Interiors Addict

Wallpaper myths busted!

Myth number 1: Wallpaper is not “it”  Look around and wherever you turn the evidence is in plain sight: on TV, in magazines, on websites and in display homes, walls are being covered with creative patterns and designs that bring rooms to life. Wall coverings are everywhere! The minimalist plain wall is long gone. People […]

Interiors Addict

Ready for a challenge? Create your own feature wall

I hope you’ve enjoyed the previous 9 interior styling tips we’ve brought you from Martina Hrubes at Ruby in Design. You still haven’t had enough? Well then here’s the 10th and final installment. You’re ready to take it to the next step! This is where it all comes together! TASK A feature wall should always be […]

Interiors Addict

beautiful-soup: niceroom via Kiras fargerike hjem –

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 9: The power of flower

Plants and flowers are the most natural way of enhancing spaces. Why? They bring an organic feel to your room, look nice, smell good and brighten moods with their natural beauty! TIPS Key areas for flower power are dining tables, bathrooms, entry halls and corridors as well as blank corners. Flowers and plants will automatically make places more […]

Interiors Addict
Interiors Addict

Styling tip 8: Accessorise with style

Accessories can include anything from eclectic artwork to ornaments, vases, designer pieces, mirrors and rare collector pieces. They can be used to enhance a styling scheme, fill awkward gaps or spaces or be feature themselves. Accessories are important because they give your home a personal touch and enhance a theme, style or ambiance you want […]

Interiors Addict

Trend forecaster predicts organic, retro and pattern as key interior trends for summer

Retail buyers and stylists from around Australia will be flocking to Melbourne next month to see the latest in homeware and giftware products from more than 50 categories at the Home & Giving Fair. Eryn Behan, managing director at trend forecasters Ginger Trend Consulting, says the fair is the best place to see products showcasing the upcoming […]

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 7: Creating mood with lighting

Successful lighting schemes are based on a balance between natural and artificial light, coupled with the interaction of function and design. This might seem like an algebraic formula, but if you can understand the primary role of lighting, this will give you a strong direction on how to optimise certain areas with light.   TIPS […]

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 6: Functionalise your living space

Space planning is an integral part of maximising the usability of your home. Effectively balancing your arrangements can help to overcome small obstacles and improve efficiency – there should always be a natural flow to how you move through the room.   TIP One of the principles behind Feng Shui is to allow natural pathways […]

Interiors Addict

Plenty of fellow Poms at the Furnitex and Decoration + Design seminar series this week!

FURNITEX and DECORATION + DESIGN have confirmed a stellar line-up for the 2011 International Industry Seminar Series, coming up this Thursday and Friday at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Sponsored by Home Beautiful, eight leading design experts from across the globe will inspire interior enthusiasts as they discuss the hot trends for future seasons and influences driving […]

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 5: Mix it up!

It’s important to remember in this whole process that you don’t have to stick to one trend or style because you think it might go out of fashion. Get that fear out of your head and, instead, have a play by mix-and-matching the pieces you have chosen that reflect the story you want to tell. […]

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 4: Introduce pattern and texture

Now that you’ve built a strong foundation by introducing aspects of your personal style, story and colour preferences to your home, you can continue to build upon this by adding even further depth and complexity to the space. Patterns and texture play a huge part in impacting your overall look and feel and they’re some […]

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 3: Colourise your life!

  Colour is one of the most important aspects to a styling scheme and yet, ironically, it is what people are most hesitant to introduce. This aversion to embracing colour is amusing to me since the earth is, naturally, one of the greatest examples of how colour has an effect on its surroundings.    Tip  […]

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 2: Tell your story

As you start to create your story, the challenge lies in positioning and presenting every piece in a way that balances out your space. A natural flow and aesthetic look that guides your eye around the room is the end goal. Tip One way to begin is by assigning little themes and facets of your […]

Interiors Addict

OMG bathroom envy! Dara Shashoua is an interior designer specialising in bathrooms and the use of ti

OMG bathroom envy! Dara Shashoua is an interior designer specialising in bathrooms and the use of tile and stone. Like all the best designers, she’s passionate about what she does: “I am obsessed with bathrooms and natural stone, to the point where whenever I walk into a room I look at the floor then judge […]

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 1: Find your style de jour

For me, style is all about creating a desired mood and ambience with objects that we own  because they have some measure of personal significance in our lives. The way you decorate  your home is a strong expression of your individuality and can have a great in influence on how  you feel living your life.  […]

Interiors Addict

wearemfeo: Decoright.

Interiors Addict

What I’ve learned about moving house

I just moved into a (gorgeous) new apartment so I’m exhausted and hence my posts have been a little thin on the ground. My apologies! Normal service will resume shortly! Meanwhile, here is what I’ve learned about moving: 1. Moving is expensive. Not just because you end up paying double rent and double bond in the […]