Appliances Kitchens

Brita 3 Way Water Filter Dispenser makes water smell waterier

There is a serious side to this post where we tell you that Brita has released some pretty handy new appliances. Unsurprisingly in the filtered water category. There’s also a fun side, but we will get to that later.

Firstly, the serious part. Brita has launched its 3 Way Water Filter Dispenser which you can attach to a range of four European designed bench top taps. Your options are Square Neck, Swan Neck, Brita 90 Degree and Brita 45 Degree. Prices start at $379 and top out at $499. It’s a DIY and pretty affordable option. If you buy a lot of bottled water this should pay for itself quite quickly.

brita 3 way filter tap

The taps connect to the Brita filter below the sink and there is a separate lever for regular tap water and the Brita filtered water. The filter itself is apparently easy to install and requires no additional drill holes or anything messy like that.

Interiors Addict

That chevron trend just isn’t going anywhere

I think we can safely say chevron is here to stay and I’m definitely not sick of it yet! Check out these fab new Swedish rugs from Brita, available through Life Interiors.