House Tours The Block

The Block Glasshouse: Apartment six final reveals

Once again, I think the judges made the right call on picking Michael and Carlene’s laundry as the winner last night. The fact that a laundry is such a hard room to impress with made their gorgeous space even more worthy, don’t you think? And yes, Max and Karstan’s terrace was fabulous, but let’s be fair, they paid the experts to pull that off for them. While it’s not against the rules, there would have been some serious bad feeling if they’d won, right?!

Here’s that lovely laundry (and powder room) from Michael and Carlene. Pretty and practical:

The Block in Melbourne

(Read our tips on how to turn your laundry into a beautiful, multi-purpose hub)

The Block in Melbourne

Chris and Jenna’s living room: I didn’t like this one. Sorry guys! Too much TV, too much black, and I’m not a massive fan of yellow.

Apt 6 R2 CJ LivingDining EA 06

Dee and Darren’s kitchen: This was not a patch on the kitchen in their own apartment but still very nice. Couldn’t really knock anything about it but thought it lacked a bit of personality. Loved the timber pendants.

Apt 6 R2 DD Kitchen EA 11

Max and Karstan’s terrace: Gorgeous! And works so well with the inside I think. But, as mentioned before, the pair can’t take much credit for this one. Maybe we should be applauding their smart decision to outsource though?

The Block in Melbourne

Shannon and Simon’s terrace: LOVED the fire pit and thought this space really worked well in general. Nice and neutral with timber for warmth. A cosy space I’d love to curl up and have a drink in!

The Block in Melbourne

Buy what you loved from these rooms in The Block Shop.

Auctions on Sunday! Eeeek! Who do you think is going to win?!

Read all our Block coverage.

Bathrooms House Tours The Block

Dee and Darren knock $20k off their reserve with en suite

So, did you tune in to last night’s room reveals from the surprise sixth apartment? I did and I must say it just didn’t feel anywhere near as exciting as previous weeks. I guess the couples just aren’t going to be as invested in an apartment that isn’t ‘theirs’ but that said, the stakes were high. The results this week and next could make a huge difference to the final outcome.

In first place, winning $20k off their reserve, were Dee and Darren and I think they really deserved it for this en suite. Did you? Loved the tiles, the just the right amount of timber and the perfect (as ever) styling. I just wish Dee would stop making so many mean comments about everyone else!

Apt 6 R1 DD Ensuite EA 1

In second place, winning $15k off their reserve, were Max and Karstan with this bedroom. I couldn’t get all that excited about it if I’m honest but then I’m never that excited by the bedrooms. It’s not a room I put a lot of decorating effort into personally, preferring to keep things simple, uncluttered and calm. I save all my imagination for the living and dining areas but that’s just me!

The Block in Melbourne

In third place, winning $10k off their reserve despite not quite finishing the job, were Simon and Shannon with their bathroom. I think the judges had a really tough job this week as how can you really compare a bathroom with a bedroom?

The Block in Melbourne

Apt 6 R1 SS Bathroom EA 31

Then sadly, last and least, were Chris and Jenna and Michael and Carlene who got a big fat ZERO off their reserves. Ah well, there’s always next week guys!

Chris and Jenna’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CJ Bedroom EA 56

Michael and Carlene’s bedroom:

Apt 6 R1 CM Bedroom EA _12

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House Tours The Block

The Block Glasshouse en suite room reveals

Well, it was a night of mixed reviews and plenty of drama and whingeing, was it not?! But I’m very glad the boys took out the top prize and I think they deserved it. I can’t help but like these two; they’re so much fun and they seem to be genuinely nice guys. But I can’t not mention Dee’s super harsh bitching about Shaynna at the end of the episode. Definitely a step too far in my opinion. I’m a big fan of Dee and Darren’s style but the attitude I’ve been trying to ignore is bugging me now.  Anyway, back to the important stuff: the design!


