Interiors Addict

Order custom textiles online from Ink & Spindle

Melbourne’s Ink & Spindle have launched a new website which allows retail and trade customers to fully tailor their own high quality, sustainable, hand screenprinted textiles to suit their own special project. All of this online from the comfort of their home or office!


Via an extremely simple, easy-to-use visual interface, customers can select from a range of sustainable basecloths and ink colours and apply them to their favourite design. Co-owner Lara Cameron says the biggest challenge for clients making custom orders previously, was being able to visualise the final product. 


Custom printing is a service we have always offered, but the biggest hurdle we’ve faced is helping our customers visualise a colourway that’s not there in front of them. Basically, we’re helping to bridge the imagination gap, and we are thrilled that we’ve been able to achieve that in a way that’s never been done before.”

Previously, physical test prints were time consuming and costly, not to mention wasteful. “The new online feature not only streamlines the process for customers, but it also frees up more of our time to focus on developing and expanding our range of designs,” she says.


She expects the scope of opportunities delivered by the new service will be particularly exciting for interior design and styling professionals. “We already work with a fantastic collection of local designers and stylists, and we took a lot of their feedback on board in developing the new website and custom order process,” says Lara. “They can now not only tailor Ink & Spindle textiles to their project but also easily and immediately share the options they develop with clients, whether it’s by emailing a URL or showing them in real-time on their laptop or tablet. It’s like a portable, customised Ink & Spindle swatch book!”


The website was designed and developed by Tom Fitzgerald from Guvnor and Dominic Whittle from Weekends, with photography by Sean Fennessy. Ink & Spindle’s custom and ready-made textiles are available for purchase as metreage online now.

Photography by Sean Fennessy.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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