Interiors Addict

Ocean: the latest Dinosaur Designs collection, by Louise Olsen

Drawing upon inspiration from the ocean, a fierce yet gentle, natural and ever changing beauty, the latest Dinosaur Designs collection by creative director Louise Olsen, resembles sea forms.

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In the homewares range, vases and bowls resemble handmade shell forms. The natural colour of spotted patterned shells is cast upon vases and bowls. Platters form like waves and shells.

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Louise has introduced a dégradé colour technique, which is applied using deep-sea blues and warm coral colours, resembling the depth and lightness of the tide sweeping in and out. To complete the palette, bright yellow and soft sandy tones have been incorporated.

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What I am working with is the sculptural and organic forms. The casting of the collection was inspired by the ever-changing tonality of the ocean,” says Louise. “There is something very human about the sea, I wanted to create that feeling in these pieces. These sculptural sea forms continue into the homewares range.”

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The Ocean collection comprises of 39 new jewellery designs and nine new homeware styles, shown here. Louise has designed all the pieces, which are handmade and finished in resin by artisans in Dinosaur’s Sydney studio. As ever, no two pieces are exactly the same.

The collection is available in Dinosaur Designs’ Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, New York and online stores from 22 April 2013. For the first time, the new collection is available to pre-order online from today.

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By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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