
Procrastination: how to stop stalling household jobs

New research has found that Australian households have accumulated an astounding $40 billion worth of maintenance and repair works that have gone undone around the home over the past year. This reflects a total of 80 million repair and maintenance projects outstanding in Australian homes today.

A housepainter stands on a ladder to paint the walls inside a residential home. rr

The majority of these jobs are put off for six months or more, though time intensive jobs like painting are more likely to be put off for over a year. The research also found that jobs where a tradie would be required including concreting (2.3 million jobs), plastering (2.6 million jobs) and carpentry (3.3 million jobs), are likely to be put off for six months or more.

Whilst most of the nation procrastinates, with 92% of households saying that they have at least one outstanding project/job, Stuart Tucker, chief customer officer at hipages, who commissioned the research, says 2020 is the year for Aussies to stop delaying any longer.

“We know there are a variety of factors which delay us completing jobs around the home – whether it be lack of time, expertise or money. For the majority of repair and maintenance jobs though, the longer you leave them the worse they’ll get. This often results in a more costly job than it would have been in the first place,” says Stuart.

“If you can afford to, it’s best to manage maintenance and repairs as soon as possible with a licenced professional as this usually has the least expensive outcome.”

Worker sweeping leaves and sticks from a valley of a roof.

He shares the following advice for homeowners to help get onto their at-home to-do list:

Stop thinking and start doing! Everyone puts off home improvements but nothing feels better than getting the job done, in fact the research found that 53% of homeowners say they feel relieved and 50% say they feel happy when jobs are done. hipages is the smart, online tradie marketplace that can help you get it done, all from the palm of your hand.

Create a plan. Planning is key to a successful renovation! Write out a list of all the jobs that need to be done in priority order, marking which jobs you’ll need a tradie for. You can source the tradie you need on-demand using hipages. You’ll get up to three quotes from tradies in your local area, allowing you to choose a tradie that fits within your budget and timeframe.

Prioritise urgent jobs! When jobs are put off or ignored they can snowball into bigger tasks or have knock on effects. A small leak may result in significant water damage or a cleaning job could turn from an hour of work into a full day job. Always address the problems around the home that could result in further damage first. Then you can move onto other projects.

Know your role. 68% of homeowners say they have attempted but failed to complete repairs around the home themselves. It’s important to recognise what you may be able to accomplish yourself, and call in the professionals for anything that can’t be DIY’d, especially plumbing and electrical work.

Group jobs together. If you have a number of smaller jobs piling up on your to-do list, consider grouping the jobs by trade. Get an electrician to look at all lighting and fixture issues you may have at once or a plumber to get those jobs done in your bathroom, kitchen and laundry. Ensure you agree all the jobs upfront with your tradie as part of the quote, before the work commences. This could help avoid some additional costs.

hipages provides a better, smarter way to connect tradies and consumers and get the job done well. 

Interiors Addict

The Interiors Addict job board is now FREE to advertise on

This week we’ve implemented a change we’ve been thinking about for a long time. We have removed the facility for those looking for work to post their resumes and at the same time made it free for employers to advertise vacancies.

We have always been inundated with listings from candidates looking for work, which we allowed for free as our way of supporting those looking to break into the industry. And let’s face it, it’s not an easy one to get into. But we feel these listings were not actually that beneficial as there were so many, it wasn’t long before the latest people dropped off the front page of the board. There was also no way for employers to search these listings in a helpful way and developing that kind of system fell to the bottom of our long to-do list!

We still want to help people break into interiors though, and we’re not looking to make money out of doing so, so we’ve come up with the following solution. It is now free, forever, for employers to post job ads on Interiors Addict. We will share the latest vacancies in our newsletter each week. We hope, and are confident, that this will lead to us becoming the go-to place to find entry level interiors jobs in Australia, although we are not restricting the board to entry level, intern and assistant roles.

If you’re an employer you can list any job that falls within the interiors/homewares/styling/design/photography realm free of charge. Our advertisers tell us they get a fantastic response and calibre of applicant from us. Now we hope to offer these job seekers more jobs to apply for.

So what are you waiting for? Post a free job ad.

If you haven’t already, sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest job vacancies.

All we ask is that you let us know when your position is filled so we can remove your ad.

Interiors Addict

Have you checked out our new free job board?

Last night the Interiors Addict Job Board went live. Woohoo! There has already been great interest in it, with more than 20 job seekers and our first vacancy listed across NSW, VIC, WA, ACT and SA. I’m really excited to be able to provide this free service.

The main idea behind the job board is to tee up graduates and students looking for work experience in the interiors industry with professionals looking for assistant stylists and design interns.

In the past I’ve posted about graduates and showcased their talent and, in some cases, they’ve ended up getting work as a result. How cool is that? But I get so many requests I decided it was time to come up with a more permanent solution that was automated to an extent. This way you fill in the form and I edit and publish it on the dedicated jobs page. It’s really simple.

I am passionate about helping people get their first step on the interiors industry career ladder and I really hope this makes a difference.

So what are you waiting for? Click here for all you need to know. I’d also love it if you could spread the word to your contacts.

This is a brand new service so I’d love to hear your feedback if you think I need to edit/add to the forms. All suggestions gratefully received.