Kitchens The Block

The Block 2021: Kirsty and Jesse’s insanely good navy kitchen!

As always, The Block’s kitchen week was a great watch! I absolutely adored Kirsty and Jesse and Ronnie and Georgia’s, which came first and second. But Kirsty and Jesse absolutely deserved the win. Navy, brass and gingham wallpaper? You’re talking my language!

Tanya and Vito’s mid century kitchen was so unique and quirky but it worked! Aesthetically anyway! Mitch and Mark lost major points for having no pantry (other than food drawers) and took it so badly, swearing and declaring their lack of respect for the “out of date” judges. But the judges were absolutely right this time if you ask me. And Josh and Luke’s was very masculine but it ticked all the right boxes.

SECOND: Ronnie & Georgia

Score: 27/30
Spent: $39,396

With a generous layout epitomising simplicity of use, Neale was blown away by Ronnie and Georgia’s kitchen, calling it “impeccable” in style and “the new classic”.  Darren agreed, saying the pair had created a control centre for the house that delivers from the ceiling to the floor.

With a huge butler’s pantry featuring high end appliances (but sadly no bin!) and Georgia’s personal “Georgianised” storage solutions to the huge Gaggenau refrigerator (perfectly styled of course), Caesarstone benchtops and more, this is, Darren sums up, a kitchen to fall in love with.

Shaynna personally didn’t like the big sink taking up too much space in the island bench where people like to sit and chat. They all thought the pantry doors should have opened into the pantry. Neale said the pantry didn’t have the same wow effect as the kitchen itself; a bit like the walk-in of their master bedroom. He added they had to be careful to tick all the practical boxes as well as creating rooms people fall in love with.

Overall, they loved it though, and so did I!

SHOP THE LOOK: Spear six-light pendant

LAST: Mitch & Mark

Score: 22.5/30
Spent: $33,768

From the brass “M” incorporated into the Calacatta Maximus Caesarstone (not sure about that one!) to the long island bench with enough overhang for seating and a superb colour palette bringing appliances, cupboards, surfaces and more together, Mitch and Mark presented a kitchen that was uniquely their own. “Just breathtaking”, Darren declared.

Great layout, visually stunning and with an adjacent breakfast nook, it ticked a lot of boxes… except one. Where’s the pantry? And that’s where it all came undone for the judges. Darren said it was dumb, Neale said really dumb, and Shaynna said it was crazy. All the food was to be stored in drawers rather than a pantry. “This isn’t a kitchen you can work in,” Shaynna said. “I hate to say it again but style over substance,” added Neale. “I bet this did not go the way Mitch and Mark thought it would go,” Darren said. Too right! The boys really didn’t agree or take this feedback well, arguing that modern kitchens had pantry drawers and that they had no respect for the judges!

SHOP THE LOOK: Quinny framed art & TH Brown bar stools

FOURTH: Tanya & Vito

Score: 25.5/30
Spent: $27,083

Bold, bright and fun, the kitchen is packed with personality and shows just what Tanya and Vito have been hinting at through the rest of the house. “This is a kitchen that says love me or hate me, but don’t ignore me! It’s a bold design statement” says Neale.

With the terrazzo the couple have been hinting at throughout the house as the hero on a huge custom benchtop (imported from New York no less), pink cabinetry, round skylights, a curved window, ample storage in the hidden butler’s pantry, and a feature pendant, there’s so much to catch the eye.

“Round skylights, a triangular window, an oval shaped rounded corner window. Architecturally they are really taking some risks and it’s really paying off and really beautiful,” Darren said. Shaynna said it was off the charts incredible.

“What it does is matches the house,” Darren says. “It’s full of risks and ideas. It really feels like a modern interpretation of some of the best parts of mid century design.”

But Shaynna also pointed out it had major functionality issues which the others agreed with. The fridge in the wrong place, not enough prep space on the bench and not enough space to seat people or space for a bin. “It makes me want to vomit because they imported this terrazzo specially and it’s stunning.”

