Expert Tips

Interiors trends 2020: Nature, wallpaper, & greige!

Sponsored by Sydney Gift Fair

Reconnecting with nature and sending less to landfill has become a real focus, while grey is slowly being replaced by ‘greige’ and velvet is going nowhere! Here are our top interiors trends for 2020.

Dulux Grounded Palette. Styling by Bree Leech, photography by Lisa Cohen

Dulux’s latest nature-inspired palette draws on our desire to escape the digital onslaught and reconnect with the natural world. “These colour trends are influenced by what’s happening in the world around us. With more focus on mental health, the wellness movement continues to gain momentum, as does an emphasis on natural materiality,” says their communications manager Andrea Lucena-Orr.

“Colours for 2020 are more restrained than in previous years. Brights are pulled back and influenced by nature. They appear in smaller doses – think feature walls and details – and are often used tonally as a backdrop for hero furniture pieces. Neutrals are soft and sophisticated, with a gently faded feel that speaks of stillness and calm. Clay, with its warm, earthy appeal, is emerging as a key neutral,” says Andrea.

Greg Ollerhead of One World Collections, agrees that the consumer is becoming more environmentally conscious. “I think people are over cheap throwaway wood and plastic novelties that just end up in landfill. Buy a bit less but better quality as the mass cheap market seems to be running out of steam a bit, both here and in the USA.”

Image: One World Collections

With much of the brand’s range coming under the very popular Hamptons aesthetic, Greg says their philosophy is to create timeless furniture pieces that are on trend now. This year, he sees sage green and baby blue as key hues and adds that velvet is going nowhere: “Everyone thought that was a one-year wonder but on the right piece it is still selling really well and I think will continue to be a part of furniture design for the next few years.”

Award-winning interior designer Lynne Bradley, of Sydney’s Lynne Bradley Interiors, says the huge trend for grey is waning, but there’ll always be a place for it in our homes because it pairs with almost everything. “I think there has been a big decline in the use of grey this year however, grey is a wonderful neutral that is timeless and can be either feminine or masculine. Grey is a staple in the designer’s tool kit and no two greys are the same. However, there is a trend towards brown being a replacement for grey, transitioning from ‘greige’ through to caramels and dark browns,” she says.

Browns are making a comeback! Project: Lynne Bradley Interiors | Styling: Steve Cordony | Photo: Anson Smart

The growing use of wallpaper is another key trend to watch and one which Lynne is very happy about! “No longer seen as old fashioned or difficult to remove, it is fast becoming the new vernacular in adding personality to a space and offers an inexpensive way to create depth and scale as well as cover imperfections,” she says. “Wallpaper can be calming, bold or energising and seriously transform a room.”

Read the full trend report in the Sydney Gift Fair catalogue. Presented by the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA), the leading industry event starts on Friday this year, and is at Sydney Olympic Park from 21 to 24 February 2020. We’re delighted to be this year’s media partner for the second time, and I’ll be running a workshop on branding and getting your business in the media.

For more information, visit the Sydney Gift Fair website. This is a trade-only event which is free to attend. One World Collections are exhibiting at this year’s event for the first time.

Expert Tips

How to use social and influencers to sell your products

Sponsored by AGHA Sydney Gift Fair

Later this month, I’m hosting an exclusive meet and greet at AGHA Sydney Gift Fair where I’ll be sharing tips on how to get your products into the media, on blogs, and how to use your own social media channels to effectively promote your brand.

As a journalist of more than 15 years, I deal with PR people all the time, and more recently as a professional blogger, people are constantly trying to persuade me to share their brand, paid or otherwise (in fact, much more often for free). So I know a thing or two about how to get noticed.

Madras Link: Professionally styled and photographed

Here, I’m sharing some of my best tips! And don’t forget I’ll be on hand at AGHA Sydney Gift Fair on 23 February if you have an important question about your business you’d like to ask in person.