Poor Carlene and Michael and their lack of a door! Thank goodness the judges could at least see they intended to have one! Darren said it was very glassy (yes glassy, not classy!) and fitting for the Block Glasshouse. Neale loved the joinery, sink and benchtop but found the room a bit cold. Shaynna said the pendants didn’t really work and they would have been better off with something in a timber finish. Darren, on the other hand, said he wouldn’t change anything and they’d done a really amazing job. And let’s just not talk about the dried flowers…

The Block in Melbourne

Get Carlene and Michael’s look: Jensen pendants, copper vase.


H2 Rm8 C&J Ensuite EA 22

This bathroom made Carlene and Michael’s missing door seem like nothing! Although it was full of great features, the judges couldn’t ignore the fact it was seriously unfinished (despite them carrying on working for 10 minutes after Scotty blew the whistle (naughty!). Shaynna loved the texture and shadows of the geometric tiles. I’m still undecided. I love the concept of 3D tiles but I wasn’t loving the scale of these. Brave choice though, good on them.

Everyone loved the exposed copper pipe leading to the shower and the fact that there was a bath. But as Neale said, you turn one way and it’s a bathroom by the contestants who got 30/30 for their main bathroom and you turn the other way and it’s a mess! Neale said they’d tried to do too much and incorporate too many ideas while Darren said he could see its potential and it was a real shame it hadn’t been finished in time. And just to put the boot in a little more, Shaynna and Neale both agreed the styling was really bad. Awkward!

Get Chris and Jenna’s look: Ando pendant in concrete, driftwood drum stool, emScents candle, VERE body products.


H3 Rm8 M&K Ensuite EA 02

It started off well with Max and Karstan’s reveal but very quickly seemed to turn sour. Shaynna said the room left her cold and felt a bit clinical. Neale said it was very hard. Mr Nice Guy Darren said it flowed very nicely from the en suite with its simple palette, while Neale said it felt dated. Darren made a big deal of the lighting and said the pair always make great choices in that department. He said it felt consistent with the rest of the apartment but didn’t appeal to him personally. I actually really liked its gloss and hotel feel. I also like a dark tiled bathroom. And not just because I think it will hide dust…

Get Max and Karstan’s look: Unika pendant, Tolo LED lights, Glasshouse Bora Bora candle.


H4 Rm8 S&S Ensuite EA 37

Well of COURSE they all loved the timber bath. “Oh my God, that’s awesome,” said Shaynna, who loved it so much she kicked off her heels and hopped in to try it out for size. Neale said the boys had absolutely nailed it and Darren said it was really really good. It was quite obvious the boys were going to win. Shaynna said it felt like a high end hotel suite and all the judges agreed this bathroom would become a key selling point for their apartment and something buyers would go crazy for. I absolutely loved this bathroom and think it totally deserved the win. I am a real bath lover and that timber tub is now on my dream house wish list!

H4 Rm8 S&S Ensuite EA 11

Get Shannon and Simon’s winning look: Lab pendants, Nord pendant, Octopus ornament, Sibella Court Gypsy book, Wood and Water timber bath.


H5 Rm8 D&D Ensuite EA 55

It may be small but Darren and Dee’s en suite looked pretty perfectly formed to me. Darren said it took your breath away but in a really gentle way. Neale said it was just beautiful. But Shaynna said there wasn’t enough storage (which did not go down well with Dee: understatement of the year!).

H5 Rm8 D&D Ensuite EA 62

Get Darren and Dee’s look: Constellation single pendant.

I’d love to know which was your favourite and what you thought of Chris and Jenna’s 3D tiles and the boys’ timber bath?

