Bathrooms House Tours The Block

Dee and Darren knock $20k off their reserve with en suite

So, did you tune in to last night’s room reveals from the surprise sixth apartment? I did and I must say it just didn’t feel anywhere near as exciting as previous weeks. I guess the couples just aren’t going to be as invested in an apartment that isn’t ‘theirs’ but that said, the stakes were high. The results this week and next could make a huge difference to the final outcome.

In first place, winning $20k off their reserve, were Dee and Darren and I think they really deserved it for this en suite. Did you? Loved the tiles, the just the right amount of timber and the perfect (as ever) styling. I just wish Dee would stop making so many mean comments about everyone else!

Apt 6 R1 DD Ensuite EA 1

In second place, winning $15k off their reserve, were Max and Karstan with this bedroom. I couldn’t get all that excited about it if I’m honest but then I’m never that excited by the bedrooms. It’s not a room I put a lot of decorating effort into personally, preferring to keep things simple, uncluttered and calm. I save all my imagination for the living and dining areas but that’s just me!

The Block in Melbourne

In third place, winning $10k off their reserve despite not quite finishing the job, were Simon and Shannon with their bathroom. I think the judges had a really tough job this week as how can you really compare a bathroom with a bedroom?

The Block in Melbourne

Apt 6 R1 SS Bathroom EA 31

Then sadly, last and least, were Chris and Jenna and Michael and Carlene who got a big fat ZERO off their reserves. Ah well, there’s always next week guys!

Chris and Jenna’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CJ Bedroom EA 56

Michael and Carlene’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CM Bedroom EA _12

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