Decorating 101 Design Homewares

Wabi sabi: The best Instagram accounts to follow this trend

Wabi sabi is the ‘Japandi’ trend that celebrates the beauty of imperfection; think irregular shapes, worn out timbers and paints, decorative accents, and handcrafted furnishings. If this is your vibe, here’s where to find design and styling inspiration on Instagram.

Zuri Home

This beautiful Australian nursery and gardening account collates the best in design inspiration from around the world. Their styling tips and boutique products show how you can easily recreate the wabi sabi trend in your own home.


Boutique antiques, furniture, and homewares store Carmague is based in Mosman, Sydney. This breathtaking account highlights uneven, worn timbers and textured natural fabrics, perfectly capturing the beautiful mantra of imperfection at the heart of wabi sabi.

Yasmin Interiors

This interior design studio serves up daily inspiration of world class Japandi, minimalist and wabi sabi interiors. Each day, this perfectly curated account spotlights a new space from around the world, celebrating the beauty of worn out furnishings and diverse textures in the home.

Travis Walton Architecture 

Sleek lines, irregular shapes and stunning textures define this sophisticated architectural account by Melbourne designer Travis Walton. Proving that minimalism has caught a second wind through the Japandi trend, this breathtaking account will offer you endless inspiration on how to bring the wabi sabi trend into your home with a local, elegant touch.

Design Styling

My 5 favourite interiors insta-accounts this month (May 2020)

I often assume everyone else is following the same Instagram GOLD that I am, but I’ve realised that’s not always the case. I don’t want you to miss out, so I’m going to start sharing five of my faves each month. I hope you love them, and find them as inspiring and enjoyable as I do!

Abigail Ahern is a fellow Pom and an interior designer with a really brave, authentic, interesting style. She makes no apologies for following her own rules, and I absolutely love her regular Instagram TVs where she talks through what she has done in certain rooms in her amazing London home, giving great tips and showing you how you can make your own interiors more exciting, in a really easy to follow and inspiring way. I also love the fact that her super cute dogs often jump into shot too, with hilarious results.

She’ll teach you how to be brave with darker paint colours (including the ceiling!), that you can fit more lamps than you thought possible into one room and it’ll look amazing, and how it’s all about adding drama and friction. I love it! While my aesthetic and hers aren’t obviously similar, I love everything she does and I take a lot of tips from her videos and implement them at home.

If you love what you see, Abigail runs an online styling masterclass which you could easily jump into, even from all the way over here in Australia! Speaking of which, Abigail loves Oz, and was due back here for Decor + Design until it was sadly postponed. Hopefully we will see her on our shores again soon!

Steve Cordony is one of Australia’s most talented stylists and my love of his work (and him, because he also happens to be a delightful and genuine person) is nothing new, but lately his Instagram Stories are some of my favourites. The poor guy (that’s sarcasm) is in lockdown at the ridiculously beautiful farm he has been renovating with partner Mike in Orange and he has been sharing styling tips, his favourite things and glimpses of his home and ever-growing menagerie!

As a bonus suggestion, you’d better follow his Rosedale Farm account too. Steve’s recently announced October styling masterclasses at the farm sold out super quickly, but stay tuned as I hear he may announced new dates soon!

Bondi Kitchens is a relatively new follow for me, but I have to say, I’ve not seen so many gorgeous kitchens in one feed for a long time! Everything they do seems to be so modern and fresh, but at the same time quite classic.

ZouBuild This husband and wife team’s feed is before & after gold, and you all know how much I love a good before & after. The Brisbane pair transform some of the most ordinary houses into spectacular homes through clever renovation and extension. Chris and Christal’s (I know, cute!) projects are always popular when we feature them on the blog.

Tiny Homes Australia I’ll level with you: I don’t think I could ever live in a tiny house (maybe if I ditched the husband and kids, but can’t see that happening any time soon!) but I love seeing how other people do it. The whole concept fascinates me and this account is great for inspiration and a nosey inside people’s little homes!

I hope you’ve discovered at least one new must-follow among these! I’d love to know who your favourites are too?

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