Thank goodness the pantry cheered them up! The curved window blew them away, it was fun and joyful. “Tanya and Vito have really gained confidence in their aesthetic,” Neale said.

SHOP THE LOOK: Crested cockatoo set

THIRD: Josh & Luke

Score: 26/30
Spent: $33,024

Dominated by a huge window to the tree-filled yard, Josh and Luke’s kitchen shows the twins have bounced back after recent losses and learned from their mistakes.

Black and white cabinetry softened by a Christian Cole timber benchtop feature, glass doors with a walk-in pantry for storage, state-of-the-art appliances and an island bench with more than enough space for prep and entertaining, it all added up to a welcome return to form. “It’s sexy and refreshing!” Neale said.

“I’m absolutely loving their high contrast of sharp black and white and softening it with this beautiful timber,” Shaynna said. “It gives you this lovely soft natural break,” Darren added. Shaynna worried the pendants weren’t good task lighting. And there were other functionality issues too.

They felt the butler’s pantry was more of a walk-in pantry than a butler’s.

Darren thought they’d taken some notes and improved their styling. “I love that it’s a very blank canvas for you to stamp your own personality on,” Neale said.

SHOP THE LOOK: Digby kitchen stools

FIRST: Kirsty and Jesse

Score: 29.5/30
Spent: $49,085

This was so my vibe. I mean navy, brass and gingham?! I’m so in agreement with it winning!

“I am home!” said Neale. “I am dead. This is insane,” said Darren. “Wow! It’s absolutely stunning,” added Shaynna.

Stunning in navy blue with brass cabinet inserts, a brass accent cut into the edge of the Caesarstone (hot!) and brass handles, Kirsty and Jesse’s country meets Hamptons kitchen took the judges’ breath away.

“The island bench is so expansive and so functional,” Shaynna said. “Dishwasher, great sink, heaps of bench space – and an enormous bin!” She was in love. So too was Darren, with the gingham wallpaper, a perfectly placed fridge with pantries either side, and his much-loved five zones exactly where he wanted them. “Here we are standing in a room that has every single thing we’ve been looking for,” he said. 

That gingham wallpaper in the pantry!

“It’s so beautifully resolved,” said Darren. Shaynna loved the alcohol display which could easily be used as a study nook. Neale added: “For Kirsty and Jesse, all roads have led to here. It’s beautiful.” Darren was worried his head would explode because he loved everything so much! “My hair is standing on end, that’s how perfectly they have done the five zone kitchen in this space!”

SHOP THE LOOK: Anna Blatman print

What did YOU think?

Kitchens The Block

The Block 2020 kitchen week: What Would Jono Do?

Kitchen week is always one of the biggest on The Block. They say kitchens can sell homes and as someone who likes to cook a lot, I can definitely relate to this.

This year’s winning Block kitchen

The Block kitchens are famously kitted out, from the winning Gaggenau prize pack to butler’s pantries as big as small apartments, it’s always a bit of spectacle and flash. This year there’s been all the emphasis on creating a period home for a modern buyer but I have to admit, I wasn’t seeing many features or even slight nods to specific eras.

But, like each week, I’m not here to judge, I’m here to provide some insight into what I would have done were I to approach these rooms. I went down a huge rabbit hole of vintage kitchens this week so join me as I explore what are some of the key features of the era and how you can update them to a modern day home. 

Jono’s 1940s kitchen inspo, via Pinterest

This week, I’m going to focus on two eras, the 1910s and the 1940s. I’m mainly doing this as so many hallmarks from these particular eras carried through going ahead and you can see the influences right through the 20s and 50s. 

Starting with 1910, previously in history in larger luxury homes, the kitchen was not a space on show. It was tucked away at the back of the house, or even the basement where the staff would attend to meals. Working class families would have smaller spaces for their kitchens but as running water became available to houses, the modern kitchen space as we know it started to take shape. There were the main players we see nowadays–cooktops, a sink and an icebox that would eventually become a fridge–but benchtops, islands, built-in cupboards were all still to come.

