Covet my coffee table

Covet My Coffee Table: With Kate & Kate’s Kate Pascoe Squires

One half of the design duo Kate & Kate, Kate Pascoe Squires opened her lounge room to us recently for a glimpse at her gorgeous coffee table — a brass and marble number that was imported from France. “I fell in love with the incredible brass Greek key motif, which pops against the veiny blush marble on my coffee table top. It would be a shame to hide such beauty, so I tend to keep it pretty clutter-free,” says Kate of the metre-round, mid-century table that also sports traditional black painted timber legs.

Kate Pascoe Squires

“The Greek key motif is heaven – it has various blemishes within the brass that are battle scars from its previous life. This table was imported from France and I’m certain it will stay with us for many years to come,” says Kate.

As for what you’d typically find on top, Kate is married to media personality Tony Squires so it’s understandable that newspapers are a permanent fixture. “For the most part, you will find a consistent stack of newspapers, my current read, a laptop and a fresh bunch of seasonal flowers. Oh and my sculptural Jessica Hans vase, handmade and painted in Philadelphia,” says Kate who doesn’t re-style her coffee table that often. “Apart from whatever blooms are on offer that week it doesn’t change much except for the newspapers that are on daily rotation.”

With two children, Kate’s coffee table is also a multi-tasking piece – a consideration when she styles it. “The coffee table is often at the heart of a living room, so it needs to offer both style and function. I do like some space on a coffee table for, you know, a cup of coffee! It’s lovely when kids can gather around a coffee table to do arts and crafts or your friends with some rosé – but equally, it’s also lovely to have a few special pieces on the table to really make it a centrepiece.”

As for styling tips, Kate believes simplicity is key. “Don’t go too crazy on the styling front. You want the table to be able to handle the movement of everyday life – a stray newspaper, a new novel, the ever-present laptop – don’t fuss too much about it.  Keep it natural, with a few key pieces that tell a story,” says Kate.

Photography: Felix Forest

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Designers Homewares Interviews

Kate & Kate collaborate with Arent & Pyke on new collection

Titled ‘Carnival,’ Kate & Kate’s winter 2017 collection sees them collaborate with stellar Sydney interior design duo Arent & Pyke, with fabulous, sophisticated results.

Hand-drawn pin stripes feature in the ‘Carnival’ collection

“We read that the Arent & Pyke girls had an interest in textiles and decided to contact them to see if they’d be interested in a collaboration. Never in a million years did we think they’d say yes! From the first meeting, it was on – we all had so many ideas, but were somehow all on the same page. It’s been 18 months in development and the hardest part was editing the collection down. We wanted to run everything!” says Kate Pascoe Squires, one half of the Kate & Kate design duo.

Kate Pascoe Squires, Juliette Arent, Kate Pascoe and Sarah-Jane Pyke

With hand-drawn pinstripes, pom-poms, linen and woven bed linen, the winter collection certainly is a textural treat. “The range captures the joy of gathering together, the convivial delights of a shared table, a picnic under the shade of a gumtree; all with the homely embrace of luxurious yet robust cottons, wools and linens. The collection is a celebration of celebrations, both jovial and nostalgic with classic geometrics complemented by painterly and spirited prints,” says Kate.

We love that mustard and monochrome harlequin print. Gorgeous!

“It was such a thrilling process working with Juliette and Sarah-Jane. Their knowledge is endless and they really know what will work in a room. It was such an inspiring team to work with and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the results,” says Kate who is particularly fond of the brand’s new linen collection.

“The Festive Twist tablecloths are to die for, with a hand drawn pinstripe in both black/white and rose/white. The Pom-Pom artwork is so much fun as it’s totally unique and has a gorgeous sense of nostalgia. The Floss hand woven bed throw is stunning too — the misty rose colour looks incredible with all the woven textures,” says Kate.

Kate & Kate’s alpaca blankets have become a cult item

Fans of the brand’s alpaca blankets will be thrilled to hear there are new designs for winter, in shades of green, grey, snowy white and mist. “The alpaca blankets sold so quickly last winter, so I think they might be a hit again. We’ve also created a baby alpaca blanket this season and it’s beyond lush,” says Kate.

We particularly love the fact that two pairs of female friends who are also business partners, have come together to create something so gorgeous.

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Photographer: Jason Loucas | Stylist: Claire Delmar

Bedrooms Designers Homewares Interviews

Kate & Kate’s summer 16/17 range inspired by Byron Bay

Designed in Byron Bay, Kate & Kate’s summer 16/17 collection brings more of the design hallmarks that have made the brand famous – think natural fibres, geometrics, understatement and deft use of colour.

“Eastern Point was inspired by the landscape and culture of Australia’s most transportive coastal retreats. Kate and I designed the bulk of the collection in stunning Byron Bay and I think the designs definitely reflect this. A study of contrasts, the collection features free-form shapes alongside stark geometric design, luxurious natural fibres, and for the first time, stunning natural linen and hand-woven cotton,” says Kate Pascoe Squires, one half of the Melbourne-based brand.

Versatile linen throw

Something of a cult item for Kate & Kate, their linen throws are back this season too and they are still as versatile as ever. From a lightweight blanket for the couch or bed, to a wall hanging, beach throw, table cloth or picnic rug there’s nothing better than a multi-tasking homewares item. Designed to fade, they’ll look even better with time.

Gorgeous linen tea towels – we’d be inclined to frame a pair of them as an affordable art alternative.

“We’ve moved towards natural linen for summer, unbleached and beautifully soft. The designs are so fun, super graphic with bursts of pink, navy, green and copper. Linen throws as wall hangings, tea towels that feel like art and beautifully detailed napkins. It’s summer, ready to go,” says Kate.


