Expert Tips RENO ADDICT Reno Trends

How to forward plan your next reno: expert tips

By Stuart Tucker

It’s never too early to start planning your next reno project and with material shortages as a result of Covid and many trades booked out months in advance due to the boom in home improvements, follow these top tips to give yourself the best chance of getting what you want, when you want it, and on budget.

  1. Decide your budget 

It’s always important to know what your maximum budget is when you’re planning and then add 10-to-20% on top of that which can be reserved for any unexpected challenges that you might face during your project. You should then think of the remaining 80-to-90% as your maximum project budget for hiring tradies and organising any materials.

two joiners installing a kitchen

  1. Map out your timeline 

Next step is to determine a realistic end date of when you want the job completed. From there you can work backwards on a timeline. Remember to always give yourself a buffer for any delays, especially given shortages which have been experienced for certain materials as a result of the pandemic. Always be clear on your timings when speaking with your tradie on the brief and ask for the agreed timeline to be included in the contract. 

  1. Have your measurements  ready

An estimated quote can’t be provided until you have the measurements and specifications of the area or space you want to renovate. It’s important to provide the clearest brief possible – a great way to do this is with photos. With tradies currently in high demand, it’s important to eliminate back and forth where possible. 

Painter man at work with a paint roller
  1. Begin talking to tradies early 

Different renovation categories boom according to season so if your job is included in hipages’ Home Improvement Report’s anticipated top five categories, such as a deck installation, you need to brief a tradie as soon as possible. We’d recommend starting conversations with tradies now for any jobs planned for early next year too. 

  1. Harness the power of technology 

The positive side of COVID-19 is that it has accelerated how tradies are using technology, with 29% of tradies increasing their use of digital platforms in light of the pandemic. This makes it easier for you to communicate with tradies ahead of the job, sharing your budget and timeline. The lockdowns in some states have also inspired tradies to give video call consultations before coming out to your property. 

Check out the hipages Home Improvement Report to find out which trades and projects are expected to be in highest demand for the next quarter.

-Stuart Tucker is chief customer officer for hipages, the online platform that connects Australia with trusted tradies to simplify home improvement, and proud sponsor of The Block Fans v Faves.

Design DIY Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

Should I cancel my renovation since Covid-19?

Throughout the country, people are pulling the plug on planned renovations and for those mid-project, the panic is real. But is it wise to continue in some circumstances and can we be using this time at home to plan, plan, plan?

Anna Williams is the owner of Your Beautiful Home in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Her and her team help people with every aspect of their reno from drafting, building design and management of council DAs to interior design, project management and decorating. She says the decision for many depends on what stage they’re at.

Mid demo? Keep going…

“For many people, their house has been fully or partially demolished already, so at this point you are 100% committed. You need to ensure your builders are practising social distancing and then we all hope that the Government will allow construction to continue as long as safe practices are in place for your building team.

“To these people I would suggest being as organised as you can with all your fixtures and fittings. Have everything specified and ordered as we are starting to experience delays in some areas such as tapware and appliances. One of our projects is waiting on a shipment of tiles out of Italy and now the docks are closed there for four weeks. The sooner you get everything chosen and delivered the better.”

Photo: Nat Spada

Make savings on things you can easily upgrade later

If your income is reduced and you need to cut back, Anna suggests trying to save on items that can be easily replaced down the track. Taps and door hardware for example, can be more easily changed down the track for something more expensive, than basins, toilets and lighting. “Built-in joinery can be put off and replaced with temporary cheaper storage solutions from IKEA or similar. Air conditioning can be provisioned for but not fully installed until a later date.

“Your flooring, kitchen and windows are all items that cannot be easily changed later and if possible I would recommend that you try to still preserve a level of quality there as these directly impact on your home’s value in the future.”

Some renos can be paused

If you haven’t already started planning a renovation or new build, but it was on the cards, now could be a good time to start planning and talking about it.

If you’re in the midst of a smaller renovation to a part of your house (like converting a guest room to a living area or removing a wall to open up a space), Anna says it may be wise to halt this if your income looks uncertain.