Furniture was freestanding, things were stored in cabinets, it was still part of the era to have handmade furniture and the kitchen was no different. Sinks were often mounted to the wall with two legs at the front, again, echoing that look of a piece of furniture. And whilst a bench top or island as we know it wasn’t in the picture, there would often be a freestanding table that was a work surface but not for dining.

Surface wise it was pretty simple. Floors were tiled in simple, period patterns or just left in a plain square tile. Lots of timber, porcelain and steel were used throughout. To update this into a modern home, it is easy enough to keep the tiles simple, a plain white square, as I’ve done (below) at my farm house, paired with a timber bench and dark cabinets. We don’t use kitchens the same way they were back then but visual cues in materiality can help act as a nod to the era. A large, porcelain butler’s sink would work beautifully and detail on drawer and cupboard fronts would lend to the handmade timber furniture look.

As our habits at home changed, so did our spaces and the kitchen started to slowly become a more communal space for the family. The eat-in kitchen would start to appear in the 20s, with built-in seating and banquettes popping up in corners of the room. The evolution of kitchen design came with overhead cupboards, bench top surface for preparation and eating, fridges, and other mod cons that are still prevalent today. Curved bench tops were all the rage! A note for the two teams battling it out for the curved island!

The materials and colours that were in these kitchens were also becoming more personal, more experimental. Since the introduction of linoleum floors in the early 20th Century, they were being pushed to the limits with patterns, shapes and colours. There are some really great examples on how these shapes and colours could be updated for a modern home. With progress in our own kitchen tech, coloured laminates and engineered stone have given greater ease to add personality into the kitchen.

The contestants may not have delivered era appropriate, or even inspired, kitchens in the way I would have loved to have seen, but they definitely produced kitchens that will sell their homes come auction day. And whilst it’s easy to play it safe, in a $3 million home, I don’t think any buyer would be turned off by an incredible, well thought out designer kitchen! 

For more on Jono | Follow him on Instagram

Kitchens The Block

Daniel and Jade get first ever win in kitchen week on The Block 2020

Daniel and Jade bagged their first win in kitchen week after using their extra gnome point. It was a very competitive kitchen week on The Block, with high scores and high praise all round. Harry and Tash and Jimmy and Tam came joint close second by just half a point. Nail-biting stuff!

Let’s recap the rooms from what is always one of the most exciting weeks on the show…

Harry and Tash | 29/30 | Joint 2nd

The judges immediately loved the 4m+ island bench, which Shaynna called a catwalk!

Neale said it was the perfect kitchen for 2020 with all the touchpoints of luxury. They loved the floor, the stone, the timber doors, the sliding covers on the sink, the (very expensive) coffee machine and the ducted vacuum (me too!).

They criticised the lack of powerpoints in the island bench, the mismatching taps and the lack of bin in the main kitchen space but they were minor problems. They also loved the butler’s pantry which did everything it needed to.

“Everything in here looks, presents and is pretty much perfect,” said Darren.

Pick to buy: THAT coffee machine!

Sarah and George | 28/30 | Joint 3rd place

There were a lot of curves on The Block this week, including in Sarah and George’s house! Their stone curved kitchen bench was a work of art according to the judges. Darren hugged it, he loved that much. “That is a monolith, that is amazing,” said Neale. Darren said it was next level stone masonry.

The one criticism in the kitchen was that the cupboards were too high. So much so, Shaynna could hardly reach them at all.  But the glass in them referenced the 1940s period of the house, which was a nice touch.

They wished they’d put a single sink in the island top and a double in the butler’s.

“It’s a kitchen where anyone is going to walk in and be absolutely blindsided by this bench,” said Neale, so much so they’d forgive some of its minor issues.

In their butler’s pantry the judges were very impressed with the louvre glass cupboard (I’d hate to clean them, anyone else?!).

But even with a high score of 28/30, it was such a competitive week, it only put them third place!

Pick to buy: Billi sparkling, boiling and chilled filtered water system and tap

Daniel and Jade | Week 6 | 28.5 + 1/30 | 1st place

Getting master craftsman Christian Cole on board for their curved timber bench this week paid off. Big time!