The Block

Kathryn’s look inside the finished Block Glasshouse

Last week, we sent our resident Blockhead Kathryn Bamford to look around the finished Block apartments. She was a little bit excited…

So I went into The Block on Thursday night and when I say went to The Block I mean got a full blown tour of all the finished apartments. Dreams can come true, right? I guess this is what little kids feel like at Disneyland and can I tell you it was everything I expected and more. The Block is situated on bustling High Street, Prahran. The neighbouring houses are cute double-storey terraces and mid rise new apartment complexes, which is rather different when compared to the monstrosity of The Block. Yet for an old eighties office conversion that is huge, it’s surprisingly not too overpowering from the street front and I have to say they have done a grand job of converting it.

We were greeted with delicious canapés and champagne of course, and ushered upstairs. It was a lot bigger than I expected on the inside and there’s even a common area complete with a lift that all the homes open onto (which we haven’t been privy to on TV yet). The contestants were all lovely and I think a little relieved it was nearly all over. They were all getting along so surely not too much drama will unfold for the rest of this season? The lovely Shelley Craft talked us through the proceedings of the night and we were sworn to secrecy with no photos banned inside the apartments (if only I could share the mental pictures I took). We were divided into five groups of around 10 people and ushered around the apartments.

First up for my group was Max and Karstan’s apartment. Holy moly this place is huge. It feels massive! The kitchen looks great and even has a TV in it which is a great idea and very family friendly. There are four ovens and a huge butler’s pantry which overlooks a massive courtyard. We were even lucky enough to see inside ‘the secret room’ which is at the top of a tight spiral staircase off the courtyard. Then it was off across the common area to Darren and Dee’s. Ok, so I’m actually in love with Darren and Dee’s apartment. It’s smaller than the others but boy, do I love it! Those herringbone floors are killer and are almost throughout the whole place. The kitchen is noticeably smaller than the other apartments and has a small butler’s pantry but it is still nice nonetheless. After seeing Dee’s styling in the flesh, it’s just as good as on the screen. I’ve decided that she should be crowned the texture queen of The Block! The  master bedroom feels huge and has a balcony overlooking the courtyard which both have great city views. Their apartment is definitely the most consistent of the bunch so despite being the smallest, I wouldn’t rule them out of potentially taking it out.

Next up it was onto the boys’ apartment. Shannon and Simon have done a fabulous job and I can assure you the kitchen is not a disaster, it’s actually really nice. I love the dark benchtops and textured wood grain cupboards they went with. I love the fact that you can stand at your stove top cooking whilst looking out of the massive window onto bustling High Street. All I can say for now is that the boys’ master room robe is as good if not better than it looks on the big screen. It feels more like a luxurious parents’ retreat than a bedroom. Wait until you see their master en suite. IT IS OUT OF CONTROL! I walked in and actually had to take a moment to take it all in. It’s so different to what you would have ever seen before and it really works.

Our fourth stop was at Michael and Carlene’s apartment. The kitchen didn’t wow me but it was still really nice. Their living/dining area is large yet still feels really family friendly and homely. It opens onto a huge courtyard which is perfect for hosting large family events and overlooks High Street. I have a feeling that a family is going to want to buy their apartment. Last stop was Chris and Jenna’s house. I mean apartment. I’m hesitant to call Chris and Jenna’s an apartment as when you’re in there it feels like a house. It’s noticeably bigger than the others and has a gorgeous three-storey staircase going all the way up to the rooftop terrace. I loved Chris and Jenna’s main bathroom which received a perfect score and standing in it, you actually can’t fault it. Their kitchen is huge like the rest of their house and I love the fact the butler’s pantry is hidden behind normal kitchen doors so you can’t even tell it’s there. The copper sinks and black tapware look fantastic and all overlooking a huge courtyard. To be honest, I don’t know how they finished such a big apartment with the same budget everyone else had.

So I’m not even sure if I can share this but what the heck. The couples get to do a re-do room and I’m sure you will agree with which rooms they choose to re-do. The night ended with some Q&A with the contestants and producers and after that and I got to take home a signed copy of Darren Palmer’s new book Easy Luxury. It was a great night and a big thank you to The Good Guys Kitchens for inviting me along!