Bedrooms Kids Rooms

Interiors Addict’s Lauren Ellis shares her beautiful nursery

Lauren Ellis, our fabulous Interiors Addict TV presenter, is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her first child later this month. In this post, she shares the nursery she has lovingly designed for him. 

lauren ellis nursery portrait

Designing a nursery for my first child, a baby boy I’m yet to meet, was always going to be the most magical and rewarding challenge. With each kick and every brush stroke, I thought of him sleeping in his cot or playing with the elephants that now adorn his room.


I’m a huge craft and DIY fan (my first ‘job’ was designing and selling gift cards to local businesses) so from the outset I knew the nursery would be full of homemade pieces. It also features pops of navy, my favourite colour, which being a minimalist I’ve paired with grey, tan and white.

The starting point for the nursery was the large inbuilt bookcase, which I lined with cardboard, covered in striking navy and grey material. It’s the first section of the room the eye is drawn to along with the sloped, high ceiling and window. I also considered painting the back of the bookcase or lining it with wallpaper but loved how easily the cardboard cutouts could be removed as my little boy grows and his room evolves.


On each shelf – along with white Ikea boxes with DIY tan leather handles – are books and trinkets that all have a story to tell. Most are gifts from family and friends (it’s incredible how generous people are when you’re pregnant) along with my husband’s and my first teddy bears, Peter Rabbit plates and a vase from our wedding.

The chest of draws on the opposite side of the nursery (a hand-me-down from my mother-in-law) was in desperate need of a makeover. I painted the timber drawers white, lined the inside with wallpaper and made the DIY leather handles with a touch of gold, to match the boxes in the bookcase. Above, Ikea wall hooks are spray-painted navy to balance the colour scheme. The cloud coat hangers (so adorable!) are from Talo Interiors, while the wall hanging is another DIY addition.



Given the room’s unusual shape, I knew the cot and rocking chair had to take centre stage. I fell in love with the white, Scandinavian cot with its rounded corners as soon as I saw it. The grey rocking chair and linen is from Adairs, the navy throw rugs from Pottery Barn Kids and my mum found the gorgeous giraffe in a little boutique store close to home.


The first items I purchased for the room were the stunning giraffe, elephant and zebra prints from The Animal Print shop, displayed above the change table. I found the prints on Instagram and had my eye on them long before I fell pregnant. To dress up the picture frames I sprayed little brackets gold and super glued them to each corner. The bunting is made from Christmas baubles, re-threaded with thin, gold rope.


To complete the room I added a white rug (which we already owned) to soften the timber floors. On its own, the cotton rug wasn’t quite enough so to balance the look I made a grey cloud to place in the corner.

Styling my little boy’s nursery has been a labor of love that’s brought me so much joy. I hope my son, who is due in two weeks’ time, loves the room as much as his mum. Now all it needs is him.


Thanks so much for sharing, Lauren. We wish you all the very best for your baby’s safe delivery and cannot not mention how gorgeous you look! Jen

Bedrooms Expert Tips

Create your own dream world with Sleepmaker

Sponsored by Sleepmaker

How good is sleep?! I seem to have a complicated relationship with it at the moment. Being 26 weeks pregnant, I’m feeling the urge to nap way more often but when it comes to bedtime, I’m not always succeeding at getting comfy!

Image: Country Road. Click for details.
Image: Country Road. Click for details.

I’m definitely glad we got a new memory foam mattress recently though. You’ve got to start from the best possible place, even when getting those zeds doesn’t come as easily as it usually does!

The importance of a good mattress and/or bed is often neglected when we concentrate on the aesthetics of our bedrooms. Sometimes getting the perfect bedsides, right height table lamps, the latest linen and the killer combo of decorative cushions (yes, I bet your other halves hate them too, ladies!) seems much more significant! But the right bed, one where you spend so much of your life, can make a massive difference to your health and mood.

Image: Hale Mercantile Co. Click for details.
Image: Hale Mercantile Co. Click for details.

But if the thought of traipsing around bed showrooms is what has made you keep putting the task in the too-hard basket, Sleepmaker’s online comfort selector tool can help.

By answering a few quick questions, it can make some recommendations which will narrow down the search for you and save you time. Of course you still need to go and lie on the thing and make sure it’s for you, but it can make the task a little less overwhelming. There really are so many options with beds these days, as technology has come on so much. I personally love the idea of starting with a recommendation or shortlist!

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You’ll answer questions for you (and your partner if applicable); everything from your weight, age, size preference, budget, any aches and pains you usually wake with and how you sleep, then enter your postcode to choose from your nearest stores, before being given a bed suggestion. You don’t even have to hand over your email address for the privilege, but you can easily email the details to yourself. They even suggest your perfect pillows!