Shaynna said it was beyond a work of art. Neale said it was a beautiful nod to the Deco era too. “This is like an heirloom, this will stand a lifetime,” Shaynna said. Darren said it was great how you could comfortably sit five people to eat together too.

Darren didn’t like the pendant lights and felt there weren’t enough powerpoints. The judges loved the cabinetry and handles though. Darren said all the details were fantastic.

They liked that they split up the ovens between the main kitchen and the butler’s pantry. “It’s a very well thought family kitchen but it’s also perfect for a passionate cook and entertainer,” Neale said.

Daniel and Jade used the extra point gnome they won at the pottery challenge to take out their first win on The Block. They needed the money so the $10,000 from Ford couldn’t have come at a better time!

Pick to buy: Precinct oak timber flooring

Luke and Jasmin | 28/30 | Joint 3rd place

Shaynna said the curved wall really tied in with what they’d done in last week’s bathroom. “We’re really experiencing some exceptional kitchens today,” said Neale. “I feel like these are kitchens that are ahead of the curve.” Pardon the (unintentional) pun!

Darren said the brass tapware gave a real sense of warmth and tied in well with the palette. Shaynna and Darren loved the pendant too. They also loved the timber laminate on the bottom of the cabinets.

Shaynna wasn’t sure about the oven placement and thought they could have been stacked. Darren took issue with the lack of powerpoints.

They loved all the pullout features in the pantry but didn’t like the basket storage.

“For me, this is a dream kitchen,” said Darren. “I just love everything about it.”

I think this one had to be my personal favourite this week, although if it could somehow be combined with Sarah and George’s curved stone island bench, that would be great!

Pick to buy: Dimmable pendant in brass.

Jimmy and Tam  | 29/30 | Joint 2nd

Their $120,000 of Gaggenau kitchen appliances certainly made an impression! And the judges kept saying the colours shouldn’t work but they did! Mint green, brass and dark charcoal!

Darren said it was “kooky” and Neale said it was very 1950s but also very appropriate to today. “This one to me is truly bespoke,” he added.

Shaynna couldn’t turn a blind eye to the too-tall stools but that aside, she said “it’s stunning from every angle.”

The thousands of dollars worth of wine in the wine fridge impressed them too.

Neale said as a magazine editor he would have liked to have published all of the kitchens because they were all trendsetting in their own way.

Pick to buy: Scala sink mixer in tumbled brass

Come back tomorrow for stylist Jono Fleming’s thoughts in his regular column!

Kitchens The Block

The Block 2019 kitchen week: pictures, scores & details

Kitchen week is always popular on The Block and last night’s reveals didn’t disappoint, with some seriously impressive spaces. Take a closer look below…


Kinsman Kitchens cabinetry details

TESS & LUKE | 27.5/30 THIRD

Kinsman Kitchens cabinetry details

DEB & ANDY | 29.5/30 FIRST

Kinsman Kitchens cabinetry details


Kinsman Kitchens cabinetry details

JESSE & MEL | 28.5/30 SECOND

Kinsman Kitchens cabinetry details

Seen something you like? Shop more of what you saw in these kitchens at The Block Shop

All our previous Block coverage

The Block

The Block room reveals 2018: kitchen week!


Kerrie and Spence wowed the judges with their perfect score kitchen, tricked up to the nines with with top-of-the-range Gaggenau appliances, a hidden rangehood, Sub Zero fridges, and a very impressive butler’s pantry.

I thought it was a great space but would it have scored so highly without those appliances they won? And looks wise, it didn’t get me excited. It wasn’t a 30 out of 30 kitchen for me. The judges were way more enthused though! Darren said if it was his home he’d be pretty damn happy and Shaynna said: “this is out of town!” Darren loved the monolith island bench, which Shaynna said was “just hot!”

Neale said it ticked every single appliance box and he liked the integrated seating at end of the bench. The styling was called perfect and Shaynna said it was hard to fault anything.