Invest in styling and photography

Often I have to say a polite no to people featuring on the blog because their photography isn’t up to scratch. Even if you’ve really put the effort into styling and photographing your products yourself, with half decent light and a good camera, I hate to break it to you (and I really do, because I hate saying no!) it’s usually obvious it wasn’t a professional job. Not only does it not show your product in the best light, it can also make it look like you’re too small to get a photographer. This may not cost as much as you think at all. A few hundred bucks is money extremely well spent on a photographer in my opinion. While hiring a stylist too may seem overkill (or too expensive), it is always great to see products in a lifestyle situation, i.e. in a room, not just on a white background (although that’s useful too). Approach local design schools or reach out to people whose style you like on Instagram. Those starting out may not charge a hefty fee, but equally, please don’t ask creatives to work for free!

Once you’ve paid for your beautiful new photographs, get your money’s worth and use them on your website, socials and anywhere you can think of, as well as sending them to media. More on that later…

Establish relationships with influencers

Influencer is a fancy word for people like me; bloggers and personalities online with large followings, who people trust and take advice and/or recommendations from. They do not have to be huge, Kim Kardashian-like celebs to be able to have a real impact on your brand by highlighting it to their followers. Even though you may need to pay these people and enter a business relationship with them, it’s always best if this starts from an authentic place, where you have reached out and had a chat with them online, sent them a DM or commented on their posts. Some influencers are open to gifting, where you send them product for free and they agree to post about it in return. Others have a set rate they charge for product shout outs. Some, like me, do both. Try requesting their media kit via the contact page on their website, or direct messaging them via Instagram.

Don’t forget traditional media

You may think you’re too small or new to be featured in traditional media like magazines, but don’t talk yourself out of PR opportunities. Just make sure you do your homework first. Look at the magazine you want to be featured in and think about where your product might fit. No, you may not get a double-page-spread but could you offer them a prize for a competition, be featured in a new product roundup, or talk about how you started your brand in a business feature? Think outside the box! As a former magazine editor, I can tell you there’s nothing better than a pitch where someone has done their homework and makes it easy to say yes to them! For example: “I have the perfect product for your regular XYZ feature. Can I send you samples? Take a look and download our professional lifestyle images at XYZ. Have a look at my attached catalogue and let me know what works best for you. Contact me any time if you need anything else at all.”


1. Rayell (Stand 3K12).

Rayell’s Kevin Porter says: “We use social media to try and show our products in a real life setting and feature all of the gorgeous details of the products. Part of the barrier of being online is that customers can’t feel, touch or examine the products up close. We try to help our customers imagine the products in their business or even imagine the end use of how their own customers will use the products.”


What they’ve learned about digital:

  1. Regramming tagged photos and sharing and supporting other businesses always pays off! It is great to see how other people style your products and what they are pairing them with.
  2. Enewsletters are a must! They are the perfect way to alert customers to new products and direct them to content they might benefit from.
  3. Strong branding is important! Keep consistent with your visuals and branding so your business is instantly recognisable and memorable.

2. Melko (Stand 4N9)

“We love to connect with our customers and show our appreciation by featuring their photos on our daily Instagram stories,” says managing director Guido Melo. “We’ve learnt that people are always looking for something new, and by using social media we are always able to reach new audiences. Our content across all platforms also needs to be high quality and engaging.

“Customers love to share their thoughts and opinions so if we can get them involved as much as possible, it creates a budding relationship between customer and business which in return, we believe, increases the likelihood of returning customers and also new customers through tagging, sharing or telling their friends about us.”

He adds: “Another key lesson is that video and photography is incredibly important in retail business. Coming up with creative concepts is important to stay relevant, and producing high quality images will not only intrigue the customer to view or buy the product but people in general love to follow a great looking feed. We find value in investing money into photoshoots because creating a great catalogue of images can easily increase revenue.”

Their top photography tips

  • You don’t need to go too over the top with your images, being minimalistic and clean is the best way as it is also easier on the eyes.
  • Filters or presets can definitely make or break a photo–make sure you choose one that is consistent to your brand and feed, and doesn’t take away from the product that you’re trying to sell.
  • Lighting is everything! Find your light and the photo becomes instantly beautiful. Play around with natural light (avoid super sunny days), and use a reflector when necessary.
  • Lastly, make sure you don’t overwhelm your customers with your products. A breakdown of other images/videos/messages that still keep with your brand and that you think your customers will love, will create a positive experience.

