Designers Homewares

The Mod Collective returns with colourful ceramic collection

While it may be the first entirely new collection for the brand in five years, Mod Collective is back with a gorgeous range of clean, minimal pieces in an array of sumptuous hues and geometric shapes.


“The Edge collection is borne from a desire to expel the decoration from the exterior of the vessels and turn the vessel itself into the pattern,” says designer Valissa Butterworth, of the colourful range. “Colour is a type of therapy for me. From creating them to altering the intensity, blending them and then accidentally blending them when I pour the contents of a mould into the wrong bucket.”


The range came about after Valissa spent a week experimenting with sculpting and carving small figures. “While my goal was not to reinvent the bowl or beaker, it was necessary to alter the perception of the vessel itself to move beyond the basic form. It’s common to see people tip a bowl to get the last spoonful of soup, cereal or dessert. These designs not only tip for you, but they also channel that last morsel into a convenient little space that’s easy to capture.”


Designed in Victoria, the range is manufactured in both Vietnam and Valissa’s Victorian studio. “I engaged the skills and knowledge of a second generation ceramic studio based in Vietnam to produce the smaller vessels in the collection. I make the vases, XL bowls and plates myself,” says Valissa who only produces a small number of pieces through a complex process that includes hand-drawn sketching, wheel thrown sampling and computer design too.


“Computer design is called on to iron out the finer details of each piece and finally a series of slip cast models is created. For this collection there were more than a few design tweaks to enable the pieces to be successfully slip cast. This was itself a very interesting process, throwing up some solutions to the creation of beautiful ovoid forms,” says Valissa.


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Interiors Addict

Support Aussie design talent in online sale

Temple & Webster is supporting 6 up and coming Australian designers in a special online sale, The New Design Talent, starting tomorrow.

Sideboard by AULD Design
Sideboard by AULD Design

The sale will include AULD Design handcrafted furniture, TUFTS ceramic kitchen and homewares, Tamara Maynes’ 70s-inspired homespun crafts, captivating tableware and lighting from The MOD Collective (an Interiors Addict favourite), industrial pieces by B-TOVIM DESIGN and cabinetry and woodwork pieces by Soren Bartlock.

Interiors Addict

Win Matt and Kim’s $3,800 dining table from their winning room on The Block

Every week, you ask me where you can buy things you’ve seen on The Block’s Sunday night room reveals. Well today I’m giving you the chance to win Matt and Kim’s gorgeous dining table, worth almost $4,000, from last night’s winning room!