Neale said it was paradise for anyone who loved cooking.

I just didn’t love it at all. Equally, I couldn’t find anything too wrong with it. Just meh. To be totally fair though, I don’t think these photos do it justice and it looked much better on TV. I’m just not a fan of too much dark cabinetry and I found that, combined with all those in-your-face appliances, too heavy.

Kitchen build details

Our pick: Marble Basics brass measuring spoons

2nd SARA AND HAYDEN 28.5/30

The judges loved Sara and Hayden’s black and white kitchen, which featured a large stone feature wall, black cabinetry, black wire stools, a bench seat — and  a fabulous hidden butler’s pantry (I think I liked that more than the actual kitchen; anyone else?!)

They were the only couple to flip their island bench so it faced the windows and the judges loved that. Darren said the rangehood was a design element, rather than an eyesore, which they often are. Neale said with the kitchen in place, the rest of the open plan area made more sense.

Shaynna thought the benchseat was quaint and gorgeous and called it a very elegant kitchen.

Darren thought the lighting schedule was terrific, loved the mirrored kickboards (me too!) and the four-seat dine-in island bench. Neale said it had a sense of generosity and meant business from an entertaining perspective. When cooking, you’d feel connected to your guests.

While they loved the butler’s pantry (seriously, it was better than the kitchen, wasn’t it?!) they thought the ‘hidden’ doors to it should have opened inwards. but overall the styling let them down.

Kitchen build details

Our pick: Brass pendant lights

Joint 3rd BIANCA AND CARLA 26.5/30

Bianca and Carla impressed with their kitchen, which included floor to ceiling cabinets in dark and light grey, a timber study nook, statement lights, matte-finish bench top and an enormous butler’s pantry.

Darren of course loved the Caesarstone Cloudburst Concrete which he has in his house! Neale called the room sexy and sophsiticated and Shaynna said they’d nailed their market. With all this positive feedback I’m surprised they didn’t come second.

Neale liked the dedicated study nook but Darren said it was very low, as proven when he sat down at it! The lack of bin and dishwasher in the kitchen were big no-nos too.

They were praised for being consistent yet again and Shaynna said she straight away knows who the buyer is.

Kitchen build details

Our pick: west elm Monogolian lamb stool as seen I study nook

Joint 3rd NORM AND JESS 26.5/30

Norm and Jess impressed with their kitchen, producing what the judges called “one of the most beautiful kitchens ever produced on The Block.” But still only coming joint third. This was my favourite without a doubt. So feminine, soft and pretty, and much more classic than the others. You know I love a shaker-style cabinet too!

I loved the mix of textures like the tiled splash back, timber shelves and marble-look bench. And who could forget that state-of-the-art voice activated plumbing? Although I think I’d personally find it annoying! How hard is it to turn a tap on?!

It was a wow from gadget-loving Darren. Neale said it was beautiful and luxurious. Darren liked the layout and the fact you could get into the butler’s from either side. But he thought it could have been better with more space beside the sink.

Shaynna loved the appliances but said the sink shouldn’t have been directly opposite the oven.The out-of-season imported peonies also impressed her but didn’t stop her noticing the poor cutting in! And another missing bin!

Neale loved everything aesthetically, saying it was one of the most beautiful kitchens they’d ever seen on the show. But Darren said the functionality issues pulled a great kitchen undone.

They all agreed though that a lot of people would fall in love with it and Shaynna said it felt beautiful.

Kitchen build details

Our pick: Chevron concrete tiles and leather bar stools


Courtney and Hans took a risk positioning their kitchen across the hall. They also decided to include a hidden butler’s pantry, effectively cutting their room in half. But despite this the couple still produced a great space, which featured stone benchtops and splashbacks and champagne-coloured metallic cabinetry, and matte black floor-to-ceiling cupboards.

The judges didn’t love the layout and only two stools at the island. But Darren said it was the finishes that struck him as he walked in and he loved the stone and the metallic cabinets. The lighting was also very well designed.