The brand has branched out this season too with a new collection of 100 percent cotton, hand-loomed blankets and cushions, in crisp white. “I am in love our new season White Night throw and cushions. Hand woven, they are amazingly tactile and the perfect weight for summer. Oh, and there is a little bit of pom pom and tassel action too.  Joy!”

The new ‘White Knight’ cotton range

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Art Homewares Interviews Styling

Interview: How 2 mums opened homewares store after 7 kids

After long corporate careers, friends Sophie Croft and Julie Markovic decided to depart that world and open their gorgeous retail store Feathered Arbour in Melbourne’s Carlton North. An inspiring interiors emporium, the store stocks brands such as Rachel Castle, Zakkia, Pop & Scott, Kip & Co, Kate and Kate and Armadillo&Co. We caught up with the duo recently to find out how it all began.


“I spent 20 years working for Myer with my last job being general manager of merchandise,” says Sophie, while Julie spent her corporate life crunching numbers in the IT business. Like so many before them, both women found motherhood was the impetus for opening their own small business. “I was lucky enough to be involved in one of Australia’s largest corporate sales when Myer was sold by Coles Myer to private equity. This was an amazing experience but at the end of this process I was done and pregnant with my second daughter. So I took a bit of a hiatus to just be a mum. I didn’t feel I could be the mum I wanted to be when my children were young if I had of stayed in the corporate world,” says Sophie, who soon found herself lost in the world of interiors and constantly returning to the idea of opening a retail space. “I wanted a balance in my life that I’m not sure I could have achieved staying in corporate and I secretly wanted to fulfil a childhood dream of owning my own shop.”

Julie came to the decision to depart the corporate world after having two children. “I realised I didn’t have the same passion for working in a large corporation. I packed up my Excel spreadsheet and went on to have two more children and spend some quality time at home watching them grow. Once my eldest started school I again had the desire to get involved in some projects, to keep my mind active, but knew the corporate world wouldn’t allow me to be the mother I wanted to be to my brood. I wanted to see the results of my hard work, rather than it being just fed up the line,” says Julie.

Rather fittingly, the pair met through their local primary school. “Both of us thrive on been busy and founds ourselves running the school fete together. We worked really well together and after doing this for a few years and with four of our combined seven children at school, we were both starting to look for something more,” says Sophie who, desperate to open a retail space and with her eye on an ideal location, shared her plans with Julie. “Within 24 hours, she asked whether I had thought of a business partner – the moon and stars really lined up at this point. We work really well together, we have really different but complementary skills and there is a deep respect for what each of us brings to the table. We speak 100 times a day, laugh lots and we love what we do. We have become amazing friends and so have our families – it just works!” says Sophie.


While the store stocks an enviable line-up of brands, the product they are most passionate about is their collection of Australian art. “The talent that exists in Australia is incredible. Artwork is probably one of our favourite categories, working with people like Emma Cleine of Lumiere, Prudence Caroline, Lisa Lapointe and Armelle Habib, is really inspiring. Bonnie and Neil are a real favourite and popping into their studio on a regular basis is awesome as you can watch the product being created in front of your eyes,” says Sophie.


Photography: Armelle Habib | Styling: Julia Green

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Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms Parenting

7 working mums share their top tips for managing the juggle

Being a working mum is all kinds of things – a privilege, a challenge, a juggle – and with a baby about to turn one, I should know! What it isn’t is easy! In honour of Mother’s Day this weekend, I rounded up seven impressive women from the worlds of interiors, homewares and design to ask them how they manage to have – and do – it all!

From L to R: Chloe Brookman, Kristy Withers, Bel Kurtz, Andrea Rembeck Kate Pascoe Squires, Tina Clark and Alison Wyatt

KATE PASCOE SQUIRES is one half of homewares brand Kate & Kate, known for their beautiful blankets, throws and towels. She is also mum to Harry (6) and Helena (4). She started Kate & Kate with her sister in law Kate Pascoe when Helena was just six months old and Harry was two.

“It was actually the perfect time to start a business,” she says. “Although we both had our hands full, there was also lots of time spent feeding, walking etc – and a desperate need to take some time for ourselves and get out of that ‘baby’ headspace. Our business started organically, so there was no pressure in the early days. We didn’t know what shape Kate & Kate was going to take, and by the time we worked that out, the kids were a little bit older and we could dedicate more time to developing our strategy.”

These days, with Harry at school and Helena in pre-school three days a week, with the help of a nanny two days a week, Kate can get four solid days of work in. “I juggle through the other three days. I like to walk Harry to school in the mornings and spend time with both kids in the afternoons, which means there is a break in my working day – but for that freedom, I am happy to then jump back into it for a few hours at night.

“We don’t have any family in Sydney, so I came to terms pretty early on that paid help is my only option and I’m cool with that. Our nanny has been with us since Helena was born and she’s part of the family. At the minute, the strategy is working!”

While she did have the dreaded mum guilt, being proactive in making changes to allow her to spend more time with the kids has alleviated this. “It makes for very busy days, but I just felt as though I was missing out on too much and we were all suffering. My new mantra is, ‘I can only do what I can do!’ I am a very proud working mum. I want my kids to have privileges, but I need them to see that you have to work for them. There isn’t a money tree out the back of the terrace!

“I also think it’s good for kids to see that the world doesn’t always revolve around them – I can’t be there every minute of every day and you know what? That’s ok. They will be ok. It’s a good life lesson.”

While self-employment brings welcome flexibility, it also brings “giant” responsibility. “The buck stops with you. It can be terrifying and empowering. There are a lot of people to keep happy too – your employees, stockists, manufacturers, media etc. We run our own business, but that doesn’t mean we’re not accountable to a lot of other people. Running your own show isn’t all love hearts and sunshine (as it may seem on Instagram) — there are amazing benefits, but get ready for a huge slog, lots of spreadsheets and time away from your family.”

