Interiors Addict

Top tips for decorating with colour for your mood

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Ever given much thought to the fact certain colours make you feel better, calmer or happier? You can apply colour psychology to your interiors to alter your mood. But it can be complicated when you live with other people who prefer different colours. Jacqui Manning, ‘the friendly psychologist,’ shares her top tips for finding a balance.


The primary colours of red, blue and yellow relate to the body, mind, the emotions and the essential balance between these 3. The trick to getting your home right is to find the right balance for you and your personality.

Angela Wright made a major breakthrough in the late 70s in our understanding of colour psychology with her discoveries about how colour really works, looking at the patterns of colour and how they relate to our personality. She found that colour does influence our mood and behaviour and if we find the right colour combination for our personality and from within harmonious groups of colour, we will feel happier in our surroundings. So it really is worth the time and effort to get it right.