Before & Afters Jen's reno Kitchens Laundry Shopping

My broom cupboard makeover: you may be surprised how exciting this is!

I know it doesn’t sound it, but in contrast to my recent pantry makeover (goals!) the broom cupboard transformation I then embarked on with Tansel was very nearly as exciting!

I was already quite proud of this clever extra storage in the kitchen. When we renovated the room four years ago, my handyman suggested we could fit a slim, full height pantry cabinet in dead space behind the fridge freezer for the mop and ironing board. I jumped at the chance for this bonus storage I’d not thought of myself. It’s been a great spot for the ironing board, mop and broom and not a lot else, but super useful for that tall stuff nonetheless.

But I had no idea it could be THIS good with clever pullout storage. Oh my goodness. It’s gone next level, don’t you think?

For reference, the broom cupboard is tucked behind the fridge freezer!

As usual, the experts at Tansel have all the best ideas for how to maximise a space with their products. Owner Tanya Selever suggested dividing the skinny cupboard vertically (as we did with my pantry), keeping one half for the tall stuff (surprisingly, less than 20cm width was all that was needed) and using the other half for pullout storage for my frankly ridiculous collection of cleaning products and hand washes (I get sent a lot since word got out I’m a clean freak!).

Their installer Mark then popped in an extra fixed shelf to create the perfect spot for my iron and handheld steamer.

I particularly like how the baskets are adjustable so I can move them up or down or remove one if I want to store something taller for example, like champagne (wishful thinking)!

“Most people think small spaces are a wasted space (because they can’t fit much) but with the right storage solutions, you can create a storage gold mine!” says Tanya. “Adding a vertical partition into this 360mm wide cabinet created two zones – one for storing tall items like the ironing board and mop and the other for storing cleaning and general laundry items. We also kept the upper shelf which is an ideal place to store items rarely used.”

The extra small shelf above (where the aqua green bottle is) is perfect for the iron and steamer

She adds: “We included non-slip bases to stabilise tall bottles and make cleaning very easy. All racks are made of stainless wire so perfect storing cleaning agents that can cause corrosion.”

I find this cupboard so much more useful and fit three times more in it these days. It’s actually amazing that something just 36cm wide can hold so much stuff! Magic! Anyone with a small kitchen or laundry should really investigate these kind of solutions to maximise their storage without having to add anything to their floorplan.

The baskets slide out in a bottom and top section and they’re easily removable and adjustable

And to think I was originally going to have that dead space closed in with an end panel!

Of course, you all want to know the cost: around $550 for two slide-out frames and five stainless steel adjustable racks and non-slip bases (with lifetime guarantees), and another $300 for install and additional materials. All up, around $850.

You can get 10% off Tansel products by mentioning Interiors Addict when you contact them.

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Design DIY Kitchens RENO ADDICT

Kitchen design tips for small spaces

Sponsored by Freedom Kitchens

Small kitchens often conjure images of inadequate bench space, a cramped work triangle and precious little space for appliances. With space at a premium, designing with every square centimetre in mind is paramount.

A professional designer can help you make your small space not only look good but maximise the storage space and layout, so you never have to compromise on functionality. Freedom Kitchens share five strategic design tricks to create the impression of a larger kitchen in a small space.

1. Light and bright

A neutral palette will help achieve a seamless, uncluttered look. When choosing materials, gloss finishes will help bounce light around the room and glass and mirrored splashbacks will reflect surrounds, creating the illusion of space.

1. light bright - gloss cabinetry

2. Fuss free

Handles on every cupboard door can be too busy for a small kitchen. Consider fitting them only to the base cupboards, and opt for handle-less touch catches on the upper cabinetry.

2 fuss free - handleless cabinetry

3. Double up

Ensure every centimetre of space counts by making it work hard, for instance, incorporate a breakfast bar at one end of the preparation space, then utilise space underneath for additional storage. Also, choose a sink that comes with a range of accessories, such as an integrated chopping board, to make food preparation easier.

3 doubling up-efficient workspaces

4. Storage solutions

Deep drawers make items more accessible and are a more space-efficient option than a standard cupboard. Then take your upper cabinetry all the way to the ceiling to maximise storage and minimise dust.

4 deep_drawers -storage solution

5. Downsized appliances

Appliance companies have responded to the growing demand for inner-city and apartment style living with compact appliance solutions. Downsized dishwashers, ovens and fridges will keep a small space from feeling cramped and allow for more cabinet space.

5 small appliances - dishdraw

Make the most of your small space and book a free in-home design appointment with a professional Freedom Kitchens designer. Visit or call 1800 113 733.

The Block

10 ways to maximise kitchen storage as seen on The Block

Customers today demand more than just good looks in their kitchen. It’s got to work efficiently, it’s got to make life easier and there’s got to be lots of storage! The Good Guys’ kitchen design consultants offer their top 10 tips on how to maximise storage in the kitchen, just like the couples on The Block Glasshouse.


  1. Design drawers that are deeper and wider in order to save space and allow for easy access to hard-to-reach pots and pans.
  2. Metal runners in drawers allow for a silent, soft-close system and deliver added strength and durability.
  3. Trays and dividers can be added in drawers to further maximise storage and keep items organised inside.
  4. Drawers under the sink and oven are excellent solutions for maximising these often under-utilised spaces.
  5. Walk-in or butler’s pantries will suit larger spaces and can house everything from small appliances to wine fridges and secondary preparation spaces.
  6. When everything has a place in the kitchen, it becomes more functional and thereby an enjoyable place to spend time.
  7. Keep in mind that there is an endless range of accessories available to help with organisation in the kitchen, from dedicated spice drawers for the avid chef to under-sink caddys for storing unsightly cleaning products.
  8. Today there are numerous solutions for keeping your pantry clutter at bay. Pull-out baskets and shelves are convenient inclusions, keeping items within easy reach.
  9. A great idea for keeping benchtops clear of clutter is to include a dedicated appliance cupboard.
  10. Either house everything behind a roller shutter, or include a pull-out carousel in corner cupboards – a great use of traditionally hard-to-reach space.

– Find more information on The Good Guys’ products and expert advice here