Kate’s top tips: Get help. Family is always best if that’s an option, but if not, get prepared to pay for it: nanny, daycare… don’t think you can do it all by yourself. If you can afford to, outsource the jobs you don’t like or don’t find rewarding. When you are juggling a family and a business, time is precious – don’t waste it!


ANDREA REMBECK runs kids luxury label Tutu du Monde and is mum to Alyna (11). Her daughter was actually the inspiration to start the business! “It has really grown with her, I started very small and nimble so I was able to juggle new motherhood with the challenges of a start-up and as she got older, it got easier for me to extend my work hours,” Andrea says.

Having an older child now, the juggle is a lot easier. Her husband works from home and does most of the school drop-offs and pick-ups which enables Andrea to have ‘proper’ work days. “I don’t have to pick up a lot of ‘undone’ work after-hours and on the weekend. When Alyna was younger, my husband was away overseas a lot on extended work commitments and with no relatives in Australia, I often had to juggle work, daycare, babysitters, etc. I used to work a lot at night. I had to fit it in where I could.”

There’s still the occasional bout of guilt though – mainly when she travels and can’t take Alyna with her. “However, I usually tell myself that a happy (and fulfilled) mother creates a nurturing and happy environment for her kids. I am a believer in old fashioned values and I think working sets a great example for your kids. They know it requires hard work and discipline to be a success and to fulfil one’s dreams. I don’t want my daughter to grow up and aspire to a Kardashian life.”

Andrea says it’s never too late to start your own business. “Maybe when you have young kids, it takes a little longer to get it off the ground and grow it, but with a good support network it’s possible, especially when the kids get a bit older. When Alyna was younger, I was running the business from home which helps, as you can work around nap times and you don’t have to commute. Obviously daycare and relatives can help a lot.”

Andrea’s top tips: Be organised and have a clear strategy. You don’t have endless amounts of time.


KRISTY WITHERS runs iconic kid’s furniture and décor brand, Incy Interiors and is mum to Oscar (7) and Polly (4). It was Oscar turning two and needing a ‘big boy bed’ which sparked the business idea and she found out she was pregnant with Polly about two weeks before launching Incy. It was a very welcome surprise after multiple miscarriages and starting IVF.

With both children now in school, Kristy admits life is much easier and she employs her sister as their nanny! “She picks the kids up from school and will take them home, do homework and have a bath. This is amazing as it means that when we get home we just hang out and have quality time together.”

When the kids were younger and Kristy was working night and day, she had more than her share of mum guilt. “It absolutely broke my heart that I missed Polly’s first day of pre-kinder because I was in the US at a tradeshow. Polly of course didn’t bat an eyelid but I am still not over it!

“I love that when Polly plays ‘pretend’ she is ‘working’. I want her to know that she too can be successful and doesn’t need to rely on anyone else. Both my husband and I have our own businesses and we work long hours. Our children understand that they have things other kids don’t because mum and dad work hard. Self employment is certainly a hard road as you need to be available to both your family and your business 24 hours a day and there is no one else to pick up the slack.” Being a mum should never put you off following your dream though: “Having children will only make you more organised and more ruthless with your time, which is a good thing.”

Kristy’s top tips: Divide your time. Whilst working from home I felt permanently guilty – if I was working I felt like I should be with the kids and if I was with the kids I felt bad for not working. I also just worked around the clock and felt like I didn’t get a break. The day that I got a separate office and started working specific office hours was the day I got my life back. Now I go to work from 9 to 5 and I try to limit any work that I take home so that when I am home I am present. If you are spending quality time with your children, the mum guilt definitely lessens!


ALISON WYATT runs Hepburn Hardware, an online store selling knobs and handles. She’s also mum to Zara (6) and Oliver (4). She started the business when she was on maternity leave with Oliver and Zara was 2. “I could see, in our situation, that working a normal 9 to 5 wasn’t going to work when our kids were at school. Zara was starting school in two years’ time so I had to make it happen within that timeframe. Fortunately it did.”

When the kids were small, Alison used childcare as she was still working her job in the city and running Hepburn Hardware by night. “Once Hepburn had enough traction, I left my city job, cut back their childcare hours and worked when they were asleep. It was busy at the time juggling two jobs and two small children, but it was a small price to pay for the balance we have now. These days I just work when they’re at school or kindy. My husband is also a shift worker and occasionally has days off during the week to do the school run etc. while I work.

“I wasn’t really into my city job and it made me feel guilty being away from my kids for something I wasn’t passionate about. Leaving your child in tears at daycare isn’t a great way for your family to start the day. Now I work when they’re at school/kindy or asleep. Separating work time from family time has been the lynchpin, because if I try to combine them, I end up doing both badly. I tick the business along in the school holidays, so I can spend as much time with them and then ramp it back up during term time. I’m also able to drop them off and pick them up from school every day, which has also been a guilt saver.”

Showing your kids you have drive, determination and commitment is a great lesson, according to Alison, who says her own parents set a really good example for her. “Allowing my kids to see you can have an enjoyable working life, in a less generic way, will hopefully open their minds to the possibilities out there. Your outlook on work can have a big effect on your outlook on life, so I’m keen to show my kids a positive one.”

Wanting more flexibility was a big motivator for her to start the business in the first place. “It’s a lot more work involved when you’re out on your own, but you can do it around whatever your family is up to. I’ve never worked harder in my life but I’m spending the most time I’ve ever had with my kids.”

Alison’s not the first in her circle of friends to have started a business after becoming a mum. “We’re all doing very different things but use each other as sounding boards for ideas and problems. I found working on my own challenging, as I have always preferred to work with a team, so having a good network of women me has given me amazing support. I couldn’t have done it without them.”