3. Madras Link (Stand DN5)

The brand uses social media and professional photography to showcase their range of cushions, furniture and home accessories.

Ashini Grey says: “The key lessons we have learnt over the years are to ensure you’re sticking to a regular schedule (neglected accounts are not inspiring); it’s important that every post communicates something of value, and every post is an opportunity to reach your current and new customers.”

They use a professional photographer because image quality is high priority when sharing images to social media or in a catalogue or magazine. “Blurry images and poor arrangements of products could result in a missed opportunity to convey your brand’s story,” Ashini adds. “Our top tips are to use a professional photographer, put a lot of work into your styling to ensure the products complement each other whilst maintaining your brand’s point of difference and, lastly, pay attention to detail. When you’ve spent so much time lovingly designing your collection, it’s essential that clear photos convey the details such as colour, texture and design.”

Want to pick my brain? Register your interest for my Meet and Greet.

Register to attend AGHA Sydney Gift Fair.

AGHA Sydney Gift Fair | Sydney Olympic Park | 23-26 February 2019 | Saturday-to-Monday, 9am-to-6pm. Tuesday, 9am-to-3pm


The 2018 Sydney Gift Fair welcomes over 80 new exhibitors!

Sponsored by Sydney Gift Fair

If we’re honest, most interior professionals (buyers and designers) head to gift fairs to find the next big thing. And while there’s nothing wrong with checking out your old favourites, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of uncovering something new. Run by the AGHA (the peak industry body for gifts and homewares), the Sydney Gift Fair hits Sydney Olympic Park on February 24 to 27 with more than 80 new exhibitors joining the ranks for the first time. And with so many fabulous new brands getting on board, we have picked out a couple of our favourites.

Darlin (Aust)
Established in 2009, homewares purveyor Darlin (Aust) brings with it a wealth of gorgeous product organised within four distinct aesthetic categories – relaxed contemporary, nautical, plantation and coastal. “Overall, we want our products to make people feel at home. We take care in building collections that reflect that,” says director Michelle Lawson.

‘Relaxed Contemporary’

“I think a point of difference for us is that we don’t necessarily follow yearly trends – our products are carefully selected to emulate care, warmth, uniqueness, and meaning,” says Michelle. Aside from creating on-trend pieces, the brand is environmentally conscious too. “The excellence in our products comes through a combination of hand crafted elements, high quality materials, and the sustainable element of the majority of our products,” says Michelle.


The Nonsense Maker
Inspired by old books and etching techniques, The Nonsense Maker caught our eye too, with its whimsical, nostalgic illustrations that are turned into greeting cards and art prints. “The Nonsense Maker started out as a way to express my own alter ego – a caffeine fuelled adventurer and professional maker of nonsense. I am a self-taught artist and have always loved to draw. My imagery is fun, whimsical, and sometimes a little sad, and over time I have realised that the more nonsense that sneaks into my drawings, the more sense and meaning they have to me,” says Emily Ziccone, owner of The Nonsense Maker.

“All our products are hand illustrated with fine liner pen and then coloured digitally. This process means we can have highly detailed images working with extremely vibrant colours, which is a combination you don’t find all that often,” says Emily of the brand’s ever growing range that is produced entirely out of her Melbourne studio. “We are very particular when it comes to quality, and regardless of whether something takes us 5 or 50 hours to create, we make sure each piece is wonderful in its own way,” says Emily.

The Luminaire Collective
Specialising in importing unique, high quality decorative table and floor lamps, The Luminaire Collective came about when the company director Matt Gillis was searching for a statement lighting piece. “I have high standards when it comes to lighting so I was prepared to spend a decent amount of time looking for the right product. Unfortunately the lamps that I discovered were generic, low quality and for the most part, overpriced,” says Matt.

