Expert Tips

Interiors trends 2020: Nature, wallpaper, & greige!

Sponsored by Sydney Gift Fair

Reconnecting with nature and sending less to landfill has become a real focus, while grey is slowly being replaced by ‘greige’ and velvet is going nowhere! Here are our top interiors trends for 2020.

Dulux Grounded Palette. Styling by Bree Leech, photography by Lisa Cohen

Dulux’s latest nature-inspired palette draws on our desire to escape the digital onslaught and reconnect with the natural world. “These colour trends are influenced by what’s happening in the world around us. With more focus on mental health, the wellness movement continues to gain momentum, as does an emphasis on natural materiality,” says their communications manager Andrea Lucena-Orr.

“Colours for 2020 are more restrained than in previous years. Brights are pulled back and influenced by nature. They appear in smaller doses – think feature walls and details – and are often used tonally as a backdrop for hero furniture pieces. Neutrals are soft and sophisticated, with a gently faded feel that speaks of stillness and calm. Clay, with its warm, earthy appeal, is emerging as a key neutral,” says Andrea.

Greg Ollerhead of One World Collections, agrees that the consumer is becoming more environmentally conscious. “I think people are over cheap throwaway wood and plastic novelties that just end up in landfill. Buy a bit less but better quality as the mass cheap market seems to be running out of steam a bit, both here and in the USA.”

Image: One World Collections

With much of the brand’s range coming under the very popular Hamptons aesthetic, Greg says their philosophy is to create timeless furniture pieces that are on trend now. This year, he sees sage green and baby blue as key hues and adds that velvet is going nowhere: “Everyone thought that was a one-year wonder but on the right piece it is still selling really well and I think will continue to be a part of furniture design for the next few years.”

Award-winning interior designer Lynne Bradley, of Sydney’s Lynne Bradley Interiors, says the huge trend for grey is waning, but there’ll always be a place for it in our homes because it pairs with almost everything. “I think there has been a big decline in the use of grey this year however, grey is a wonderful neutral that is timeless and can be either feminine or masculine. Grey is a staple in the designer’s tool kit and no two greys are the same. However, there is a trend towards brown being a replacement for grey, transitioning from ‘greige’ through to caramels and dark browns,” she says.

Browns are making a comeback! Project: Lynne Bradley Interiors | Styling: Steve Cordony | Photo: Anson Smart

The growing use of wallpaper is another key trend to watch and one which Lynne is very happy about! “No longer seen as old fashioned or difficult to remove, it is fast becoming the new vernacular in adding personality to a space and offers an inexpensive way to create depth and scale as well as cover imperfections,” she says. “Wallpaper can be calming, bold or energising and seriously transform a room.”

Read the full trend report in the Sydney Gift Fair catalogue. Presented by the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA), the leading industry event starts on Friday this year, and is at Sydney Olympic Park from 21 to 24 February 2020. We’re delighted to be this year’s media partner for the second time, and I’ll be running a workshop on branding and getting your business in the media.

For more information, visit the Sydney Gift Fair website. This is a trade-only event which is free to attend. One World Collections are exhibiting at this year’s event for the first time.

Design Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

5 old school home designs making a comeback

As trends come and go through home design, there’s a few that’ll almost always roll back into fashion — sooner or later. And whilst there’s many fads you probably hoped like hell you’ll never see again, these old school designs are looking hotter than ever.


From 1960s flashbacks to colourful numbers you thought were long gone, retro trends are now considered a timeless style sparking contrast with modern designs that look spectacular. As today’s freshest interiors take a page from the past, here’s a few old school inspirations to spruce up your home.

1. White picket fences

These cute cottage like fences were once the most traditional style of fencing – then they went out of fashion. Replaced by modern slats and the warm appeal of wood fencing, white picket fences almost vanished for good. But now their charm and recent upgrades have made them one of the most popular and timeless home designs.

You see them in the movies and you probably dreamt of them as a child – that beautiful home with the proverbial white picket fence. They shaped the ‘ideal home’ and complemented absolutely every architecture design. However, their charm was cut short when homeowners realised the reality of their dreams – too much maintenance to keep it looking pretty and yearly treatments that worked out expensive and timely. These days though, white picket fences are available in aluminium which offers homeowners the best of both worlds; charm and ease. They still have the traditional look we know and love, but powder-coating option and the aluminium material make today’s white picket fences more durable with less hassle.

2. Wallpaper renaissance

Now before you start shaking your head at the horrible wallpaper memories of your grandmother’s home, today’s wallpaper decor is nothing like it used to be. Better yet, it’s actually stylish, funky and makes for a fantastic accent wall. They have come back into vogue and making a statement in many modern homes. From metallic wallpapers that add sparkling elegance to geometrics that have that wow factor, these rare-looking designs bring a sense of the past into today’s homes.

Opt for a minimal effect (you definitely don’t want to go too overboard with this one!) and be bold with textures, colours and cool inspirations. If your space is small, wallpaper with texture can work a treat or add dimension to a room by creating a wallpaper feature wall.

3. ’60s flashbacks

Think shaggy rugs, rotary phones hanging on your wall and sparkling chandeliers. Sounds tacky I know, but these 1960s flashbacks are looking simply amazing in modern homes. Lucite is making a huge comeback making the transparent trend complement traditional elements perfectly.

The 60s flashback is all about details – contrast cording, brass buttons and nailheads or tufting on retro furniture. Shag rugs, a thing of the ’60s and ’70s, are back with beautiful textures and warm, stylish tones and chandeliers add a retro-inspired touch to a space. Taking cues from the diners of the ’50s and ’60s, booths (instead of tables!) are making a huge comeback in modern kitchens or breakfast nook areas – and boy do they look awesome! Plus, they provide a unique way to entertain guests or create a conversation piece in the kitchen.

4. Wood panelling

Another ‘shake your head’ design that was dark, dated and screamed ’70s spaces, wood panelled walls are back (sorry!). But not to fear – it actually looks good this time around. Like wallpaper, you want to keep it to a bare minimum so use it for a feature wall instead of an entire room.

Whilst wood panelling back in the day was dark and gloomy, today’s designs are much brighter and often installed horizontally rather than vertically – which looks more modern. Just these two differences alone ensure the wood-panelling trend is bringing decorative flair to your home, not daggy and depressing.

5. Colourful front doors

Kerb appeal is essential for home design – especially come resale time. You want your home’s exterior to always look fresh and inviting, whether it be in the landscaping, fencing solutions or colour schemes. For years, the front door came in one or two colours. They were uneventful and probably the last thing on any homeowner’s mind to revive.

But today, giving your front door some TLC is as important as looking after your outdoor space. Make your home the focal point of the street with bold and bright colours. Think reds, yellows, blues, turquoise and even purple and pink. For the colourful front door to really pop though, keep the rest of your home’s exterior in neutral colours.

— Jayde Ferguson writes for Fencemakers, Western Australia’s leading provider of quality fencing and gates installed by skilled fencing contractors.