Alison’s top tips: Lists are my biggest saviour. I use an app called Evernote on my phone. It’s a great way to get whatever is in my head down onto an easily accessible platform. Then when I get a chance to do some work, I can do it fast and efficiently. At the end of each night, I add what I need to do the next day, so I don’t go to bed thinking about it.

CHLOE BROOKMAN is one half of children’s furniture and homewares business, Olli Ella and mum to Tennyson (6), Arlo (4) and baby Nell (pictured). “When I started Olli Ella I had just had my first child, who was 10 months. Olli Ella was absolutely inspired by motherhood, and to this day it affects the products that we design and produce.”

If you’d asked her how she balances motherhood and business before Nell came along, Chloe would have told you that she works during school hours, and tries to be as effective as she can in that time. “These days, though it’s done mainly through an iPhone, during feeds. “I haven’t quite figured out how to navigate the balance of work and family with three little ones but it’s early days still and I’m sure we will get there!”

She’s managing to put things in perspective when it comes to feeling guilty about being a working mum. “I had a real moment a couple of weeks ago when, after picking the boys up from school, I found myself shut in our room with an unsettled baby girl, I knew that my boys needed me, I had a mountain of emails to troll through (it wasn’t going to happen any time soon) and I hadn’t started on dinner. I felt like I was falling short, that my little boys were suffering because I had spread myself too thin. And then I had this thought; I thought to myself that when I look back on my own childhood it is more of a feeling, than remembering specific days. I thought that with my kids, sure there were going to be days when their mama was far less than perfect, days where I couldn’t play with them as much as I wanted to, or forgot to help with homework, or lost my temper quicker than the situation deserved. But it’s the foundation that counts, that their home is full of love, play and music. And that I am a great mother most of the time, and to forgive myself the moments when I do fall short. Because hey, we are human!”

More than setting the example of being successful, Chloe wants to show her kids that you can love what you do for work. And as for thinking you’ve left it too late to start your own thing after you’ve had kids, Chloe says it’s the best time to do! “Something happens after having a baby, it’s sort of a shift in perspective that makes you re-evaluate everything. Things that were important to you before, might not be so anymore, and things that you never imagined would be of interest or concern to you, suddenly are. There’s a joke in my family that after every baby I have made a major life decision. After my first baby I started Olli Ella, immediately after my second we moved from London to Sydney, and now with Nell we have just opened a third office in Los Angeles. It’s never too late to start a business and sometimes taking time away from your job, like for example, on maternity leave, is the perfect time to incubate and hatch a new venture.”

Chloe’s top tips: Have a sense of humour, wine, and embrace the chaos because it is crazy and awesome. These are undoubtedly the greatest of times.

TINA CLARK started luxury wardrobe storage brand Sagitine and is mum to Sabine (6) and Gisele (3), also known as Gigi. The business name is a combination of hers and her daughters’ names. Wanting to be at home with her girls more spurred former trader Tina on to start her business.

As a single mum, she has a full-time, live-in nanny. “I realised early on that I couldn’t manage on my own. Sabine is at school now and Gigi is at daycare three days a week. Working from home is a bit of a struggle on the two days when Gigi is at home.”

Of all the women we interviewed, she’s the only one who says she doesn’t suffer from mum guilt. “I always think I’m doing the best I can and that will be ok! I sometimes get the dad guilt and worry that my kids will get angry with me when they get older as both their dads are donors. But I think it’s very important for kids to see their mothers work as it creates ambition, drive and independence.”

When Tina worked as a trader she couldn’t even get time off to take Sabine to her first day of daycare. “It was just impossible! This gives me the flexibility to work at my own pace and be actively involved in dropping off and picking up my children when I need to.”

Perhaps feeling the pressure to provide more as a single parent, Tina warns to be careful about the finances and the time it will take to become profitable. “Let’s just say I was a little naive in hindsight about the realities of setting up a manufacturing business.”

Tina’s top tips: Keep smiling and don’t worry too much if the house is a mess! Try not to feel guilty about missing out on events at school as it’s impossible to do everything. Best to commit to a handful of things that you can 100% dedicate yourself to and do them well.

BEL KURTZ runs Petite Vintage Interiors and is mum to Holly (5) and Asher (3). She started the business when her second was just six months old. “After being on maternity leave for over two years, I definitely had a desire to focus my attention on something else in addition to my small people. At the start, I was able to easily fit the work hours required around the girls but as the business grew I went from working in nap times and evenings, which was quite manageable, to working through the day with them at home. This became more challenging as they grew older and gave up their naps! It was really hard to take client calls with two screaming kids in the background but I look back on that time and smile because I was able to indulge my passion for design while staying home with my daughters.”

Now Holly has started school and Asher is at kinder three days a week, she has more child-free hours. “But the time between school drop off and pick up would have to be the shortest hours in the day! My husband pitches in around the house in the afternoons between 4pm and 7pm for dinner and homework and then I’m back in the office most evenings after the girls have gone to bed. I always have my phone on me so if we have after school activities that leave me sitting in the car for extended periods, I can get onto emails.”

Bel accepts the mum guilt as being quite normal, particularly if you feel like your business is pulling you away from your family. “It helps to have a supportive partner with a flexible job who can be there if you can’t, or even grandparents who might be able to attend events that you’re unable to get to due to work commitments. The best thing I can do is admit to myself that I’m doing my best to juggle everything and I just can’t do it all. When things are a little quieter on the work front I try to attend as many events as possible so I don’t feel like we’re missing out so much.”

Bel watched her mum work hard in her own business and says it taught her she could chase any dream she had. “Hard work and determination do pay off and I think that’s a great example for our daughters.” When it comes to starting your own business, she says you just have to start! “Set a small goal and just squeeze in every spare minute that you have to try to reach it. It might be something as small as selling 10 products or getting 500 followers on Instagram! Don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t measure your success on the success of others. Small wins lead to bigger things!”

