Interiors Addict

Support Aussie design talent in online sale

Temple & Webster is supporting 6 up and coming Australian designers in a special online sale, The New Design Talent, starting tomorrow.

Sideboard by AULD Design
Sideboard by AULD Design

The sale will include AULD Design handcrafted furniture, TUFTS ceramic kitchen and homewares, Tamara Maynes’ 70s-inspired homespun crafts, captivating tableware and lighting from The MOD Collective (an Interiors Addict favourite), industrial pieces by B-TOVIM DESIGN and cabinetry and woodwork pieces by Soren Bartlock.

Temple & Webster is committed to supporting new and existing Australian talent. Co-founder Adam McWhinney says: “Our ability to share the vision, creativity and products of fabulous local design talent with a large and appreciative audience is one of the great pleasures of this business.” Head of buying Caroline Walsh adds: “Temple & Webster adores discovering new talents; here are just a few of the amazing creative people we have on our shores.”

The Temple & Webster New Design Talent Sale runs from tomorrow until 3 October at

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.