“The trends pushed out by the big box stores appeared to have also saturated independent retailers. I became increasingly frustrated and lost in a sea of beige, white and timber lamps stripped of all personality,” says Matt who set out overseas to source statement lighting where the lamps were a feature of the room, and not just an afterthought.

“Our point of difference is that we import lighting in styles and designs currently missing from the marketplace. Our ethos ‘Beige is Boring – Make A Statement!’ is reflected throughout our entire collection. Each lamp has been selected for a specific reason ranging from an amazing use of colour, to an underutilised material. Every lamp in our collection brings something new to the lighting space,” says Matt.

Sydney Gift Fair is presented by leading industry body the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA). Located centrally in Sydney’s retail heartland at Sydney Olympic Park, it is easy to get to AGHA Sydney Gift Fair. AGHA are providing free shuttles and free P5 parking. Simply start each day at AGHA Sydney Gift Fair and take your P5 parking ticket and entry badge to the Transport Hub in Hall 3 between 11am and 3pm to validate your parking.

Find all the transport and accommodation information you need for AGHA Sydney Gift Fair.

Register for Sydney Gift Fair.

Expert Tips Homewares

How to survive your next trade fair: advice from the pros!

Sponsored by Sydney Gift Fair

Trade fair season is well and truly here, for those of us in the gift and homewares industry. Events like Sydney Gift Fair, at Sydney Olympic Park from from 24 to 27 February, are the ideal place for buyers and designers to find new stock and suppliers, meet the people behind the brands they love and see what’s new for the year ahead. But they are big events and, if you want to avoid getting to the end of the day with blistered feet, faint from hunger and with a messy bag of disorganised leaflets and business cards, unable to remember what you saw and at whose stand, pay attention to the following tips from those who have been there and done it!


Retailer Jayde Leeder from Little Paper Lane, says: “It’s a good idea to have a bit of a plan. All the fairs send out a catalogue of all the suppliers and they’re on their websites, so it’s essential to go in having an idea of who and what you want to see. Pre-registration can help with the lines at the door.

“One thing I see so often is people walking around in really high heels. They’re going to kill at the end of one day! My Nikes get a workout! Make sure you use the fair’s hashtags so you can keep an eye on the fair. It’s a good way to find suppliers’ social media accounts and keep in the loop online.”

Zoe Bristow, owner of The Print Emporium, has plenty of genius advice for buyers:

  • Get a good night’s rest the night before the shows.
  • Eat a good breakfast before you arrive.
  • Coffee lines can be huge in the mornings at the venue, so if you spot a cafe near the entrance or outside it can be wise to buy your coffee hit there.
  • Pack a few pens, ideally one that has a clip to attach to your lanyard around your neck for easy access.
  • Bring a notebook & stapler, and write notes on the brochure or cards you receive too.
  • Bring a mobile phone portable battery charger, a bottle of water, a snack or two and plenty of business cards.
  • Wear a comfortable handbag or shoulder bag. You will receive a carry bag but make sure your own handbag has a long strap too.
  • Take a photo of the stand’s business card with your phone to remind you, as it makes things super easy to find later.
  • Take a few breaks during the day so you don’t become exhausted.
  • When back at your accommodation each day, whilst things are fresh in your mind, try and file away the key brands you are interested in, so you don’t get confused later.
  • Network! Trade shows are a great opportunity to meet fellow industry buyers and exhibitors.

Interior stylist Emma Blomfield, says: “Remember to eat! I forget this one sometimes and wonder why I feel faint halfway round the exhibition hall. Don’t hog the suppliers’ time. They are there to wheel and deal with loads of important people; if your conversation could be had with them over the phone or email at a later date, pop your head in to say hi and let them know you’ll follow up with them later.”

Sydney Gift Fair is presented by leading industry body the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA). Located centrally in Sydney’s retail heartland at Sydney Olympic Park, it is easy to get to AGHA Sydney Gift Fair. AGHA are providing free shuttles and free P5 parking. Simply start each day at AGHA Sydney Gift Fair and take your P5 parking ticket and entry badge to the Transport Hub in Hall 3 between 11am and 3pm to validate your parking.