“If the builders have started work already, they will have to pack down the site and re-set up again at a later date. This may incur a bit of a premium over the contract price you’d agreed on, however my experience at the moment is that builders are being as flexible as they can, understanding that these are unprecedented circumstances. For some, the inconvenience of not being able to use that part of your home will be outweighed by the need to stop expenditure.”

Use the time to get through council

If you are in the early stages of planning a renovation, she suggests that, if budget permits, you still move ahead with getting your plans submitted as there can be considerable time in getting approval from the certifier or council.

“We will come out of this Covid-19 crisis at some point, and then if money is still cheap to borrow, I believe the building industry will be very busy due to so many people putting back their plans. Councils will likely have a huge backlog of plans to review too. At that point, I believe it will be a huge advantage to be armed with approved plans, completed specifications and be in a position to start building straight away.”

Bear in mind that once you have approval on a DA (development application) or CDC (complying development certificate), you have five years to start work before the approval lapses. You only have to start the work in this time (i.e. commence demolition or similar) and once works have commenced, the approval will not lapse at all.

The Your Beautiful Home team at work

No shortage of Aussie materials

“Many people have been concerned about supply of materials,” says Anna, but so far this hasn’t been too limiting. “We have had to change the spec on certain items for clients but nothing too drastic. Most of our key building materials – bricks, gyprock, metal roofing – are manufactured here in Australia so supply has been fairly consistent to date.”

A key concern for most is whether the builders will be made to stay home and construction will have to halt. “We’ve been communicating this to all our trades to ensure they are vigilant about the social distancing, as this is what the Government is keeping a close eye on. We are doing all we can to avoid the ‘Bondi Beach’ of construction!”

What can you tackle yourself?

With all this time at home, is it a good idea for people to proceed with DIY jobs themselves? “If you’re legitimately handy then by all means I’d recommend getting on with smaller upgrades around home such as repainting, upcycling a piece of furniture, landscaping or construction of a small deck, for example. I would caution against taking on more complex DIY projects that you’re not really qualified to carry out. Please avoid anything electrical!”

With all the extra time at home, Anna believes many will be frustrated with issues around the house that they’ve been meaning to get to for a while. “This may well be a good time to get to them, either yourself or by employing an expert. Handyman services are still operating at this stage and it may well be cheaper to get a qualified person to address these problems quickly and efficiently, rather than tackling them yourself and then potentially paying to undo that work later.”

But think long term too

If you do decide to take on minor renovations while stuck at home though, Anna says make sure you have considered the end plan for your house. “It may make sense to do up a bathroom now but in a couple of years, when you want to extend the house, that bathroom may be in the wrong spot and then your investment has been wasted. We see this all the time. If you are considering interim works or renovating your house in stages, then it is essential to have the end plan worked out first – even if this plan will be completed over several stages and a long timeframe. This avoids you making mistakes along the way that need to be undone later; a frustrating waste of money.”

There’s still a lot of positivity

She adds it’s still early days for us in Australia to know how the design and building industries will manage through this. “At this stage, we are getting a great sense of positivity from our clients that they will continue for as long as they can. Across the board we have people still buying and selling properties and keen to move forward with plans as soon as possible.

“I hope, like we all do, that this crisis ends up challenging us as designers rather than bringing us to a complete halt. As many others have done, we have now quickly adapted to working from home, dropping samples on doorsteps, visiting sites outside of building hours, looking around clients’ homes via Facetime, and presenting to clients on video calls.”

Compared to others in many industries, Anna maintains they are lucky. “We provide a service that can be completed from almost anywhere, and people’s home comforts are becoming more important to them than ever. At this stage, we’re taking it day by day as things continue to evolve but we remain positive that we will get through this, and learn a lot from it too.”

–Anna Williams is the owner of Your Beautiful Home in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. They create your house plans, arrange the approval, design the interior detail and project manage. Now you can work with one team on all aspects of your build. They’re currently fully operational and conducting all their work online.


