
Renowned photographer George Fetting opens online gallery

When at age seven George Fetting picked up his first Kodak camera, there was no going back. Since that fateful day, he’s gone on to have a diverse and noted career, winning a number of photographic prizes including Capture Magazines Australian Travel Photography of the Year — twice.


Now, George has decided to take his carefully archived images and turn them into an online gallery, covering everything from ethereal seascapes, contemporary landscapes, seductive flowers and abstract art.


The gallery, entitled Photo Editions offers artworks in a number of sizes, edition numbers and price points, meaning greater choice and accessibility. Committed to providing corporate, private and investment collectors a beautiful selection of art, the works span a large part of George’s career and include many of his favourite pieces.


While the imagery is quite diverse, the real aim of Photo Editions is to display beautiful and captivating works of art, many of which have never been seen before. George’s passion for travel and exploring new places means there will be a constantly evolving range of unique and original imagery on offer, with the gallery being a long-term ongoing project.

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Art raises awareness of human trafficking

Sydney photographer Andrew James is using the release of his first series of fine art photographic prints as an opportunity to raise awareness of the human trafficking issue.

Having spent the last four years working with at risk teenagers in the juvenile justice system, Andrew is passionate about social justice. He first heard about the A21 Campaign, who provide rescue services and crisis accommodation for trafficking victims, in 2007. When he finished shooting his first series of photographic art prints this year, he immediately knew he wanted to donate a percentage of the sales to the not-for-profit.

To Be Free is a series of eclectic images, all about freedom. They are limited edition prints, with only 11 of each released. “I’m really proud of this first series of images. Not only are people going to put cool things on their wall, but every time they look at these photos I hope they’ll be reminded of the cause behind them.”

While the series will support A21, the pieces themselves aren’t about human trafficking. “The focus of this series is not human trafficking, it’s about freedom, which is essentially what art is all about.”

Prints start from $90 and are available at 10% of the sale price of each print will go directly to the A21 Campaign.