Designers Expert Tips

Creating a timeless interior: 5 expert tips

By Oliver Davis

In the world of fashion, trends dictate everything. Styles are temporary and most of us are fairly agile at updating to make sure we aren’t stuck in a perpetual time warp of bad hair and cargo shorts. In recent years, interior design has also become subject to waves of trends. Yet it is much harder to be agile when it comes to the interior of your home. A fashionable interior can become dated before you know it, and can be expensive to change. Below are my five tips for achieving a look that won’t become out-of-date any time soon.

Select high quality, natural materials

Mother nature never goes out of fashion, and incorporating fine natural materials into your interior is a surefire way of ensuring your home looks timeless and high-end. I prefer a natural palette consisting of stone, timber, linen, glass and leather when refurbishing and decorating. Use sustainably sourced timber such as walnut or oak for flooring, furniture and cabinetry. Choose something that you like in its natural colour, as heavily stained timber looks less natural and is prone to looking dated. Travertine and sandstone are great for flooring, benchtops and cladding, especially if you are striving for a sophisticated aesthetic. Soft furnishings should be in natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and linen. Don’t be afraid to incorporate other natural elements into your palette such as leather, shagreen and bronze, as these will age gracefully and often develop a beautiful patina over time.

Image: Architectural Digest. Click for details.

Incorporate technology discreetly

Technology, by its nature, is constantly being improved upon, and the rollercoaster of advancements in home electronics is dizzying. Nobody loves gadgets more than me, but I’ve learnt over the years that making a feature out of appliances and electronics can be dangerous, because nothing dates faster. Televisions can be concealed within cabinets or recessed flush within a wall, so that they do not dominate the space. Recently, I customised a beautiful credenza with a built-in hydraulic system for a client who wanted their TV to rise from within the unit with the push of a button. Audio speakers should be small (big speakers do not equal better sound quality these days) and should be placed discreetly, never wall-mounted.

Image: Rees Roberts. Click or details.

Use a neutral colour palette

Each year, Pantone release their colour of the year and in 2015 that colour is Marsala. Marsala is a rich, warm and seductive shade of red, and it really makes a statement. Yet come 2016, Marsala will literally be last year’s colour. Decorating your home predominantly in such a colour may be a decision you come to regret in future years if you’re someone who likes to remain abreast of current trends. I prefer to use neutral hues like ivory, oatmeal and soft grey for major items such as upholstery, rugs and curtains because they are elegant and timeless. Use cushions, throws, and other decorative accessories to inject bold pattern and on-trend colours, because they can be replaced relatively inexpensively if you do want to redecorate with Pantone’s colour of 2016!

Image: Bil Huber. Click for details.

Opt for unobtrusive furniture and lighting pieces that work together

The sign of a sophisticated and considered interior is that the entire space works cohesively as a whole, without relying heavily on a single feature to carry the rest of the room. Classic, simple shapes will endure. Design classics can add interest to a room without dominating it (think Wegner or van der Rohe), and if it is a design that has remained popular over many decades, you can safely assume it will continue to stand the test of time. To avoid creating a pastiche of a particular era or style, mix contemporary pieces with vintage ones.

Image: Shelton Mindel. Click for details

Choose art that you truly love

Artworks are very personal possessions, whatever the medium. They are less prone to looking out of date than other elements of your interior. Therefore, the only risk when purchasing a work of art is that you will cease to enjoy looking at it in years to come. Never hang art that you don’t particularly like, just because it is a good investment. Those pieces belong in a vault, not in your living room! Don’t fuss too much about coordinating the colours of a painting with the rest of your room – art is there to stand out, not to anchor other pieces. Choose pieces that are size-appropriate for your space and ensure they are well lit without being exposed to excessive sunlight. Above all, choose art that expresses who you are and what you love!

Image: Pamplemousse Design. Click for details

–Oliver is creative director at Oliver Davis Design, a residential interior design firm in Melbourne.

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Designers Expert Tips Furniture Homewares

Where to spend vs. save: an interior designer’s view

By Oliver Davis

The skill set required of an interior designer is very broad. Aside from all the obvious things (design acumen, drawing skills, encyclopedic knowledge of product lines, project management) something often overlooked as a core competency in this industry is the ability to direct spending appropriately. You see, no project, regardless of how grand or elegant, has an infinite budget, and many of my highest spending clients still have to agonise over decisions on where to spend money and where to save it without compromising on aesthetics. Below is my guide to how to achieve the look of a high-end fit out by prioritising your budget allocation on certain items.

