Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict job board: new and improved!

Today, we’re thrilled to launch our new and improved job board! While our job board has always been popular (one of the most visited pages on the site in fact) and our advertisers report getting great candidates, it has never had the best functionality.

We decided it was time to improve this valuable resource, visited by more than 3,000 people a month, to make it better for both advertisers and jobseekers.

For jobseekers, you can now search jobs by state and job type (for example, part-time jobs in Victoria, internships in New South Wales or remote working roles). Jobs will also expire after 30 days, or if the advertiser removes them sooner, meaning you won’t be wasting your time looking at older vacancies which may have already been filled.

Advertisers can now create an account and easily manage their own ads. You can add more information than ever to make your position stand out to the best candidates, including your company logo and even video. Your ad will expire automatically after 30 days so you won’t need to contact us to ask for it to to be removed. Or you can remove it yourself earlier, if you fill the role.

There’s a catch! Advertising a vacancy is no longer free! The board has proven itself to be a valuable resource for those recruiting in the industry, we have invested in improving it and we feel it is only fair to now ask you to pay. That said, it is a fraction of the cost (from $139 a month) of the larger, more generic job sites, and intended to cover our admin costs. Premium listings ($189) also include mentions in our newsletter and on our Instagram Stories. That’s a serious bargain, if we don’t say so ourselves!

But it’s free for the next month!

To try the new and improved job board for yourself, use the code FREEJOBAD until 20 December 2020. We always welcome your feedback and would be happy to hear from you with your suggestions. If you have a query about the job board, please email [email protected]



Interiors Addict

The Interiors Addict job board is now FREE to advertise on

This week we’ve implemented a change we’ve been thinking about for a long time. We have removed the facility for those looking for work to post their resumes and at the same time made it free for employers to advertise vacancies.

We have always been inundated with listings from candidates looking for work, which we allowed for free as our way of supporting those looking to break into the industry. And let’s face it, it’s not an easy one to get into. But we feel these listings were not actually that beneficial as there were so many, it wasn’t long before the latest people dropped off the front page of the board. There was also no way for employers to search these listings in a helpful way and developing that kind of system fell to the bottom of our long to-do list!

We still want to help people break into interiors though, and we’re not looking to make money out of doing so, so we’ve come up with the following solution. It is now free, forever, for employers to post job ads on Interiors Addict. We will share the latest vacancies in our newsletter each week. We hope, and are confident, that this will lead to us becoming the go-to place to find entry level interiors jobs in Australia, although we are not restricting the board to entry level, intern and assistant roles.

If you’re an employer you can list any job that falls within the interiors/homewares/styling/design/photography realm free of charge. Our advertisers tell us they get a fantastic response and calibre of applicant from us. Now we hope to offer these job seekers more jobs to apply for.

So what are you waiting for? Post a free job ad.

If you haven’t already, sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest job vacancies.

All we ask is that you let us know when your position is filled so we can remove your ad.