Expert Tips

Our 10 most clicked blog posts of 2017!

I always love wading through Google Analytics at this time of year, getting a good insight into what our readers have enjoyed the most and hopefully learning from it for the year ahead in terms of what kind of content to create. So, here they are, our most popular posts of last year! There are some real crackers in here. The top post, about Melbourne furniture brand Barnaby Lane, proves that amazing styling and photography go a really long way towards getting your brand noticed (and shared, and pinned!).

How to: Create a minimalist interior with Barnaby Lane

I’m not at all surprised this next post from Cherie Barber ranked highly. Who doesn’t love a bargain, DIY before and after (in fact, any before and after!)? And bathrooms are probably the most expensive rooms to reno, so these two examples of overhauling them for $3,000 and $8,000 got thousands of hits.

Real homes: Two bathrooms transformed for just $3000 and $8000

Our biggest competition ever with Latitude Financial Services, was of course popular! It was a dream to be able to offer one of our readers $10,000 to better their home. We’ll be bringing you the results of the winner’s bathroom renovation later this year. Exciting!

Win $10,000 for your reno with Latitude Financial Services

Take a look at this trends piece from the Australian Interior Design Awards’ judges and see which ones were indeed popular in 2017.

Australia’s hottest design trends for 2017

I really enjoyed putting together this honest account of what I’d learned from doing our first bathroom reno (in the apartment we ended up selling two months after we finished it, lucky buyers!) and hoped it would be useful. It seems it was!

20 things I learned from my first bathroom reno

This next post aimed to educate people on how to use timber in their homes in a sustainable, no-guilt way and I’m thrilled to see it in the top 10, hoping it has inspired lots of you to use this beautiful natural material, but in the right way.

How and why you can use wood in your home guilt-free, like me!

A second post by regular contributor Cherie Barber to make it into the top 10, this one showcases some real kitchen makeovers with details of how they were transformed on shoestring budgets.

The best tricks for a cheap DIY kitchen makeover

The idea for this post just came to me randomly one day and I have to say it is often these unexpected lightbulb moments which lead to great content which you love! Here’s to many more in 2018! I wanted to share all the styling tips I’m lucky enough to pick up from being surrounded by talented interiors folk on a regular basis.

10 of the best styling tips I’ve stolen from the professionals

It’s a hat trick for Ms Barber with a third post in our top 10, featuring a kitchen and bathroom updated with nothing but good old paint!

Budget reno: A kitchen and bathroom revamped with just paint!

And to round it off we have a real home, and one of my personal favourites of the year. It belongs to interior designer Kate Walker. I love how individual this Mornington Peninsula home is; it doesn’t follow any of the usual trends, but features what Kate truly loves and has brought together so well.

Real home: Traditional American design meets Chinoiserie

I hope you enjoyed this roundup and discovered some posts you may have missed last year. I always love hearing what you’d like more of so feel free to comment below or email [email protected] at any time.

Happy New Year, readers!



Foodie Friday: Zucchini Noodle Faux Pho 

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If you’ve resolved to eat a little more mindfully this month (and who hasn’t?) then you’re going to love this delicious, carb-free “faux pho” from Williams-Sonoma. Rest assured, you won’t miss the noodles. Unconvinced? If you’ve never tried fresh zucchini noodles (made using a spiralizer), then your scepticism is understandable. But trust me, the spiralizer magically transforms the firm flesh of the zucchini into long, curly strands, which soften to the perfect al dente texture when combined with the hot, hearty stock.


The spiralized faux noodles aren’t the only cheeky shortcut in this simple take on a traditional pho. In the authentic Vietnamese version, the stock would be carefully and lovingly prepared over many hours, producing a rich and flavoursome broth with plenty of complexity. This cheat’s version is still packed with plenty of flavour and health-giving nutrients thanks to the ample quantities of fresh veggies, herbs and spices. And if you’re really short on time, it can be made in a snap using good quality store-bought chicken stock and leftover roast chicken.