Where to spend

Rugs: Rugs are always my starting point when decorating a living space or bedroom. They act as a foundation piece upon which to layer the colours and materials of everything else in the room. Selecting the right one is vital, and can be expensive. Formal spaces require something hand-knotted in wool and silk, with other natural fibre options including nettle, hemp or aloe. A cheaper option for less formal spaces, and one that I rely on repeatedly because I love the look, is sisal. It is more durable and feels textured under the feet, whilst still being soft enough for the kids to play on.


Lighting: A natural focal point of any room, lighting is not a place to skimp. The artisanal quality of handmade lighting can be breathtaking, and can completely transform the vibe of a space. I love big table lamps with bases in fine natural materials, such as woven leather or alabaster, and I always go for silk lampshades and diffusers. Coach lanterns in glass and metal make for impressive pendant or sconce fittings, as does anything in crystal.


Feature cushions: Abundant scatter cushions are vital for sofas, armchairs and beds, but can become expensive when fabric is purchased by the metre. Earlier this year, I had a client who held off ordering cushions until the project budget was almost drained, so I had the majority of them made in a cheaper, neutral fabric and then chose something very special for two or three feature cushions. These caught the eye with colour accents and a stunning textured material, and the overall effect was very impressive.


An interior designer: It may sound crazy, but sometimes paying an interior designer can actually save you money overall. Designers can offer access to those elusive trade-only suppliers, who represent a whole new world of product options that aren’t available to the general public. Many also have good relationships with high street retailers and may be able to negotiate a discount on certain items. Above all else though, they can offer a big picture vision for your home and help you to avoid the trap of ending up with a collection of hotchpotch products that looked great in the showroom but somehow don’t work together in your space.

Where to save

Beds: Many clients assume it will be necessary to trawl through designer showrooms and purchase expensive bedframes for their home. But if you want something that looks even more refined and is a fraction of the price, purchase a simple mattress and base ensemble, and dress it up with a separate bedhead and valance. For a contemporary but elegant look, I go for square, upholstered bedheads set quite high on the wall, sometimes with visible nail head detail around the edges.


Coffee tables/consoles/dining tables: When your budget is tight, the trick is to find hard furnishings that are relatively inexpensive but still well made. Many people resort to replica designer furniture, which often looks cheap and doesn’t stand the test of time. I recommend instead visiting some of those larger warehouses that stock imported 19th Century antique furnishings from Japan and China. For very reasonable prices you can find products that are beautifully restored and quite neutral in their design aesthetic. Just steer clear of anything too decorative and detailed unless that is the look you are going for. Bonus points for incorporating genuine antiques into your contemporary space!


Raw materials: I once received an amusing call from a client ordering me to call off the search for marble slabs, as she’d just dropped into a small showroom having a liquidation sale and talked the salesperson into selling her enough gorgeous Carrara marble to do her kitchen, the counters in both her bathrooms, as well as the cabinetry in her living room, all for $500! Don’t be afraid to inquire about a bulk discount if your project requires re-flooring, tiling or cabinetry.

Photo: Oliver Davis Design
Photo: Oliver Davis Design

Decorative accessories: With the rise of online retail, you have at your fingertips an overwhelming choice of bowls, trays, vases and jugs that won’t break the bank. Alternatively, you might like to peruse vintage shops and estate auctions, where it’s highly likely you’ll stumble upon a few affordable gems. This is your opportunity to finish off the space in a way that truly expresses who you are and what you like.


– Oliver Davis is creative director at Oliver Davis Design, a residential interior design firm in Melbourne. 


Melbourne designer Oliver Davis mixes luxury and sustainability in his interiors

Young Melbourne interior designer Oliver Davis has been making a name for himself blending luxury and sustainability, since launching his own practice early this year.


As the son of an anthropologist and political geographer, he spent a nomadic childhood travelling to exotic locations and soaking up a diversity of architectural styles. “I remember when my Dad was involved in mapping the Thai/Burmese border, my family stayed for a month or so in the palace of Thailand’s Princess Mother in Doi Tung. It was a fascinating residence that mixed traditional influences with contemporary finery. It’s hard not to be influenced by these sorts of things when you are exposed to them from such a young age,” he says.