
Foodie Friday: Peanut buttercream frosted cupcakes

Easter is almost here and to celebrate, Callebaut Chocolatier and founder of Josophan’s Fine Chocolates, Jodie Van Der Velden, has put together a deliciously decadent Easter recipe to satisfy your chocolate cravings. Combining two of life’s greatest pleasures, chocolate and peanut butter, her delicious peanut buttercream frosted cupcakes with bunny ears are sure to be a hit with the kids (and big kids) this long weekend.

Makes 12 large – 18 regular


300g Callebaut Dark Couverture Fairtrade Callets 54.5% chocolate
250g unsalted butter, chopped
300g caster sugar
6 large free range eggs, room temperature
100g plain flour, sieved

375g unsalted butter
375g smooth peanut butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
500g pure icing sugar, sieved
½ tsp sea salt flakes


Combine chocolate and butter in large microwave safe bowl, and melt on high heat, stirring every minute until melted (around 3 mins) (or melt in bowl over saucepan of simmering water, stirring).

Whisk into the completely melted chocolate butter mix: add sugar til combined. Add lightly beaten eggs til combined. Fold in flour.

Portion cake mix into greased or patty cake paper lined cupcake tin. Bake at 170 degree C, until cooked (skewer comes out with some sticky crumbs on it when poked into centre, but is not liquid). This might take around 1/2 hour or more or less, depending on your oven.

Let cool in tin.

Peanut buttercream frosting

Beat very softened (but not melted) butter briefly, til creamy. Add peanut butter and beat until combined and smooth.

Add icing sugar 1⁄2 cup at a time, and beat well between each addition, to avoid graininess. Add sea salt flakes.

Pipe using start nozzle on top of cooled cupcakes.

Enjoy at room temperature, but keep in sealed airtight container in refrigerator.

Bunny ears
Cut shaped ears from acetate (overhead projector plastic sheets or similar) Thinly spread tempered chocolate on acetate using pallet knife.

Shape if desired, by placing ‘ear’ in slightly curved surface to set (like a bowl) and or curling over top of one ear before set and using sticky take to hold down folded section until it is holding its own shape.

NOTE: Add an extra flavour note to cupcakes by scooping a melon ball size section from cupcake before frosting, and fill with raspberry jam, or salted caramel! Yum!

Interiors Addict

How to: make your own doughnut board

Surely I can’t be the only one who has been swooning over doughnut boards on Pinterest? It was only a matter of time before I had to give it a DIY go for Interiors Addict! What do you think of my efforts? The common Krispy Kreme never looked so good, right?


Here’s just how simple and easy it is to knock one of these bad boys up quickly…


Step 1: Pick up supplies

Step 2: Cut dowel rods

Cut your dowel rod to the desired lengths and sand down the edges.

Step 3: Drill holes

Mark out where you want the dowel rods to go (make sure you leave enough room between them for the doughnuts). Make sure your drill bit is the same width as your dowel rod and drill down 3/4 the depth of the serving board. Sand any rough bits around the holes you’ve just drilled.

Step 4: Glue dowels in

Put a small amount of glue into the holes you’ve drilled and push your dowels rod in. Remove any excess glue and then wait for it to dry.


Step 5: Eat doughnuts!

Cake by La Petite Tarte and doughnuts from Krispy Kreme

–Kathryn Bamford is a certified interiors addict and regular contributor. You can follow her DIY and design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.