpapers, I have dreamt of covering that wall with one of their amazing prints. To fill that space with a colourful, inspiring, happy-smile inducing Quercus and Co Wall Hanging would make my day, every day.

These are just devine. I am currently studying at ISCD so would hang them in my new studio/study space as both reference and a fabulous look.

What a great giveaway ! My husband is a artist /painter so I would love to win this for him to put in his studio over his myriad of paint pots, it would be a welcome change from his style of art and a perfect way to match a difficult paint colour and shade when he gets stuck and has to go and refer to images online and in book to achieve the perfect shade for his works.

My wife likes to paint, but doesn’t much time to do so with two kids and her own business. I’d put the colour spheres one up in our lounge room to help inspire her.

I love this! I would love to win one of the colour charts to hang in our living area so the whole family can benefit from it. It would be fantastic for my daughter to expand her colour vocabulary.

Just subscribed to the newsletter. Awesome! And I love these hangings. I have a large wall behind my tv that I’m turning into an art wall. It’ll be right there and the first thing you see when you walk in the room.

I would choose Double Colour Sphere No. 1 – Violet and hang it in my office! What a pleasent way to add color to a room!

I’ve just started experimenting with dyeing fabrics, a new area for me, and have had some unexpected (disastrous?) results. I’d hand the colour spheres in my workshop to keep me inspired and on track!

As a graphic designer I am smitten with the colour charts, and I think it would be just what I need to help make my new home office space perfect.

I am mature aged/young at heart woman who was made redundant in July this year.
That word (redundant!) says it all really….Finding employment when one is over a certain age is incredibly challenging on so many levels, and I could speak volumes about this topic!
It is a ‘game’ changer!
Armed with just a certificate in colour and design and currently study Graphic Design, I now plan to work for myself.
I would love and appreciate having this wall hanging as my inspiration and motivational piece while I work towards my dreams in my home office/study.

I’m in love with these colour charts, and I wanted to get one. But, with Christmas and everything, I couldn’t afford it. I especially love the 4 colour ball chart, it’s stunning on the vintage looking rods and string. Hopefully Santa (or Jen Addict) will pop one down my chimney for Christmas!? xo Loving your work… all the way from Perth!

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