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There are so many reasons a good bed is important. As Sleepmaker say: “Often people see purchasing a mattress as just something that meets a functional need and they miss the opportunity for it to become a place of pure comfort.”

They suggest three steps to experience your own dream world:

  • Take one perfect SleepMaker bed
  • Lay your head on a dreamy SleepMaker pillow
  • And top it all off with quality protectors and a cosy quilt.

So, check out the Sleepmaker online comfort selector tool today and get started on choosing your new bed and creating your own dream world!

Need more bedroom inspiration? We have a whole section on that! And kids’ rooms too! Later this month, we’ll show you how to bring together the other elements of your perfect bedroom, brought to you by Sleepmaker.

Interiors Addict

2014, you were awesome! 2015, you’re a little intimidating!

2014 really was a big year, perhaps my biggest ever. I know for a fact I’ll look back when I’m old and grey and think that it was one to remember! Not only did my husband and I spend half of it travelling Europe and America (while juggling work and blogging in my case) but we also got pregnant with our first child. Considering it was to be our “get travel out of our system before we start a family” trip, that all worked out pretty well, eh? We feel ridiculously blessed and fortunate. Other highlights included helping interior designer Greg Natale, for whom I have huge respect, write his first book, and going to Dubai with 21 other bloggers last month as part of Australia’s largest ever social tourism campaign. 2014 also marked my second full year of blogging as a full-time job.

Baby’s first hotel bathroom bump selfie in Dubai!

The prospect of parenthood is probably equal parts exciting and terrifying from where I’m sitting. I mean, I’ve never done it before, so you can only be so prepared. All I know is that I will take this new job really seriously (while trying not to be one of those highly strung, control freak mums, as could so easily be my nature!) and in return, despite all the sleepless nights, I’m expecting it to be the most rewarding role I’ll ever have.

I’m really motivated to be the best parent I can be. I lost my mum when I was three years old, but I’m lucky to have many mum friends who I count as excellent role models and fonts of knowledge. As for my husband, I know he’ll be a fantastic dad.

Many people are obsessed with warning new parents how life will never be the same again and we have no IDEA how hard it’s going to be (it’s the smug, patronising tone that gets me!) and we will never have any time, or stuff, for ourselves ever again. I don’t think I need warning. I’m fully aware it will be hard, there will be lack of sleep, I will have to sacrifice and go without. But I wish more people would bang on about the benefits and the rewards, of which parenthood also brings many. I have enough friends with kids to know that much.

As for how juggling running a business and being a mum will go, it’s a little scary, yes, but something I will just have to experiment with and tweak as I go. There’s no year off work when you have your own business and while I intend to take some maternity leave, I’m conscious that the business I’ve worked so hard to build doesn’t suffer. So that means working smarter and more outsourcing among other things, to allow me to spend precious time with our bub. And then I’m sure there’ll be the inevitable mother guilt but I think I’ll worry about that later. One thing at a time, right?!

And did I mention I’m launching a second blog next month? No, it won’t be a mummy blog, but can you guess what it will be about? Go on, have a punt below in the comments!

Happy New Year to you all. May your 2015 be challenging, rewarding, happy and healthy!

I’ll get back to my nesting…

Jen x

Dining Expert Tips

3 delicious cocktail recipes for New Year’s celebrations

Photos: Dara Tippapart | Styling: Nicole Valentine Don

Planning a NYE soiree at home? That calls for a special drink (or three) to welcome in 2015 so don’t just bring out the same old same old. How about something impressively different but super easy to make? And as well as tasting great they look amazing! Makes me wish I wasn’t pregnant. Somebody make me a mocktail, this is torture!

First up, the Coconut, Lime, Pineapple and White Rum Slushie. Does it get anymore summery?!


Then we have an Elderflower and Granny Smith Apple Vodka Granita. Right up my street!


Or perhaps the Pomegranate and Raspberry Spritz is more your thing?


You can find all these recipes and more in The Home’s free digital magazine.

I’ll be whipping up a few pregnancy-friendly mocktails with the help of my Sodastream. They seem to have been on a lot of my friends’ Christmas lists this year!


An unforgettable safari in the Dubai desert

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events

This Bloggerati Getaway is proudly sponsored by Dubai Tourism

You can’t go to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower, New York without seeing The Empire State, London without seeing Buckingham Palace or Dubai without going on a desert safari, as I was lucky enough to this week. A luxury desert safari, no less. Without a doubt, this was one special experience and the highlight of our trip so far.

Photo thanks to Be A Fun Mum. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Be A Fun Mum. Click for details.

I must admit I was a little anxious, understandably, at the idea of dune bashing while pregnant, but the lovely people at Platinum Heritage agreed to take me in a slow car which would take it very easy over any bumpy bits, and they did. I was so grateful for this as I would have hated to have missed out on such a great afternoon and evening. It started with donning headscarves, then into our vintage Land Rovers (they really look the part!) for a drive around the dunes. It truly was spectacular to be out in the middle of nowhere and what seemed like nothing but sand, sky and setting sun as far as the eye could see. It was so surreal and peaceful. We even saw a gazelle! I had to keep pinching myself.

