Bedrooms Expert Tips Interviews

Australia’s first graduate of Marie Kondo shares tips!

“Even at a young age, being neat and tidy gave me a sense of relief and calmness. Looking back, I had always understood that having the right objects in your life can make you feel happier and more balanced,” says professional organiser Gemma Quinn, Australia’s first person to be officially trained by the Japanese organisational guru Marie Kondo.

And I don’t know about you but my wardrobe, with its limited space, is a bit of an organisational nightmare so I was keen to glean some wardrobe organisation tips from Gemma after her Kondo immersion. “Using the KonMari Method allows all your items to be visible at once, allowing you to see and enjoy all your clothing and you don’t forget to wear the items you love due to not being able to see them,” says Gemma. I would love to be able to see all of my clothes, shoes and accessories and for the space to ‘spark joy’ and here Gemma, who has teamed up with Freedom Wardrobes, shows us how.

Freedom Kitchens

Vertical folding
Given the column inches devoted to the art, the KonMari folding method still remains a little elusive to me but Gemma elucidates. “Using the vertical folding method allows you to see all of your clothes at once, rather than being hidden under layers, and makes for a more efficient use of space,” says Gemma who explains that folding protects delicate clothes from unnecessary damage as some fibres stretch out of shape when hung.

This handy diagram explains the vertical folding method for the uninitiated.
Marie Kondo’s vertical folding method

Dirty laundry storage
While doing laundry may not ‘spark joy,’ finding a practical space to store it before washing certainly can. From a chic laundry hamper that matches your décor, to a hanging hamper (yes please!), keeping dirty clothes stylishly out of sight is the goal.

“Once people have tidied their belongings with the KonMari Method, they generally cherish and want to take care of their items; this includes their laundry and not wanting to just throw it on the floor anymore,” says Gemma.

Find the joy
While the KonMari Method prides itself on decluttering, it does also encourage us to include sentimental items in our everyday lives. “For instance, using glass display shelves in a wardrobe allows you to arrange and engage with those items that touch your heart the most. Imagine opening your wardrobe and seeing a photo of a loved one, your favourite perfume or a magical rock given to you by your child.”

Freedom Wardrobes
Glass display shelves work a treat in this Freedom Wardrobes walk-in robe

For more on Freedom Wardrobes | IKEA bedroom makeover turns wardrobe into office nook

Bedrooms Furniture

Flat pack wardrobes: Freedom Kitchens’ new offering

After manufacturing kitchens and laundries for over 20 years, Freedom Kitchens has just expanded its cabinetry offering with the launch of Freedom Wardrobes. The range includes walk-in, hinged and sliding door wardrobes alongside island benches and is available at key store locations in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

Freedom wardrobes
The hinged option

“Here at Freedom Kitchens we’ve got a wealth of expertise in cabinetry and joinery, having designed and manufactured kitchens for over 20 years. Our customers seek designer style at an affordable price, and we’re proud to introduce the same level of style and value to our new Freedom Wardrobes range – these truly are wardrobes with wow factor,” says Tracy Smedley, director of marketing.

Freedom Wardrobes
The walk-in option

With prices starting from $3,286, you can choose from 12 door finishes and four interior finishes. You can also choose to include jewellery drawers, a home safe, black frame glass shelving and matte black hardware for hinges, hanging rails and shoe racks amongst many other customisable options.

Freedom Wardrobes
The sliding option

“The premium materials and finishes used for this range are irresistibly on-trend, but will endure for years to come. Our wardrobes are also backed by a seven-year guarantee, just like the cabinets in our kitchens and laundries, giving customers peace of mind when they invest in a Freedom Wardrobe,” says Tracy.

Freedom Wardrobes
Wardrobe details

The design process includes a free on-site design appointment after which the wardrobes are delivered directly to the home as ready-to-assemble flat-packs allowing you to choose your own installer.

Freedom Wardrobes

For more | How to create the perfect walk-in wardrobe