Neale didn’t believe the layout would suit everyone and Shaynna asked did they need a butler’s pantry? It begs the question if this is essential these days or a passing phase? Personally, I think I’d rather have a bigger, more entertaining-friendly kitchen. I also think the metallic cabinets, although lovely, will date. And I really disliked the heavy black handles.

Neale said everything was nice stylistically. And Shaynna said you can’t fault its functionality. But Darren said it was an odd decision to lose natural light by putting windows behind the wall in the butler’s pantry.

Overall they thought the styling was gorgeous and it would photograph well. But it was up against four other kitchens that integrated better with their apartments and the comparisons would work against them.

Kitchen build details

Our pick: Marble produce bowl

So, what did you think of kitchen week? I was a little underwhelmed I must admit. Maybe they were all just a bit too St Kilda for my more classic taste!

Flashback to last year’s Block kitchens

All our Block coverage

Last week’s living room reveals

The Block

The Block series 13 kitchen week room reveals!

It’s always a popular week on The Block! We all know the kitchen is the heart of the home and we are continually told that kitchens sell houses. On top of that, there’s a lot of work involved and that usually means tight timeframes and a fair amount of, you guessed it, drama! I got to tour the kitchens last week so it was extra interesting to watch the judging this week, having seen them for myself. And I would agree with the top two scorers, for sure!

It was an extra exciting episode, with the countdown on to see if Jason and Sarah would finish (start even!) their master suite as well as their kitchen (or face being sent home) and they did. And well!  The judges were blown away. Onto the judging…

Jason and Sarah (second place with 28.5 out of 30)

First, the judges saw last week’s master suite, which they weren’t being scored on. Darren and Neale agreed they could have been in with a chance of winning last week if they’d produced this then. Shaynna said: “You are kidding me? I want to shake them. If they can do this in a week and the kitchen, they gave up last week. This is amazing.” Neale said it was the best Block comeback ever.

Onto the kitchen, the judges were equally impressed. “Beyond back in the game, this is incredible,” said Shaynna. They liked the metallic surfaces on the cabinetry. Darren said everything about the functionality, the materials and handles was perfect. And Neale said the built in shelf behind the cooktop was simply genius. I loved that too!

The judges also loved the mix of materials in the benchtop, using two different Caesarstones. Neale said he thought the kitchen would feel as fresh a decade down the track as it did now.

Darren summed it up as super successful and while Shaynna said the paintwork needed attention, she added buyers would fall in love with the kitchen because it works so well with the rest of the house. Having seen it, I agree.

Our picks to buy: Taburet bar stools from Life Interiors and LEDlux Strix LED pendant from Beacon Lighting.

More details of cabinetry, benchtops and appliances

Hannah and Clint (last place with 26 out of 30)

Shaynna loved the mix of finishes saying it had a beautiful, layered feel.

Darren noted they had a bigger dining table and more chairs and the size of the island bench was fantastic. Shaynna loved the placement of the sink, bins and dishwasher. They were let down by size of the fridge however. Ultimately this lost them valuable points and saw them come last.

Neale thought a study nook would have been a much better better use of space than a bar in a family home. And Shaynna said while there were some big ticks, the too-small fridge and the cocktail area were overshadowing how she felt about it.

Despite this, the judges said the room was contemporary and sophisticated and will impress the buyers.

Our picks to buy: Encore stools from Freedom and Organic Choice cleaning products.

More details of cabinetry, benchtops and appliances.

Ronnie and Georgia (third place with 28 out of 30)

Shaynna said it felt really sexy and loved the new Caesarstone concrete island. Darren called it absolutely beautiful.

He also loved the size of the kitchen sink, the double integrated fridge and the fancy benchtop exhaust. He noted the use of black and how it tied together with the rest of the house, cutting through the grey.

There weren’t enough powerpoints though and this may have led to them coming third instead of second. But the judges loved the study nook, especially the pocket doors.

Shaynna said it felt like the right kitchen for the rendered walls of the living area. But she said it felt a little bit cold and they needed to add some accent colours in. “It needs a little bit of a lift.”