Find all the transport and accommodation information you need for AGHA Sydney Gift Fair.

Register for Sydney Gift Fair.


Sydney Gift Fair: your first & best sourcing event for 2018

Sponsored by Sydney Gift Fair

Sydney Gift Fair is less than four weeks away and it’s proving trade fairs are still very much relevant in the industry with more than 80 new exhibitors, including 40 first-timers! Whether you’re sourcing for gifts or homewares, you’ll find plenty in the interiors space, including a few of our favourites. And they’ll all be showcasing their latest exciting products so it’s a great place for designers and retailers to spot trends too.

Joan Pereira from homewares brand Madras Link, says: “AGHA provides a wonderful environment to connect with retailers across Australia. They provide an engaging experience for even the busiest of buyers who are looking for new and exciting products. It is also an opportunity to see the ranges in full and meet with designers who are behind the story of the products and to feel inspired by the stunning trends, colours and designs of the season ahead.”

Madras Link

Amongst their locally designed cushions, napery, decor accessories, furniture and rugs, Madras Link will be showing bright prints to see you through the remainder of summer, beautiful rust and green tones for autumn and then a luxe, moody palette for winter with tactile textures.

Madras Link

Hannah Gordon from beautiful ceramics brand Robert Gordon, says: “The fair’s an exciting opportunity to showcase all our new product. In this world of ever changing technology there is something very special about stepping onto a stand and experiencing the feel of the product first hand.”

Robert Gordon Australia

She adds: “We are excited to introduce several new ranges, both Australian made and imported. We feel there is something for everybody in this new offering, from the simple clean lines in our new hospitality dinnerware to beautiful hug me mugs with butterfly decals originally hand painted by Robert’s sister Annie.”

The Sydney Gift Fair is Australia’s largest industry-led gift and homewares trade exhibition and it takes place at Sydney Olympic Park from 24 to 27 February. There’ll be hundreds of well-known and brand new exhibitors showcasing a huge range of new products and innovations to tens of thousands of retailers from across the country. This free trade exhibition is the most important sourcing opportunity for retailers seeking new seasons ranges and products to sell.

Wayne Castle, CEO of the Australian Gift and Homewares Association (AGHA) and organisers of the event, said: “For more than 40 years, the Sydney Gift Fair has been the essential vehicle connecting both wholesalers and retailers in the industry. In light of the ever-changing retail environment, never before has this marketplace been more important to the industry. An encouraging indication as to the buoyancy of the market, the Sydney Gift Fair is welcoming more than 80 new exhibitors, including more than 40 first time exhibitors, which will give retailers the opportunity to expand their ranges in upcoming retail campaigns.”

Fab Habitat, known for their amazing indoor/outdoor rugs, have been exhibiting at Sydney Gift Fair since 2010. Ruchin Gupta says: “Independent retailers as well as emerging online retailers continue to visit trade fairs, since they provide the only real opportunity to meet the largest cross section of vendors as well as to feel and experience new products first hand. Every fair we try to bring new styles in existing categories as well as adding completely new categories.” This year, they’re adding furniture, baskets and cushions.

Fab Habitat

Sydney Olympic Park, the home of the Sydney Gift Fair since 1998, is located conveniently between the Sydney CBD and Greater Western Sydney retail centres and serviced by extensive transport and parking options. Held on a single level and under one roof, this event provides visitors with the ideal sourcing experience.

Returning again this year is the highly anticipated “Design Life Sydney” feature which presents the best aspirational and premium products that the industry offers. This premier display section will attract traditional and online retailers seeking top-shelf products to sell next season.

The Launch Pad will also return with an array of emerging entrepreneurs showcasing original and innovative products, offering retail buyers an opportunity to source cutting edge designs that are normally hard to find, all in one location.

For further information on AGHA Sydney Gift Fair including free registration, free parking options and transport services provided by the AGHA, visit or call 1300 441 384.