Bel’s top tips: Prioritise your own health first. Have a family planner that includes your intended work hours for the week with dedicated family time. I always make sure I have 45 minutes with the girls before bed for stories and cuddles. Build a great support network of trusted babysitters, you never know when you might need them. You don’t have to say yes to everything, on the work front and the family front. If you can, outsource.

Photography: Susan Papazian


Designers Homewares Styling

Kate & Kate’s winter 2016 collection is utterly serene

Clean lines, geometric shapes, monochromatic colour schemes and pops of colour. These are all things we love about the Kate & Kate label and their winter 2016 collection, launched today, doesn’t disappoint.


Appropriately titled ‘Exhale,’ the range of linen throws, napkins, cushions, towels and blankets has a very soothing, contemplative vibe – not least in part due to the gorgeous colour palette of peach, navy and grey.


Linen napkin

“This season, we have been inspired by a shared desire to pause, reflect and forge a considered path forward. Exhale is a collection of gradient greys, nuanced pinks and blues, free-form shapes and luxurious natural fibres,” says Kate & Kate director Kate Pascoe Squires.

While it’s the brand’s cotton blankets that made them famous, this season, for the first time, they’ve created some with luxurious Alpaca wool – super soft and very warm, these will achieve instant heirloom status. “Only a small number of these blankets have been made and they really are the jewel in the crown of the collection,” says Kate.


We are particularly fond of the new collection of hand screen-printed round and square cushions with contrast piping. The brand’s linen throws are back too – ideal for use as a lightweight blanket on a lounge, a beach throw, wall hanging, table cloth or picnic rug, it’s their versatility that gets our seal of approval.


Alpaca blanket

Click here for more.

Homewares Kids Rooms Styling

From nursery to beyond: Homewares to delight both mum and bub

Gone are the days of twee children’s rooms – modern nurseries are often sophisticated spaces that parents and children can equally enjoy. Increasingly, children’s rooms are considered within the design context of the entire home and to that end, we’ve put together a list of homewares that could transition from your child’s room into yours at a later stage.

Kip & Co Limited edition Corfu wall hanging in pink: This stunning, hand woven number would look super stylish in a nursery, or the lounge room too. $349.

Kate & Kate The Love Letter baby blanket: Generously proportioned, this blanket, made from the softest cotton, will keep both baby and your knees warm in winter. $109.

Kate&Kate baby blanketArmadillo & Co Ballerina woven wool rug: We love the soft colour way of this versatile rug. $695.

KidostoreOne Two Tree My Treasure Board: A stylish interpretation of Australiana that could fit in just about anywhere in the home. $175.


The Family Love Tree king single basket bed head in denim blue: A simpler design than the one that made the brand famous, this bed head can be enjoyed by adults and children alike. $299.

Family love tree_bedheadLittle Connoisseur round cushion with star adornment in blush and gold: We love the durable, upholstery weight fabric of this cushion and the personalisation option too – get your child’s name embossed on the tag for instant heirloom status. $180.







9 of the best throws and blankets

I have an ever-changing collection of throws on my couch and bed. I think at last count I had upward of 15, so clearly I’ve not really mastered the less is more thing. But to tempt my obsession further, I’ve put together a list of the 9 best throws and blankets. Enjoy! 

The Marcel Throw from Country Road combines graphic colour blocking with cosy texture in a reverse jersey cotton knit. It retails for $149.

country road throw

The bright striped Moroccan Wool and Cotton Pom Pom Blanket was made by Berber Weavers of the Atlas Mountain Region in Morocco. In traditional Moroccan style these blankets are extremely warm and contain natural variations adding to the already chic aesthetic. Use as a bed covering, folded at the base of a bed or draped over a piece of furniture to inject a sense of global style into any space. Available from Barefoot Gypsy for $285.

Bright Stripe Blanket Web

Lightweight and super soft, the 100% Egyptian cotton Throw Blanket ($230) from Sunday Ganim is perfect for lounging on the sofa or having a picnic in the park. The simple stripe with block trim pattern comes in three colourways, perfect for vibrant trans-seasonal layering.


Milk & Sugar’s reversible Cross Black Knit is made from 100% cotton and is available in both throw and blanket size. Perfect for adding to your bed for that final touch or throwing over your couch or armchair on those cooler nights, prices start from $129.95.

milk & sugar

Hunting for George’s Outsider Cotton Blanket ($179), feature a simple, block print in four colourways, ranging from bright emerald greens to rich cornflower blues. 100% cotton, 100% awesome, it is designed for multi use — perfect as a single bed quilt, queen bed throw or couch snuggler.

hunting for george

The Sea Tangle Linen Throw ($149) from Kate & Kate is beautifully screen printed on 100% linen. Use as a light-weight blanket, beach throw, table-cloth or picnic rug. Designed to fade, it comes in four colours.

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This stunning contrasting Tassel Throw ($249) from Kip & Co brings a stylish European edge to the home. Featuring textured indigo or mustard cotton with over-sized fuscia or peach tassels, it is made from 100% cotton. Pre-order now for a December delivery.


Featuring Aura’s renowned cross design, the Crosses Throw ($149) in orange poppy is knitted in high quality soft cotton. Reverse is the opposite design.


From the Mark Tuckey + Cotton On collaboration, the 100% cotton, charcoal Circus Tassel Blanket is the perfect addition to any sofa or bed. Hand knitted in India for superior quality and comfort, it retails for $139.95.


We hope you liked this list. Let us know what you’d add!

Designers Homewares

Melbourne’s newest homewares haven, The Nomad Society

As a self-confessed “do it kind of girl,” Carolyn Mee has been the mastermind behind many ventures. From being a chef and opening a cafe to studying design and creating beautiful interiors, her latest dream gig is owning homewares store, The Nomad Society.