Darren said it was what a modern luxury palette should be and the kitchen was just knockout.

Neale said there was a lot for a buyer to get very, very excited about.

Our picks to buy: Franke Impact undermount sink in onyx from Reece, Sussex Scala curved sink mixer from ReeceTherapy kitchen candle and marble cookbook holder from Williams Sonoma.

More details of cabinetry, benchtops and appliances.

Stick and Wombat (fourth place with 26.5 out of 30)

Luckily, Sticks returned this week after the birth of his baby!

Darren said “this is beautiful,” loving the solid chunk of Caesarstone intersecting with the timber laminate.

Neale thought the Ceasarstone on the splashback was “bloody beautiful”. Shaynna loved it too and the concrete-look cabinetry. She didn’t like them together though, because they were both features and in her opinion, cancelled each other out. I totally agree on this point and although I love the Caesarstone, I don’t like its use over the rangehood. I think it looks clunky. I do love the mix of finishes, the timber accents and the warm feeling and personality this space has though.

The judges loved the secret door, the whiskey bar and the workmanship of the timber by Sticks.

Shaynna said it had lots of personality and Neale said they’d delivered on their style, and very well too. “They’ve got their signature love of timber but they seem to know how to bring it into a contemporary context. They do raw luxury so well.”

Our picks to buy: Rachel Bainbridge resin homewares and Bailey bar stools from Life Interiors.

More details of cabinetry, benchtops and appliances.

Josh and Elyse (first place with 30 out of 30)

It was 10s all round for the youngest contestants whose kitchen stood out for many reasons. Changing the profile of their stairway earlier gave them an amazing, large hidden butler’s pantry. And facing the island bench out towards the garden was another point of difference.

Darren said it was beautiful. “It looks a million dollars.”  Neale said it felt very, very special and sociable. Shaynna said the layout, and the continuation of the timber floor and the styling, meant it engaged with the dining and the lounge, as well as connecting to the garden. Neale said it had a beautiful warmth and sense of community that people will find really appealing.

All the appliances got ticks. Shaynna’s face when she found the butler’s pantry said it all!  The judges couldn’t find anything to fault in the execution; the paintwork was spot on and the styling “perfection”. Darren said everything was just so!

And here’s the biggy! Shaynna said up until this point she had Ronnie and Georgia pegged as the frontrunners for winning, but after today, she thought these two! Controversial! (And I’m inclined to agree).

Our picks to buy: Lacey light shades from The Family Love Tree, paddle cutting board from west elm and Sorrento cuddle mugs from Freedom.

More details of cabinetry, benchtops and appliances.

We’ll have many more details of the kitchens throughout this week from the main suppliers at Freedom Kitchens, Caesarstone, Bosch and Neff.

All our Block coverage.

The Block

Video: Come inside Andy and Ben’s Block kitchen

It was all looking a bit grim for the boys with their fast dwindling funds, but they pulled off a great kitchen in the end and it didn’t get much criticism from the judges at all, despite coming third (you can read our round up of all the kitchens here).

Get ALL the finer details of what went into the boys’ kitchen in our reporter Lauren Ellis’s tour and interview above.

Inspired to makeover your own kitchen? Download the Freedom Kitchens catalogue today.

Watch our video interviews with Karlie and Will and Dan and Carleen, then Julia and Sasha for all the details and gossip!

Appliances The Block

Behind the scenes: our tour of Julia and Sasha’s Block kitchen

Definitely my personal favourite of all the kitchens, I loved this video tour and chat with Julia and Sasha  by our reporter Lauren Ellis. Watch the video to find out every little detail you might be after, as well as the couple’s top design tips! I’m loving all the gold touches, especially that Oliveri sink and tap!

And as well as all the glamorous, classic details, the luxurious Gaggenau appliances (worth $110,000 no less, which they won!) are enough to impress even the most serious chef!

As Neale Whitaker said, from the kitchens he sees in magazines, this one ticks all the boxes!

Read our roundup of all Sunday night’s kitchens.

Watch our videos with Karlie and Will and Dan and Carleen.