Me sitting up front. Photo thanks to Melbourne Girl. Click for details
Me sitting up front. Photo thanks to Melbourne Girl. Click for details

We stopped for a falconry display where we sat on floor cushions, drank sparking apple juice and watched the sun go down and the moon rise. Again, you have to keep asking yourself is this for real?!

Photo thanks to Learn with Play at Home. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Learn with Play at Home. Click for details.

But it wasn’t over there. We continued, after dark, to a traditional Bedouin style camp lit with torches, for dinner and camel rides. We were welcomed with a sprinkling of rose water on our hands to wash them, and aromatic Arabic coffee. I avoided the camels. They have always freaked me out. Shudder. But the others sure had fun and the photo opportunities were great!

Photo thanks to Be a Fun Mum. Click for details.
Photo thanks to Be a Fun Mum. Click for details.

We dined on all kinds of traditional food on cushions inside tents, starting with lentil soup and bread, which we had watched being made, followed by an array of entrees which would have been sufficient on their own, then all sorts of meat, curries, rice and vegetables, including a traditional camel meat dish (no, I don’t want to eat camels either, so declined!). Later, I managed to squeeze in one deep fried doughnut dipped in date syrup. Delicious!

Trying to look the part, lippie and all...
Trying to look the part, lippie and all…

There was plenty of entertainment too: henna tattoos, shisha pipes to smoke (off limits for pregnant ladies too!) and traditional dancing. It was just lovely and all we could keep saying was “how amazing is this?” And then it was back in our Land Rovers in the pitch black, then onto our coach. It’s only about 45 minutes drive from Dubai city to the desert.

This was definitely a very Dubai experience and one I will remember for many years to come. Feeling very grateful indeed!

–Being pregnant overseas makes me more aware than ever of the need to take out proper travel insurance. I also brought with me a letter from my obstetrician saying I was safe to fly as this can often be an issue with airlines. Thanks to Bupa for providing my travel insurance for this trip (make sure you are covered for obstetrics care if you’re pregnant and traveling and ask as many questions as you feel you need to) and check your airline’s rules on how many weeks pregnant you can be to fly. It is usually different if you are carrying more than one baby. Get a free worldwide adaptor kit when you get your travel insurance through Bupa before December 31 2014 using this link or by calling 1300 555 240. Conditions apply.

dubai getaway

dubai tourism platinum heritage shangri-la hotel bloggerati australia 1001 events
Interiors Addict

Prepare for more nursery posts: I’m pregnant!

I’m not going to be able to keep it a secret for much longer and, safely on the other side of our 19-week scan yesterday, I have some exciting news to share: I’m pregnant! Interiors Addict is no longer my only baby!

I tried to keep it quiet but my rapidly expanding belly is starting to give it away. And then I got busted a few times on Instagram when well-meaning friends made comments on totally non-baby photos! I took the first one down but then I gave up!

Nursery with a bed

Although I admit to being a chronic over-sharer (that’s why me and social media get along so well) I have felt very private and protective of this little person growing inside me (still totally surreal, by the way!). I didn’t want the world and his wife to know, or to tempt fate. This is pretty much the biggest thing that has ever happened to me so I’m nervous, like all first-time-mums-to-be, I’m sure. I’m also really, really happy and excited!

Yesterday, we had our 19-week morphology scan and bub was looking healthy and perfect (we also found out the gender but as some relatives don’t want to know, I’m not revealing it here!).

As you know, Damian and I have not long returned home from a six-month overseas trip. That was the “before we settle down and have babies” trip. Ha!

I have never taken falling pregnant for granted. Sadly, so many of my friends have struggled to conceive. Why should I be any different? Having a child is a blessing, not a given. That being said, we of course fell pregnant right away, not realising we were flying home to Sydney with an extra passenger on board! And there was I thinking I had THE worst case of jetlag of all time and a weird craving for pretzels…

Less than a week after landing, we found out the good news and then started the longest couple of months of our lives while we kept a big secret from everyone but our nearest and dearest and counted down to the all-important 12 weeks. At this point, we told all our friends but I still wasn’t ready to share it with you guys. There’s tens of thousands of you, that’s huge!

But now I’m finally content to share our happy news and thankfully, I’m also safe to fly to Dubai tonight for what will probably be my last overseas trip for a long time! You’ve lucked out really, because you missed all my whingeing about nausea and extreme tiredness!

What a year I am having! Feeling very blessed indeed.

And yes, of course I’ll share my nursery progress with you! Nothing like a Christmas holiday project…