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“Having a homewares store where I’m surrounded by things I absolutely love rocks my world,” says Carolyn. “We stock handmade pieces with stories, well-known Australian companies and other goodies I just couldn’t not have!”

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Situated on Greville Street in Prahran, Melbourne, The Nomad Society combines new and modern homewares created by Australian designers, with carefully curated pieces from overseas. “We’ve got some awesome Australian suppliers like Kip & Co and Kate & Kate, small designers like Phendei from Melbourne/Cambodia and Sateen from Sydney/Portugal and then I have my Turkish rugs…bought over multiple mint teas, super strong Turkish coffee and a yarn… just out of Istanbul.”

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Sourcing from all over the world, Carolyn uses everything from social media to local contacts. “When it comes to sourcing, it’s all about research, research, research! Going to every possible design market, meeting people over the years, looking at my own purchases and making contact with local small business. And time spent on Instagram in Byron and the Greek Islands helped!”

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With a style that is “airy, modern and ethnic,” The Nomad Society has now gone online, with many more plans for the future. “What’s next? I see styling, I see pop-ups, manufacturing something small myself, travel and just finding new creatives to showcase.”

Shop online.

Photography and styling by Marnie Hawson

Designers Expert Tips Furniture

Take 5 with Kate Pascoe Squires

Each week we shine the spotlight on some of Australia’s best designers, artists and stylists and have them share with us what’s making them tick; anything from their favourite cafe and shop to their favourite book and musician.

Today we chat to Kate Pascoe Squires, one half of the amazing Australian designed textiles and soft furnishings business, Kate & Kate.

Kate Pascoe Squires (left) and business parter and sister-in-law Kate Pascoe (right)
Kate Pascoe Squires (left) and business parter and sister-in-law Kate Pascoe (right)
1. What is your favourite cafe?  

The Cook & Baker in Bondi Junction is my second home – their food is incredible, everyone who works there is just so nice and their chai is my morning addiction. They make their own almond milk too, which I love. So good.

2. What is your favourite book?

The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton was a bit of a game changer for me.

3. What is your favourite shop?  

That’s a tough one… there are so many! I’m all about Ellery at the moment and am currently spending a lot of time in their Paddington boutique. It’s dangerous.

4. What is your favourite piece of furniture you own?

My Eames rocker gives me a lot of joy – so handsome in shape, he looks good at any angle. He also provides a perfect blank canvas for the endless blankets and throws on rotation in our home.

5. Who is your favourite musician? 
All time favourite? Would have to be Pearl Jam. Sorry, I’m a bit of a ’90s chick.
Bathrooms Homewares

Our 10 best bathroom accessories

There’s no denying the bathroom can be one of the blandest rooms. So add some colour and texture with these affordable and stylish accessories, which you can easily swap in and out depending on your mood.

Luxe Copper Toilet Brush & Holder from Target: The toilet brush is probably the foulest (but let’s admit, most vital) bathroom accessory! However, this rose gold one is, dare I say, quite stylish. With a refined and elegant look, it is simple, practical and at $20, affordable.


Stripes Bath Towel Set in Pastel Pink from Aura: Featuring two bath towels, two hand towels and one bath mat, the $179 towel set is sure to impress. Made from luxuriously soft, super absorbent pure cotton, the pattern is bold but simple. Items are also sold separately, starting from $19.95.

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Quote Candles from Damselfly: As Damselfly say: “We want to hit you in the face, right in the nose, with our triple-scented aromas and then in the eyes, with a killer quote” and, they succeed! Their super fun candles are made from non-toxic soy based wax and are hand poured in Australia. Each has up to 60 hours burning time and retails for $39.95. 

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RÅGRUND Towel rack chair from IKEA: It’s the thing I never knew existed but now kind of want! Made from bamboo, this $49.99 towel rack chair is a real space saver. A place to store your belongings or take a seat, it is hard-wearing and durable.

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Brio Pedal Bin 3 Litre in Mint from Freedom: This handy item is great for keeping your bathroom clean and injecting a bit of colour into your space. It’s sturdy metal body means it will go the distance and the easy-access pedal keeps things fuss free. Also available in yellow it retails for $29.95.


Budgie Bath Sheet Set from Ninnho: The ultimate in luxury, this set includes two super-sized bath sheets, one hand towel, one bath mat and two wash cloths. A chic colour statement, they are 100% cotton and designed in Melbourne by artist Antoinette Ferwerda. The set retails for $259, with individual items starting from $12


Salle De Bain Two Piece Bathroom Jar Set from Kmart: For just $7 this soap dispenser and toothbrush holder is quite the stylish bargain. Made from blue-tinted glass, they are functional, decorative and on-trend. 42109488-f-1Wicker Waste Bin Round from Bed Bath N’ Table: Perfect for that country home look, this white and beige wicker bin is both stylish and practical. Designed by Morgan & Finch, it retails for $11.20.

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AW15 Tartan Bath Robe from Kip & Co: I’m not a bath robe kind of girl, but this, is convincing me otherwise. The ideal thing to wrap yourself up in this winter, the plush robe is made from 100% cotton terry toweling. One size fits most, it retails for $119.

Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 10.33.54 amSea Tangle Bath Sheet from Kate & Kate: Soft, absorbent and generous, Kate & Kate’s bath sheets are double-sided with terry and velour. Made from 100% cotton and available in three colour ways they retail for $99.

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We hope you found this list useful. Please let us know what you’d add!
Designers Homewares

Kate & Kate’s most exciting and most adventurous range to date

Kate & Kate have come a long way since launching a small collection of cotton blankets in 2013. Now, sisters-in-law and best friends Kate Pascoe and Kate Pascoe Squires create two seasonal collections a year, and their Summer 15/16 range, The Great Escape, may just be our favourite yet.