Feeling inspired? Download the Freedom Kitchens catalogue.

Interviews Kitchens RENO ADDICT The Block

Our kitchen week video interview with The Block’s Ayden & Jess

Are you getting Block room reveal withdrawals like we are?! There isn’t one until Sunday! That’s almost another week! To keep you going, check out the latest episode of Interiors Addict TV with our newest contributor Lauren Ellis.

Lauren interviews my personal favourite couple Ayden and Jess (I just love these two, even though their rooms aren’t always the best) about their kitchen, tips and trends. And not surprisingly, cabinet maker Ayden thinks getting your local cabinet maker’s help is a fantastic idea!

And PS. how well does Jess scrub up?! Glam!


Watch all our other episodes of Interiors Addict TV.

The Block

Alisa and Lysandra win the coveted kitchen reveal on last night’s Block

I don’t always agree with the judges, much as I like and respect all three of them, but last night I sure did. It would have been just wrong if the twins hadn’t won the kitchen room reveal. I thought their room was outstanding: brave, well thought out and expertly finished.

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It scored points for both style and practicality with all the judges. If you didn’t watch the show, make sure you catch up this week, because the photos don’t really do it justice. I loved the sophisticated look and mix of textures.

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As for the judges, they loved it. Shaynna said it was a chef’s kitchen and despite the fact the girls had been driving her mad with some of their rooms, they had really proven themselves this week. Darren was impressed with their foresight in putting the kitchen somewhere else entirely to the rest of the contestants and loved the void and ceiling height. Neale said it made sense of the whole space and he can’t wait to see what they do with their living and dining areas. He also said it was modern but not too trendy and would date well.

GET THEIR LOOK: Untitled landscape artwork by Sue Quinn | benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens | Gus Stanley stools.

Kyal and Kara

kyal kara kitchen 1

I loved this kitchen too but really wish it had a table or some better options for sitting and eating. That said, it is hard to judge without seeing it in the context of the living and dining area. The judges loved the huge pantry and storage with timber doors. Neale said it was his favourite thing this week. Darren loved the glass over exposed brick splashback (so did I!) and said he had never seen it done before. Shaynna commented on the great use of texture but said it was lacking in colour and felt a little too masculine.

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GET THEIR LOOK: Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens.

Chantelle and Steve

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I wasn’t crazy about this one. I’m not even sure why. There was a lot right with it and Chantelle and Steve certainly felt confident about their effort. It’s a little too industrial and quirky for me and I think it may polarise potential buyers.

The judges loved the lightbox-style poster art and Darren thought the island benchtop was great. Neale said it was a quirky and contemporary kitchen but Shaynna said it was too cluttered. Darren was also worried about how the lounge and dining areas will work with it but I guess that all remains to be seen!

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GET THIER LOOK: Manor Barn light shade | Saint Tropez stool | Custom orange juice art | Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys Kitchens.

Brad and Dale

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The judges really weren’t too keen on this kitchen but I thought it was great. I agreed with Neale about the LED lighting being a bit over the top but I certainly didn’t think it felt 90s, like he did. I loved that curved bench, the lights, the brick wall and the floor. The bar stools made me cringe but on the whole I really liked it. And that artwork! Wow!

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The judges described the art as both epic and divine! Neale said the floor was breathtaking but the room as a whole was really dated. While he loved some things about it, he said it reminded him of the 1990s when ice white kitchens were in. Darren said it felt too much like a showroom. And Shaynna said it didn’t feel warm. Try as she might to see what it looked like without the blue LED lighting, she couldn’t find the right switch, and there were a LOT of switches! Personally, I think this kitchen needs a few tweaks, different lighting (love the pendants though) and new tools and it’ll be HOT.

There’s no doubt about it, if it was the twins’ turn to feel hard done by last week, it was the boys’ turn this week.

GET THEIR LOOK: Droplet pendant lights | Brussels stools (please don’t!) | Benchtops and cabinetry by The Good Guys kitchens.

Read all our other Block coverage.