Bedrooms Decorating 101 Expert Tips Furniture Renting

These landlord approved hacks are perfect for style minded renters

When renting, your options to personalise your space are limited. You don’t have to paint your walls or remodel the kitchen to have a space that reflects your unique style, however. Genevieve Rosen-Biller has provided her expert tips to make your rental your own.

Swap out blinds and curtains

If you’re renting, it’s almost a given the window treatments will be a little dated. The good news is that these can usually be swapped out easily and inexpensively. Hanging some fresh curtains in a neutral shade will quickly update the room and give it a whole new look. Just hang onto the old ones so you can put them back up again when you move out. (And take your new ones with you!)

Photography: Tuiss Blinds Online

Invest in beautiful bedding

Quality bed linen is a near effortless way to elevate a bedroom. This room should feel like a sanctuary and choosing pure bedding that is comfortable, breathable and luxurious will ensure you always sleep well. The enticing texture and broad colour range makes linen sheets a popular choice. Style in single tones or mix and match for a simple yet chic look.

Introduce plants

Leafy pot plants liven up and bring energy to any space, while keeping you feeling connected to the natural world. A big towering plant like a fiddle leaf fig in a bare corner, or trailing vines like devil’s ivy cascading down a shelf are instant statement maker. As a bonus, they will purify the air.

Living room
Photography: Sally Goodall

Add artworks

Art is a sure-fire way to add colour and personality to a place, and an art collection is something you can build on over time and take wherever you go. Most landlords will grant permission to add some hooks to blank walls so you can hang your favourite pieces. If this isn’t an option, lean oversized artworks against the walls on the floor and line up smaller pieces along cabinets, mantels and bookshelves.

Photography: Chloe Lambert; Art: Anna Price

Let there be light

Lighting can make a huge difference to the ambience and style. If natural light is lacking, bring in some floor and table lamps placed carefully around. Light fixtures that are daggy or clash with your chosen décor can easily be replaced with something more modern. As with the window treatments, just remember to stash the old ones somewhere safe for when you leave.

Photography: Sally Goodall

Cover the floor

A non-permanent solution to ugly patterned tiles, stained carpet or weathered floorboards is to layer rugs over the top. The larger the better, in colours and textures that give the room a new look while covering up all manner of sins at the same time.

Lounge room
Photography: Dylan James

Genevieve is the founder of Bed Threads.

Expert Tips Renting Styling

5 DIY updates for your rental living room

By Kay Harrison

No question, the renter’s life is far from glam. But your decor doesn’t have to follow suit. A little out-of-the-box thinking is all you need to transform your space into a home sweet haven. Sure, there will always be those boxes that you cart from place to place unsure of their contents but too frightened to investigate. But cloaked in a nice throw and arranged around a coffee table, these can double as a boho-chic living nook.

Photo credit: Style Me Pretty

But jokes aside, decorating your home-on-loan is difficult. For one, there’s the investment and effort vs length of stay ratio to consider. But a few quick and simple (and cheap) adjustments can go a long way. After all, time has a way of getting away with you. And a refuge from the outside world is the most must-have of must-haves.

So today, we’re turning to your living space and we’ve put together a few easy DIY tips to make your space more livable.

Fire things up with faux wall-panelling

Photo credit: Cardigan Junkie

Dabble Magazine proves you can change the world with two paint colours, painter’s tape, a metal ruler, a level and a little DIY know-how. Above, they show us how to achieve a geo-chic look with just a little patience. Can’t paint? Washi tape is to DIY decor what half a toothpick is MacGyver. It doesn’t look like much but it can save your life. Washi tape is the perfect antidote to too much beige. Apartment Therapy also have some great suggestions for removable wall-panelling options.

Realise that New York loft look

Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 8.08.28 am
Add an exposed brick wall to your space without the dust and fuss with these wallpapers. Photo credit: Zanui

Love that urban-industrial warehouse style? Introduce exposed-brick walls into your space with easy-to-apply wallpapers. Obviously this is asking for a more flexible landlord, but if you don’t ask, you don’t get. And if you’re planning on staying there a while, this kind of investment gives back ten-fold.

Re-purpose vintage tablecloths for super-cute curtains

Photo credit: Apartment Therapy
Photo credit: Apartment Therapy

We love that chintz meets lace look. You can create your very own window valances (use lace tablecloths) or curtains (use floral and patterned) with minimal fuss. Shop your local Vinnies to add some serious-nana style to your space. You can find curtain rings with metal clips attached for this uber simple make-over at the likes of Spotlight.

Line your shelving

Photo credit: HGTV
Photo credit: HGTV

Better yet, line behind, underneath, even on top of your shelving. Adding colour in unexpected spaces adds individuality to your home. Plus it keeps it neat and chic. And it’s easy to re-line with plain white when you leave.

Define it with decals

Photo credit: Zanui


Removable wall decals redefine your space instantly and peel away when you have to leave. And there is an almost infinite number on the market – from Banksy designs to quotes and iconic rockstars. Can’t argue with that.

Here’s to making a little sanctuary for yourself in your rental home! Go forth, chickens! Nest!

— Kay Harrison is a feature, blog and copywriter. She has work published in ACP magazines, ABC fiction, Overland, Seizure, trade publications and online forums and her creative writing has won several awards. Kay wrote this piece for Zanui.