Their self-proclaimed “most adventurous season to date,” features the cotton blankets, linen throws, bath sheets and hand towels we’ve all come to love. But there’s also some very exciting new additions, with a beautiful range of linen cushions, linen napkins and beach towels added to the repertoire. “Brand new this season is our collection of 100% linen, hand screen-printed cushions each of which come with custom feather inserts,” explains Kate Pascoe Squires. “We also have gorgeous linen napkins and beach towels in both adult and kid sizes — they’re my favourite, super lush and they look amazing. We have lots of colour and excitement this summer!”



With a definite nautical undertone, seen through references to maritime and signal flags, the ocean-loving duo were excited to take such direct inspiration this season. “Being inspired by the ocean means this season’s colour palette is incredibly soft and light, with a base of navy and soft greys. It was beautiful working on the softer side of the colour scale and really allowed us to get into that summer frame of mind.”



Available to pre-order from today, stock will be arriving towards the end of August.

Shop online.

Styling by Megan Morton, photography by Sam McAdam-Cooper. Shot at Cult’s showroom. Furniture pictured:  Image 1 Wrong for HAY, The Hackney Sofa | Image 2 DEDON, Swing Me | Image 3 AGxCult, Plum Armchair | Image 4 HAY, Tela Glassware | Image 5 Magis, Rocky

Bedrooms Kids Rooms

Jen’s 10 best baby blankets

Aha! I do believe when it comes to blankets, I have found something which fits (perhaps loosely) into the category of homewares, therefore I can blog about baby stuff sans guilt. Am I right?!

This baby of mine has more blankets than you can shake a stick at but they’re actually all getting used in rotation because let’s face it, in this weather, you can never be warm enough. It’s actually pretty hard keeping a baby warm in this weather. Our power bill is going to give me a heart attack this quarter, I just know it! So here are 10 of my favourite baby blankets; many of them Australian, half of which we already own and the other half Seb wouldn’t mind adding to his rather impressive collection.


1. Mooi Baby Reversible Foxey Star Blanket $159.95*


This is our latest acquisition and current fave in the blanket department. Made of baby alpaca and pima cotton, this is double-sided and oversized so super warm. I may or may not have stolen it a few times for my lap on the couch. And we love everything foxy and/or navy in this house so this was always going to be a winner. You really have to see and feel this blanket — which comes in its own cloth bag — to appreciate its quality, which is extremely high. Rightly described as heirloom quality in my opinion, it would make a gorgeous gift for a new mum. They have other designs too.

seb stars mooi blanket

2. Sunday Ganim Stripes Blanket in grey $129

I’m a fan of a neutral when it comes to most linen, even baby linen, but this one hits a very happy medium with its touches of pale blue and bright yellow. This one always gets comments. Its 100% Egyptian cotton makes it a nice light option which we often fold double in Sebastian’s bassinet or pram. The cotton holds the Okeo-tex® Standard 100, which guarantees the highest sustainable and ecological practices in textiles. I also love that this one’s made in Melbourne.

3. Kate&Kate The Jane Baby* $109

I’ve long been a fan of Kate & Kate’s grown up blankets, so no surprises I love the mini versions too! This is a simple design but it’s the details that count, like the lovely blanket stitching around the edges and the cloth bag it comes in. Another 100% cotton option, this one also gets used in Seb’s bassinet. It also happens to match his blue and grey pram (the Bugaboo Bee3 with bassinet) perfectly!

4. GatherKids Pure Cotton Soft Blanket* from $180


gatherkids blanket

If you love an old fashioned crochet blanket, a la Princess Charlotte, you need this GatherKids option. We have the bassinet size in grey and love it. Because it’s smaller we often taken it out with his capsule or in his pram. I just love how this looks like it could have been passed down generations but is in fact brand new! It’s a beauty! These are made in New Zealand and individually knitted, pre-shrunk and tumble dried.

5. Pottery Barn Kids Honeycomb Stroller Blanket in grey* $49


This is a great size for bassinet or pram and you can’t go wrong with grey and white, especially if you’re buying for a baby whose sex is as yet unknown. I love the navy version too and at $49 it’s great value. Cotton/acrylic blend.


1.Kip & Co Baby Tartan Pom Pom Blanket $129

How cool is this?! No wonder it’s currently sold out. In true Kip & Co style it’s totally out there but who said all baby blankets had to be pastel and pared back? I love the pom poms! In peach and red 100% merino wool, I’d say this is a unisex option. (We love the nap wraps they recently gifted us too).

2. The Camo in blue by Atelier/Child $225

Atelier/Child is the new luxury children’s knitwear label founded this year by ex Vogue Australia deputy editor and founder of The Grace Tales Georgie Abay and communications consultant Jessica Baird Walsh. This on trend blanket is made of a cashmere/wool blend.

3. Little Bonbon Rocking Horse Beige/White $49.95


There’s something wonderfully old school about this rocking horse design and I do love a neutral option. This Australian-designed, reversible cotton knit blanket is the perfect size for a pram or bassinet or perhaps just snuggling on the lounge! Little Bonbon also sell some lovely baby shawls, including this one which is rather reminiscent of Princess Charlotte’s!

4. aden + anais Organic Muslin Dream Blanket $89.95

Everyone RAVES about their oversized muslin wraps for swaddling, so it goes without saying aden + anais’ organic muslin blankets would be something pretty special. They promise to get softer with every wash. This 100% organic cotton four-layer blanket is the ultimate in breathability; warm in winter and cool in summer.