STYLING TIP Two words: big bowls. The key to a satisfying faux pho is generosity. Lovely deep bowls like these are perfect, and be sure to have plenty of extra chilli, herbs and lime wedges on hand so everyone can flavour their pho to taste. Chopsticks and ceramic soup spoons will really make the “faux” feel real. Happy slurping!


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tsp finely chopped garlic
  • 250 g shiitake mushrooms, stemmed and thinly sliced
  • 1 star anise
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • Pinch of chilli flakes
  • 2 bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts, about 750 g total
  • 6 cups (1.5 litre) chicken stock
  • 1.5 cm piece fresh ginger, sliced into coins
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp fish sauce
  • 500 g zucchini, trimmed and run through the fine grates of a spiralizer
  • Your choice of sliced spring onions, sliced jalapeño chilli, fresh mint leaves and lime wedges for serving.


In a large pot over medium-high heat, warm the olive oil. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions are translucent, about 3 minutes. Add the garlic and mushrooms and continue cooking until the mushrooms soften, about 3 minutes. Add the star anise, cinnamon and chilli flakes and cook for 30 seconds more. Add the chicken, chicken stock, ginger and salt. Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce to the simmer. Cook until the chicken is cooked through, about 25 minutes.

Using tongs, remove the chicken breasts from the liquid and transfer to a plate. Let cool slightly, then carefully remove the skin from the chicken and discard. Remove the meat from the bones and tear into bite-size pieces.

Add the shredded chicken, fish sauce and zucchini noodles to the pot and stir to combine. Serve immediately with your choice of spring onions, jalapeño chilli, mint leaves and lime wedges. Serves 4.

–If you have a New Year’s resolution to cook more at home and eat out less, book yourself into a class at the Williams-Sonoma Sydney Cooking School. There’s a range of classes for both beginners and experienced cooks, where you can up your culinary game in a fun and relaxing environment.


Foodie Friday: Quinoa & Radicchio Salad with Turkey & Cherries

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Christmas is definitely a time of over-indulgence, so consider this jewel-laden salad your perfect New Year’s Day go-to. It ticks all the boxes: there’s plenty of festive colour and variety thanks to the dried cherries and pistachios; it’s fresh and healthy while still feeling quite luxe; it’s super simple to prepare, no matter how lazy you’re feeling; and it’s an inventive way to use up any leftover turkey from the freezer.

A great tip is to prepare a generous portion of the salad without adding the meat, only tossing it through the portions as you serve them. This is because the salad will last several days longer in the refrigerator without the turkey (or chicken if you’d prefer). It’s so easy to waste food over the silly season, so little tips like this help to avoid unnecessary waste. Also, the meat-free salad will develop its flavours stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator and will be even more delicious again the next day!


STYLING TIP  If you’re having a New Year barbecue with friends, serve this salad in a large shallow platter such as one from Williams-Sonoma’s brand new collection. Of course, if you’re serving it poolside, opt for the carefree ease of melamine with the rustic good looks of antique earthenware. Here’s to a safe and relaxing last few days of your break, enjoy!


  • 1 cup (185 g) quinoa
  • 1/2 head radicchio
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) balsamic vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup (50 g) dried tart cherries (or currants or cranberries)
  • 1/4 cup (30 g) chopped pistachios
  • 1½ cups shredded cooked turkey meat
  • 3 Tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, plus a few whole leaves for garnish
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper


In a saucepan, bring 2 cups (500 ml) of water to the boil. Add the quinoa and reduce the heat to low. Cover and simmer until the grains are tender and the water is absorbed, about 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork and transfer to a large bowl.

Core and thinly slice the radicchio. Stir the radicchio, vinegar, oil, cherries, pistachios and parsley into the warm quinoa. Season with salt and pepper and garnish with the whole parsley leaves. Toss through shredded turkey and serve warm or at room temperature. Serves 4.

