Designers Homewares

Kate & Kate’s most exciting and most adventurous range to date

Kate & Kate have come a long way since launching a small collection of cotton blankets in 2013. Now, sisters-in-law and best friends Kate Pascoe and Kate Pascoe Squires create two seasonal collections a year, and their Summer 15/16 range, The Great Escape, may just be our favourite yet.


Their self-proclaimed “most adventurous season to date,” features the cotton blankets, linen throws, bath sheets and hand towels we’ve all come to love. But there’s also some very exciting new additions, with a beautiful range of linen cushions, linen napkins and beach towels added to the repertoire. “Brand new this season is our collection of 100% linen, hand screen-printed cushions each of which come with custom feather inserts,” explains Kate Pascoe Squires. “We also have gorgeous linen napkins and beach towels in both adult and kid sizes — they’re my favourite, super lush and they look amazing. We have lots of colour and excitement this summer!”



With a definite nautical undertone, seen through references to maritime and signal flags, the ocean-loving duo were excited to take such direct inspiration this season. “Being inspired by the ocean means this season’s colour palette is incredibly soft and light, with a base of navy and soft greys. It was beautiful working on the softer side of the colour scale and really allowed us to get into that summer frame of mind.”



Available to pre-order from today, stock will be arriving towards the end of August.

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Styling by Megan Morton, photography by Sam McAdam-Cooper. Shot at Cult’s showroom. Furniture pictured:  Image 1 Wrong for HAY, The Hackney Sofa | Image 2 DEDON, Swing Me | Image 3 AGxCult, Plum Armchair | Image 4 HAY, Tela Glassware | Image 5 Magis, Rocky


Cozy linen throws that will get you excited for winter

Available in four colours, these linen throws by Coast almost make me wish it were winter.

COAST Antigua Throw

The generous size of the Antigua Waffle Linen Throws makes them a perfect fit for lying across the end of your bed or draping over the arm of your favourite chair.

Expertly woven in a 100-year-old family mill in Lithuania, the 100% premium-quality washed linen is a strong and luxurious natural fabric. The throws come in dove grey, mustard, inky grey and sea foam and are NZ$239 each. Shipping to Australia is free on orders over $299.

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