5. Weegoamigo Knitted Baby Blanket Geo Charcoal

This on trend geometric is just one of the fun designs by Weegoamigo, available from The Little Linen Company (who also sell the Airwrap, the safer cot bumper alternative). A premium double-layered knit blend of 30% bamboo rayon and 70% cotton, this one’s nice and warm and comes gift boxed.

Disclosure: Blankets marked with an asterisk were kindly gifted to Sebastian with no promise of coverage.

Art Homewares

Online shopping fix: Crate & Co.

Stocking some of my all-time favourites like Blacklist, Aura, Pony Rider and Kate & Kate, online boutique Crate & Co. offer a collection of beautiful and carefully curated gifts and homewares.

crate and co

Sourcing locally designed products, founder Ania Cheetham wanted to create a convenient online shopping destination that provided goodies that were unique, high-quality, affordable and supported Australian businesses.

“I believe that your home should tell your story and I created Crate & Co. to help you make it a stylish one,” explains Ania. “I enjoy sourcing locally and discovering new talent and bringing that all together to provide products that stand out from the crowd.”

Originally working in real estate, Ania fell in love with homewares after working with a number of home stagers and property stylists, and since then… she’s never looked back!

Shop online.

Bedrooms Designers Homewares

Kate & Kate’s new blankets, linen throws and towels

From the duo that can do no wrong comes Quiet Geometry, the Winter ‘15 collection by Kate & Kate!

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Offering a range of beautiful, locally designed, 100% cotton knitted blankets — from baby right through to x-large — texture is obtained through the addition of two divine plain knitted blankets, with stunning dipped, rolled edges.

Marsha Golemac for Kate & Kate collection
Marsha Golemac for Kate & Kate collection

Next comes their truly unique capsule collection designed in collaboration with Melbourne creative Marsha Golemac. The limited edition Marsha Golemac for Kate & Kate collection reflects her instinctive approach to design, and an aesthetic that has become immediately recognisable for its consistent reference to line, shape and colour. Each piece comes with a signed and numbered swing tag.

Kate & Kate interiors addict

Winter ’15 will also see the introduction of Kate & Kate’s debut collection of towels and hand towels. Double-sided (terry/velour) and 100% cotton, they’re are incredibly soft and absorbent. As always, they’ve kept their sizes generous; measuring 100 x 150cm they are perfect for both the bathroom and the beach.

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Finally, Kate & Kate are also releasing a gorgeous range of versatile 100% linen, screen-printed throws. At 140 x 190cm, these can be used as a lightweight blankets, beach throws, tablecloths and picnic rugs.

My my, I love their stuff! One of everything please!

For more information and to pre-order.

Kate & Kate are at trade event Life Instyle this weekend.

Bedrooms Furniture Homewares Kids Rooms

Incy Interiors bring cool kids’ bedrooms to Sydney

Creator of cult cots Incy Interiors, have opened an exciting new store in Sydney’s Chatswood Chase. If you’re looking for inspiration for a cool nursery or kids’ room, look no further!

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Bathurst based since launching three years ago, Incy interiors, which has seen huge popularity and growth, is expanding to the big city. Their products are now stocked in more than 120 stores across Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong, as well as online.

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Founder and director Kristy Withers said its Sydney store opening was the next logical step: “We have received great support from our customers since we opened our Bathurst store in 2012, but were constantly asked if we had a Sydney presence. We’re really excited to welcome existing Sydney customers and also introduce ourselves to a new pool of Incy fans.

The 10 best places to buy Aussie kids’ line online.

“Many customers still prefer to buy from a traditional bricks-and-mortar store. They like to touch and feel a product before they buy it, especially if it’s for their child.”

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The new store is beautifully styled and full-to-the-brim with its award-winning furniture ranges. The timeless pieces include cots, beds, bookcases, change tables, dressers and side tables. Queen-sized designs (so kids don’t have all the fun) and the much-lauded Megan Morton limited edition beds are also available in store.

As well as Incy’s own full range, there’s an extensive selection of premium Australian brands including Kip & Co, Blacklist Studio, Armadillo, Down to the Woods, Aura, Ladedah Kids, Kate & Kate, Love Mae, and Seedling.


Incy Interiors, Shop 219, Chatswood Chase Shopping Centre, 345 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, NSW.

Open seven days.


Exclusive Kate & Kate X Superette blanket giveaway

Kate & Kate have teamed up with New Zealand retailer Superette on a stunning new ‘Co-Lab’ blanket. In 100% knitted cotton, combining a hint of gold with muted tones of pink and grey, it’s perfectly on trend and comes in a beautifully screen printed, limited edition carry bag.



These special blankets are super exclusive here in Oz but we have one to give away to a lucky reader. To enter, just comment below what you’d do with yours if you won, by midnight tomorrow (Friday 7 November 2014).


RRP $169. Buy online here in Australia or here if you’re in NZ.


New Kate & Kate blankets, inspired by summer with soft greys and pastels

The ladies behind some of some of the most gorgeous Australian blankets and throws EVER, Kate & Kate, will launch their new range, inspired by “that summer feeling” at Life Instyle Melbourne today. And by the look of the photos, styled by Megan Morton, they may be my favourites yet.



The Summer ’15 collection, which consists of five designs, are all knitted from 100% pure cotton and breathe beautifully. Featuring greys of all tones, combined with pastels and pops of colour, the collection is full of beautiful colour combinations from the muted pink with the brilliant berry, to the powder blues with snowy white and miles and miles of grey marles.



Machine washable and safe to tumble-dry, the blankets retail for $119 and the throws for $159. This season will also see the launch of Kate & Kate’s first baby blankets ($100), which while a little smaller than their traditional blankets, are still generous enough for tiny ones and of course, keep with the Kate & Kate aesthetic.


Get a first look and feel at Life InStyle Melbourne this week. They’ll be available through their website and selected stockists nationally, from mid September.