–This recipe is adapted from one in Salad of the Day by Georgeanne Brennan. Head to Williams-Sonoma for lots more inspiration, or book a cooking class in their Sydney Cooking School and make 2016 the year you lift your cooking game.

Interiors Addict

2014, you were awesome! 2015, you’re a little intimidating!

2014 really was a big year, perhaps my biggest ever. I know for a fact I’ll look back when I’m old and grey and think that it was one to remember! Not only did my husband and I spend half of it travelling Europe and America (while juggling work and blogging in my case) but we also got pregnant with our first child. Considering it was to be our “get travel out of our system before we start a family” trip, that all worked out pretty well, eh? We feel ridiculously blessed and fortunate. Other highlights included helping interior designer Greg Natale, for whom I have huge respect, write his first book, and going to Dubai with 21 other bloggers last month as part of Australia’s largest ever social tourism campaign. 2014 also marked my second full year of blogging as a full-time job.

Baby’s first hotel bathroom bump selfie in Dubai!

The prospect of parenthood is probably equal parts exciting and terrifying from where I’m sitting. I mean, I’ve never done it before, so you can only be so prepared. All I know is that I will take this new job really seriously (while trying not to be one of those highly strung, control freak mums, as could so easily be my nature!) and in return, despite all the sleepless nights, I’m expecting it to be the most rewarding role I’ll ever have.

I’m really motivated to be the best parent I can be. I lost my mum when I was three years old, but I’m lucky to have many mum friends who I count as excellent role models and fonts of knowledge. As for my husband, I know he’ll be a fantastic dad.

Many people are obsessed with warning new parents how life will never be the same again and we have no IDEA how hard it’s going to be (it’s the smug, patronising tone that gets me!) and we will never have any time, or stuff, for ourselves ever again. I don’t think I need warning. I’m fully aware it will be hard, there will be lack of sleep, I will have to sacrifice and go without. But I wish more people would bang on about the benefits and the rewards, of which parenthood also brings many. I have enough friends with kids to know that much.

As for how juggling running a business and being a mum will go, it’s a little scary, yes, but something I will just have to experiment with and tweak as I go. There’s no year off work when you have your own business and while I intend to take some maternity leave, I’m conscious that the business I’ve worked so hard to build doesn’t suffer. So that means working smarter and more outsourcing among other things, to allow me to spend precious time with our bub. And then I’m sure there’ll be the inevitable mother guilt but I think I’ll worry about that later. One thing at a time, right?!

And did I mention I’m launching a second blog next month? No, it won’t be a mummy blog, but can you guess what it will be about? Go on, have a punt below in the comments!

Happy New Year to you all. May your 2015 be challenging, rewarding, happy and healthy!

I’ll get back to my nesting…

Jen x

Interiors Addict

Just another end of year musings blog post!

I don’t think I’ve had such a big year since 2005. That was the year I made the very difficult decision to leave a long term relationship that just about everyone else imagined was perfect. It was probably the biggest leap out of my comfort zone ever so when later that year, aged 26, I decided to move from London to Sydney (where I knew two people and had never been before) and everyone said I was brave, I really couldn’t see it. Moving to Australia was easy. And exciting.

I was only supposed to stay for a year but, after about four months, I knew I was never going home for good. That was almost five years ago and this year has been a major biggy to beat even that!

At the beginning of the year I started the long and drawn out process of applying for permanent residency. Around April, when this blog turned one, I seriously started thinking about its future, spurred on by the encouragement of my fiancé, friends, colleagues and industry heavyweights. The prospect of turning Interiors Addict into an actual job seemed too exciting to really believe. Nevertheless, I started making plans to eventually go part time,  putting in place a succession plan at my magazine job.

In June, my now fiancé popped the question underneath the Harbour Bridge. I started planning our wedding. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I know, I know, this is starting to sound like a bad novel.