
Artist Scott Petrie to have his first solo exhibition in Melbourne

Australian contemporary painter Scott Petrie is back in the country, and will open his first solo exhibition, Beyond, at the RTIST Gallery in Melbourne from 10 September.

Scott Petrie 2014

His first Australian exhibition since returning from Singapore, where he was based for the last three years, Beyond will include 12 artworks inspired by nature that feature a soft and subtle palette of pinks and blues as well as the more earthy greens.

Beyond is about reflecting upon and looking for more than what your eyes can see,” explains Scott.“It’s about noticing your senses, feelings and the depth of these artworks, which have been influenced by my surrounds in recent times. I always look to nature, the sea, the sky and all that is around us. The peace, energy and strength of, for example a stunning ocean or expansive national parkland, is an experience I want viewers to get from these paintings.”



With a style that creates a depth and tone that changes with the light of the day, Scott hopes these vivid but subtle coloured works will stir up new emotions in his audience. “I want my artworks to tell others about my journey but also to have meaning for those who view my paintings,” says Scott. “I feel so very fortunate to be surrounded a lot by nature, which for most artists is the start and end point for inspiration.”


A favourite artist of ours and many interior designers, you may recognise Scott’s work thanks to Greg Natale often featuring it in his projects. Scott’s original paintings start at $2,800 at 50 x 50 cm size, up to $7,200 for larger paintings more than a metre square.

Beyond is on from 10 September until 1 October at RTIST Gallery. For more information visit Scott’s website here or RTIST Gallery’s here.


Artist Jasmine Mansbridge’s latest exhibition, The Space Between

With a New York exhibition now under her belt, Jasmine Mansbridge’s latest solo exhibition The Space Between, will be held at Rtist Gallery from 15 May until 5 June 2014 in Prahran. In 15 paintings, the collection visually explores the similarities and differences in the experienced self through a multitude of textures and shapes.


Jasmine’s style has changed significantly since her last collection. Her most recent work marks a departure from her earlier candy kaleidoscope landscapes, presenting solo structures and forms that exist amongst rich, evocative hues. Architectural inspirations, stairs, buildings and windows are narrative anchors in the otherwise abstract; a representation of the self in the process of individuality.

A Heart without Anchor by Jasmine Mansbridge
A Heart without Anchor by Jasmine Mansbridge

“Although we are all human, it is our different experiences in life that set us apart and make us unique… I am interested in sharing my own experiences and making sense of both the difficult and beautiful things, and the bittersweet things, that make up a life,” she says.

Painting began as a hobby for Jasmine at the age of 17, but has blossomed through passion and dedication into her way of exploring life, experiences, and memories. Throughout her years of living in Australia, she has travelled and lived in several states, witnessing a vastness in culture and nature that greatly influences her creations. She now lives in Hamilton, Victoria, with her husband and four children.

In Jasmine's home studio
In Jasmine’s home studio


The Space Between, 15 MAY to 5 JUNE 2014.

Rtist Gallery, 29 St Edmonds Road, Prahran, VIC

Photography by Martina Gemmola