10 of the best online tools to help you plan your renovation

In partnership with Latitude Financial Services

As most of you know, I’m knee-deep in renovations at my house, so I thought I’d put together a list of handy online tools to help you plan and execute yours! I hope you find them useful.


If you know tradies or have handy relatives, lucky you! I do not! When it comes to getting a job done at my house, it’s a bit like the blind leading the blind with my husband and I. This is why I love and use Hipages all the time. You hear so many horror stories about cowboys, that you want to feel secure you’re not being ripped off by rogue tradies. Hipages puts you in touch with three licensed trades for three free fast quotes for your job, whether it be painting, paving, garden maintenance or window-cleaning (I have personally used Hipages to find someone for all four things and more!). The best bit is you get to see their ratings and recommendations from other users. And Hipages make sure they are licensed for you. One less thing to worry about. I have hand on heart had nothing but good experiences hiring trades via this site. And there’s an app too which make it even easier. And in case you were wondering, the ‘Hi’ stands for home improvement! Get the app.

Beaumont Tiles’ What’s My Style app

Beaumonts What’s My Style helps identify your style from the top 10 global interior design trends based on your personal tastes and responses to a two-minute quiz. It’s like having your own personal stylist to help you nail the current trends with complete confidence, no matter your budget. It then recommends an on-trend style guide to achieve your designer look, of must-haves for each room including colours, stand-out furnishings, signature fittings, tiles and bathroomware, all curated to evoke creativity and design flair. Get the app.

Latitude Financial Services website

Latitude have some great online tools to help you work out which loan or card would work best for you and your circumstances. There’s also a personal loan repayment calculator and a handy budget planner to make sure you don’t borrow more than you can comfortably afford. Visit Latitude’s website.

If you’re thinking about financing your reno but worried you might get in over your head, check out this video with Jen and Jess Aloi from Latitude. It contains some great advice about how to borrow responsibly.

Reece Bathrooms’ 3D Planner

Reece marketing manager Belinda Geels said that making the bathroom design experience as easy and visual as possible was key to this online tool’s development. As well as allowing users to select from the entire range of Reece bathroom products and preview how they’ll look, the 3D Bathroom Planner also lets you choose fittings, lighting and tiles to complete the look. Read more.

Here’s a short video about how it works:

The Houzz app

This one’s all about inspiration! Browse more than 14 million high-resolution photos of home interiors and exteriors. Choose by style, location or room, such as kitchen or bathroom. Save and share photos with friends, family and home professionals and then even use the Sketch feature to annotate and draw directly on photos from Houzz.  What’s more, you can connect with over 1.5 million active home improvement professionals, including architects, general contractors, interior decorators, repair professionals and more, to find the right person for your project. Get the app.

This tool, from the Australian Institute of Architects, helps you find the right architect for your job. There’s also lots of information on what architects actually do and why you might need to use them. Visit the site.

Naomi Findlay is Australia’s rapid renovation expert and a regular contributor here and on our sister site Reno Addict. Check out her site for free downloads, advice articles and to find out when she’s next speaking at a city near you. Visit the site.

Taubmans’ Paint Planner Tool

The Taubmans Paint Planner is designed to do the thinking for you. It will put together a customised list of everything you’ll need for your paint project; from what materials to buy to how long it will take. You might be surprised at how quickly your room can be transformed! There’s also online colour charts (although these should be sued as a guide only), painting tips and a paint calculator. Check it out.

IKEA Place augmented reality app

Coming soon, this app from IKEA will let you visualise what furniture will look like in your own home. We think this will be particularly useful when designing your open plan spaces. Read more.


And last but not least, I can’t finish an article about where to go online for help planning your reno without pointing out the obvious! Pinterest is, in my view, the best starting point for inspiration and getting ideas. You can use this on desktop or download the app. And it’s great for creating your own online moodboards which you can easily share with others. Visit the site.


We hope you found this guide useful. Let us know in the comments if we’ve missed any great online tools!